Request for lobby documents & meetings
Internal review request sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Jelena Prtoric on .

Interne Prüfung ausstehend.

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications. I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my acc...
Adoption internationale enfants roumains
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Arun Dohle on .

Stark verspätet.

I take note of the fact that there is no acknowledgment of receipt. No reaction at all. We will find other ways to get the requested documents....
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch thibault Coigniez am .

Stark verspätet.

On the (possible) meetings that employees of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union had with representatives (or members) o...
Meetings on pesticides
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Lora Verheecke am .

Stark verspätet.

With reference to the Law on Free Access to Public Information, I would like to request the following information: How many meetings have employee...
Request for lobby documents & meetings
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Adrian Burtin on .

Stark verspätet.

It's August 11 and I still haven't received an answer to my request made on June 6. On June 29. I therefore politely ask you for an update on the pr...
US government on DMA
Internal review request sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Samuel Stolton on .

Interne Prüfung ausstehend.

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications. I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my acc...
EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC)
Internal review request sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Samuel Stolton on .

Interne Prüfung ausstehend.

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications. I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my acc...
ERT Meeting March 1
Internal review request sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Samuel Stolton on .

Interne Prüfung ausstehend.

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications. I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my acc...
Under the French access to information law (loi n° 78-575 du 17 juillet 1978 relative aux documents administratifs), I kindly request access to any...
Meetings with interest groups about CBCR
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Diogo Augusto on .

Stark verspätet.

I am yet to receive a response to my request. This should have been sent by yesterday. Please look into this matter with urgency. Yours faithfully...
French Presidency of the EU
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Lora Verheecke am .

Stark verspätet.

Conformément à la législation française applicable (en particulier l’article 15 de la Déclaration des droits de 1789 ainsi que la loi dite "CADA" du...
Meetings with stakeholders on recovery plans
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Lala Hakuma on .

Stark verspätet.

Bonjour, Je n'ai eu aucune réponse de votre part concernant ma demande d'accès aux informations envoyée dans le cadre de la Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet...
Meetings with stakeholders on recovery funds
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Pascoe Sabido am .

Stark verspätet.

1) all correspondence (including emails and attachments) between the Permanent Representation of France to the EU and stakeholders regarding Nati...
Work with Palantir
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Mathias Schindler am .

Stark verspätet.

Palantir Technologies, Inc. is a private company supplying products and services. I am asking for any information related to palantir and its pro...
List of meetings
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Luisa Izuzquiza on .

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On 6 April 2018 I filed the following information request under the Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 portant diverses mesures d’amélioration des rela...
Request for documents
Response by Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs to Vincent Harmsen on .

Zuordnung wird erwartet.

Bonjour, La Représentation permanente est sous régime de permanence jusqu’au 26 août 2018. Veuillez adresser toute demande à traiter pendant cette pé...
Conformément au législation française applicable (en particulier l’article 15 de la Déclaration des droits de 1789 ainsi que la loi dite "CADA" du 1...
Les comptes rendus faits
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Vicky Cann am .

Stark verspätet.

Conformément au législation française applicable (en particulier l’article 15 de la Déclaration des droits de 1789 ainsi que la loi dite "CADA" du 1...
Propositions d'amendements
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Vicky Cann am .

Stark verspätet.

Conformément au législation française applicable (en particulier l’article 15 de la Déclaration des droits de 1789 ainsi que la loi dite "CADA" du 1...
Sugar Related Policy Measures
Follow up sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by kasia on .

Stark verspätet.

just a comment of clarification as I just noted that there was a small mistake in my request. Of course, I am not requesting meetings with the Repre...
Monsieur, Votre demande est bien parvenue à la Représentation en France de la Commission européenne. Votre demande concernant la Représentation perman...
Contacts with oil companies in relation to MIFID
Clarification sent to Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs by Natacha Cingotti on .

Stark verspätet.

On 15th march 2013, I sent the following request to the Permanent representation of France to the EU. All documents in relation to contacts betwe...
Following on from my recent request (Access to document: Réflexions sur l'avenir des relations entre l'Union européenne et la Chine - 2004), I would...
Drug Programme Pakistan funded by France
Anfrage gestellt an Ständige Vertretung Frankreichs durch Maya Foa am .

Stark verspätet.

Dear Sir This is a request for records in accordance with Act No. 78-753 of 1978. I am writing to request copies of all documents that relate to a...

Es werden ausschliesslich Anfragen zu folgendem Sucheintrag angezeigt: ?