Die Europäische Agentur für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs

Eine Fachagentur, auch genannt: EMSA

18 Anfragen
Dear M Ch, Please find attached EMSA's reply to your inquiry. Kind regards, EMSA / Praça Europa 4 / 1249-206 Lisbon / Portugal [1]emsa.europa.eu...
Thank you for contacting the European Maritime Safety Agency. Your email has been received and is being processed by our information team. We will ende...
Thank you for contacting the European Maritime Safety Agency. Your email has been received and is being processed by our information team. We will ende...
RPAS and satellite surveillance tenders
Internal review request sent to Die Europäische Agentur für die Sicherheit des Seeverkehrs by Luca Zorloni on .

Interne Prüfung ausstehend.

I filed an access to documents request more than one month ago, regarding EMSA's RPAS and satellite surveillance tenders. My request has not yet been...
Dear Mrs Rojas Paz,   We take note of your last request of 11^th of March. However we would like to remind you that our (attached) email of 28^th...
Dear Sir, Thank you for your message. The European Marine Casualty Platform (EMCIP) is an electronic database dedicated to the storage and analysis of...
Data of the public consultations undertaken by the EMSA during 2011, 2012 and 2013 related to safety of offshore oil and gas activities. Partic...

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