Adjunto se remite un mensaje relativo a su solicitud de acceso a
documentos de la Comisión registrados con el número arriba citado
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/1896....
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[4]Ares(2018)2713626 - Acceso a documentos. GestDem 2018/1933
Sent by ve_eac.b....
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[4]Ares(2017)245978 - Accès aux documents (GestDem 2017/0063) - Request of
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed the reply for the access to documents request with
the reference 2019/1574.
Given the volume of the documents d...
Please find attached document Ares(2019)3445309 from SONDERMANN Ulrich (EAC.R.1) dated 27/05/2019.
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2019)344...
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[5]Ares(2018)3384129 - Access to documents request - Pla...
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2017)3356731 concernant "Reply-Accès aux documents et/ou information. Nombre d'étudiants ERASMUS accueillis...
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[4]Ares(2016)6181838 - Access to documents - Breakdown of UK Recipients of
Please find attached an advanced copy of the reply to your request for access to documents GestDem 2016/4896.
The paper version of the decision by DG...
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2016)2088475 concernant "Reply - Ares(2016)2078173 : Freedom of Information request. Jean Monnet grants to t...
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2015)3137533 concernant "Access to documents. GestDem 2015/3655. Results of Strategic Partnerships under Cal...
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Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2015)2718434 - RE: access to information request...
ARES reference: eac.a.3.dir(2015)759206
Dear Mr Heller,
In your mail of 28 January 2015, you have requested to receive the
documents containin...
Thank you for making available all the documentation that I requested. I know that your time is valuable, and I appreciate your willingness to assis...
Dear Ms. Marnell,
Thank you very for your email addressed to DG EAC and for your interest in
the Erasmus programme.
Regarding your request to acc...
Dear Mr Soha,
Thank you for your emails of 22 November in which you asked how much money
was granted to the city of Vilnius further to its designa...
Dear Maddalena,
As stated in the email sent last week, none of the projects under our calls for proposals was Judo-related.
Kind regards,
Michal Rynko...
Dear Mr Vigata,
Thank you for your e-mail on 19 October.
As requested, please find below the link of the document in which you will find the informat...
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