- all requests
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Work with Palantir
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Mathias Schindler on .
Information not held
Dear Mr Schindler,
We refer to your application for request for access to documents, registered on 8 June 2020 under reference number A/540.
You req...
Denuncias violencia de genero
Request sent to European Institute for Gender Equality by lorena rojas paz on .
Long overdue
Estimado Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género,
- Las denuncias de violencia de género dentro de las comisiones de la Unión Europea los últ...
Mujeres en directivos
Request sent to European Institute for Gender Equality by lorena rojas paz on .
Long overdue
Estimado Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género,
- El número de mujeres dentro de las distintas comisiones que trabajen en cargos directivos d...
Travel expenses of EIGE Director
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Helen Darbishire on .
Dear Ms Darbishire,
Please see the reply to the request of access to the travel expenses of EIGE's Director for the period 1 January 2017 to 31 Decemb...
Enquiry as to the allocation of the European Social Fund to biological females
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Thain Parnell on .
Awaiting classification
Dear Thain Parnell,
In response to your request for information under the right of access to
documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regul...
Estadísticas de violaciones a hombres en los países de la Unión Europea
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Silvia Oramas Pérez on .
Dear Silvia Oramas Pérez,
In reply to your request for access to documents (registered in EIGE on
05/01/2018 No A-17) EIGE would like to inform...
Travel expenses of EIGE Director
Follow up sent to European Institute for Gender Equality by Luisa Izuzquiza on .
Thank you! I hereby confirm receipt of the document.
Yours sincerely,
Luisa Izuzquiza
Access Info Europe
Dear Peter Teffer,
As per your request, please find attached a copy of the premises lease
Best regards,
EIGE Secretariat
Gender Wage Gap in Europe
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Sian Conway on .
Dear Sian Conway,
To measure the wage gap between men and women in the EU, the unadjusted Gender Pay Gap indicator (GPG) is used. The GPG represents t...
Gender and National Balance of the European Institute for Gender Equality emploees
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Drago Vobovnik on .
Awaiting classification
Dear Drago Vobovnik,
In reply to your request for access to documents/information, please find
EIGE’s answers below:
(1) How many women an...
Gender violence crimes in Europe
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to Paula Cobos Andrés on .
Partially successful
Dear Paula Cobos Andrés,
In reply to your request for access to documents EIGE would like to inform
you that EIGE’s gender statistics database c...
Rules for the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001
Response by European Institute for Gender Equality to N. K. Netzell on .
Dear Mr. Nietzel,
Please find below a link to the document online:
Only requests made using AsktheEU.org are shown. ?