Juristischer Dienst

Die Dienstleistung der Europäischen Kommission, auch genannt: SJ

165 Anfragen
Dear FANTA, Alexander, Please find attached the electronic version of European Commission Decision C(2024)5490 as adopted by the European Commission...
Dear Mr Fanta, Attached, please find the Legal Service’s reply to your above-referenced request for access to documents. We kindly ask you to conf...
Dear Mr Crawford,   We refer to your e-mail of 15 February in relation to access to document request 2022/0204.   The Task Force for the Prepa...
Dear Mr Arun Dohle, Unless we are mistaken, and while checking our records, we have not received your confirmation of receipt regarding the message...
Dear Mr Hulsebos, Attached, please find the Legal Service's reply to your above-referenced request for access to documents. We kindly ask you to c...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2020)155398 - Your requests for Access to Docume...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2020)155398 - Your requests for Access to Docume...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Confirmation of receipt - Ares(2022)3756504  (Please...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Confirmation of receipt - Ares(2022)2155914  (Please...
Legal opinions
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Peter Pirate on .


Dear Mr Breyer, You have been in contact with my colleagues concerning your request for access to the Legal Service’s opinions. Let me address som...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]RE: access to documents request - English Versions of...
List of opinions
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Peter Pirate on .

Information nicht verfügbr

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Confirmation of receipt - Ares(2021)3636684 Sent by...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2021)2206721 - Your request for Access to Docume...
EEG expertise on third countries
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Enrique Broenstein on .


Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2020)7660133 - RE: Internal review of access to...
Interoperability of contact tracing apps
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Alexander Fanta on .

Information nicht verfügbr

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2020)6385222 - Your request for Access to Docume...
EU Regulation on the refurbishment goods
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Hong hanh on .

Reported for administrator attention.

Dear Madam/Sir, We refer to your below-mentioned request for access to documents. Unfortunately, you have not indicated your postal address which is...
Frontex legal opinion on weapons
Follow up sent to Juristischer Dienst by Nikolaj Nielsen on .

Information nicht verfügbr

Reception confirmed. Yours sincerely, Nikolaj Nielsen
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2019)6219239 - Your request for access to docume...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2019)4668291 - Your request for Access to Docume...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Link: [3]themeData Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping [5]Ares(2019)4668291 - Your request for Access to Docume...
The legal submissions of the parties and interveners/observers in the Case T‑680/13 (Chrysostomides) Yours faithfully, Nicholas Haagensen
GESTDEM 2019/2114
Anfrage gestellt an Juristischer Dienst durch Peter am .


On 6 March 2019 I filed an access to documents request addressed to the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneu...
Dear Mr Haagensen, The Legal Service has received your application below. This request is identical to the one we registered on 22/05/2018 under refer...
Employees of legal service
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Nicholas Haagensen on .


Dear Mr Haagensen,   We refer to your requests for access to documents under Regulation 1049/2001 concerning:    1. "All employees that have work...
Legal advice on trainings to Libyan Coast Guard
Response by Juristischer Dienst to Luisa Izuzquiza on .

Information nicht verfügbr

Dear Ms Izuzquiza,   Please find attached the reply of the Legal Service to your request for access to documents.   The reply will be shortly sent...

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