Foreign Policy Instruments

A European Comission Service, also called FPI

31 requests
Demokratieförderung in Tunesien
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Fabian Hering on .

Awaiting classification

Guten Tag! Wir beziehen uns auf Ihren Antrag auf Zugang zu Dokumenten der Kommission, der am 29/07/2024 unter dem Aktenzeichen 2024/4041registriert...
Ref. Ares(2023)5748906 - 23/08/2023 Bonjour, Nous vous écrivons au sujet de votre demande d’accès à des documents de la Commission enregistrée le 18...
"CT CLOSE" project
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Jeroen 1050 on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Jeroen Lenaert,   Please, could you please acknowledge the receipt of the document enclosed in the message addressed to you? It is very...
meeting with Confindustria
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Will Aitchison on .

Long overdue

[1]RE: access to documents request - meeting with Confindustria --- Ref. Gestdem 2021/2901 - Ares(2021)2956410 Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[FPI re...
Information about We Empower Asia partnership
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Maria Hengeveld on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Madam,   You are kindly requested to acknowledge receipt of our reply by sending an email to [1][email address] as soon as possible.   Ki...
Penalties Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1686
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Peter on .

Handled by postal mail

Dear Sir,   Thank you for your e-mail dated 09/01/2018 sent to the European External Action Service (EEAS) and which the EEAS has transmitted to the...
Dear Sir, Thank you for your message. Kind regards, Carlos Remis SG.C.1 Transparence Berl. 05/315
Estimada Sra. Solé, Desde el 1 de enero de 2011, la política en materia de relaciones exteriores, que correspondía anteriormente a la DG RELEX, se tra...
IOM activities in Libya
Follow up sent to Foreign Policy Instruments by giulia crescini on .

Long overdue

I would be grateful if you could inform me about the status of my request and/or any issues that might have arisen in handling it. Thank you....
This message to ask you for an update regarding this request, since it has been delayed and should have been responded to on the May 14/05/2018 the...
Dear Rights & Accountability in Development,   Please note that we searched into our mail box, and unless we are mistaken, we are sorry but found ...
Morocco borders
Response by Foreign Policy Instruments to Benoît Theunissen on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Sir,   Thank you for your e-mail dated 21/02/2013, requesting access to documents under Regulation No 1049/2001 regarding public access to Eu...

Only requests made using are shown. ?