Details der Anfrage “EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward


This table shows the technical details of the internal events that happened to this request on This could be used to generate information about the speed with which authorities respond to requests, the number of requests which require a postal response and much more.

Gewährleistungsausschluss!Um diese Daten ehrenhaft zu nutzen, benötigen Sie gute interne Kenntnisse des Nutzerverhaltens auf Es ist nicht überschaubar wie, warum und von wem Anfragen kategorisiert werden und es sind Nutzerfehler und Unklarheiten zu erwarten. Ein gutes Verständnis der Informationsfreiheits-Gesetzgebung und die Art und Weise der Anwendung durch Behörden ist ebenso wichtig. Ferner benötigen Sie herausragende Statisikkenntnisse. Für Fragen nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf.

id event_type created_at described_state last_described_at calculated_state link
162665  sent  2022-05-09 12:50:23 +0200  waiting_response  2022-05-09 12:50:24 +0200  waiting_response  outgoing  
162780  response  2022-05-10 16:45:20 +0200        incoming  
164224  response  2022-05-17 10:16:52 +0200    2022-07-13 12:12:26 +0200  successful  incoming  
174990  status_update  2022-07-13 12:12:26 +0200  successful  2022-07-13 12:12:26 +0200  successful   
205961  edit  2023-01-14 04:45:11 +0100         
205962  edit  2023-01-14 04:45:11 +0100         
205963  edit  2023-01-14 04:45:11 +0100         
205964  edit  2023-01-14 04:45:11 +0100         
308638  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308639  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308640  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308641  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308642  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308643  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308644  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         
308645  edit  2024-07-14 05:45:15 +0200         

Here described means when a user selected a status for the request, and the most recent event had its status updated to that value. calculated is then inferred by for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. See the search tips for description of the states.

You can get this page in computer-readable format as part of the main JSON page for the request. See the API documentation.