COMPROMISE 1 - Recital A
AMs 28 (Maurel), 29 (Olekas), 31 (Tudorache) - AM 30 (Zimniok) falls
Whereas through the AA/DCFTA
the EU and the Republic of Moldova committed to
promote political association and achieve economic integration, and [AM 29 Olekas] the
Republic of Moldova committed to incorporating the EU acquis into its own laws and practices
in a large number of areas; whereas, in order to support these efforts, the
Union committed to
provide substantial
financial and budgetary assistance to the Republic of Moldova
, under the
condition that core European values and principles, such as rule of law, human and
democratic rights are respected and that the fights against corruption, organized crime,
money laundering, oligarchic structures and nepotism are guaranteed;
whereas in serious
cases of backsliding cooperation can be reversed [AM 28 Maurel]
COMPROMISE 2 - Recital E
AMs 38 (Nica), 39 (Castaldo), 40 (Maurel), 50 (Strugariu)
Whereas, following the formation in June 2019 of a government committed to carrying
out ambitious reforms
with a government’s programme focused on reform of the judiciary,
the Commission disbursed the first instalment of Macro-Financial Assistance and resumed
disbursements for sector budget support programmes,
while declaring that it would continue
to apply strict conditionality [AM 38 Nica]; whereas
on 10 July 2020, the Commission
approved the disbursement of a second and final instalment of 30 million euros from its
Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programme [AMs 39 Castaldo, 50 Strugariu]
; whereas,
however, the Republic of Moldova has not been able to access the rest of funds available
under this programme, which expired in July 2020; [AM 50 Strugariu]
; whereas this
assistance remains conditional upon implementing
previously agreed reforms
, in particular
those aimed at strengthening the rule of law [AM 40 Maurel]
, democratic standards and
bringing tangible results to the citizens;
COMPROMISE 3 - Recital Fa (new)
AMs 44 (Strugariu), 48 (Olekas)
F a. Whereas on 17 April 2020, the Russian and Moldovan governments signed an
agreement for a loan of EUR 200 million to be provided by the Russian Federation to the
Republic of Moldova with a preferential 2% interest rate, which was negotiated by the
presidents of both countries; whereas this agreement has been ratified on the 23rd of April
and, on the same day, following an appeal introduced by members of the parliamentary
opposition, the Constitutional Court (CC) of the Republic of Moldova suspended the
ratification law of the loan agreement until it would complete the examination of its
compatibility with the Constitution; whereas on the 6th of May, the President of the CC
reported pressure from the Moldovan authorities on the CC, as well as attempts to discredit
its judges [AM 44 Strugariu]
; whereas on the 7th of May 2020, the CC declared the loan
agreement unconstitutional [AMs 44 Strugariu, 48 Olekas]
; whereas a new loan agreement
with the Russian Federation is currently under negotiations; [AM 44 Strugariu]
COMPROMISE 4 - Recitals Fb (new), Fc (new), Fd (new)
AMs 47 (Halicki), 53 (Strugariu), 54 (Strugariu), 84 (Tudorache), INTA 4 first part
F b. Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has proved the rising need for coordination in
tackling common threats between the Union and neighbouring countries; whereas the
Union has responded to that need with, among other tools, the provision of a financial help
package to its neighbours, from which Moldova is entitled to receive up to EUR 100
million[AM 47 Halicki]
F c. Whereas during the COVID-19 crisis solidarity with the Eastern Partnership
countries is of paramount importance and the Union provided substantial support to address
the impact of the outbreak in the region; whereas, in this context, the Republic of Moldova
will benefit from 87 million euros in redirected bilateral funding; [AM 53 Strugariu]
welcomes the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding on new exceptional EU
Macro Financial Assistance program aimed at countering the negative economic impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic and looks forward to the implementation of the undertaken
commitments [AM 84 Tudorache]
F d. Whereas the Union is also making further MFA loans of 100 euros million available
to the Republic of Moldova, as part of the decision to provide MFA to ten partner countries
in the neighbourhood in order to help them limit the economic fallout from the coronavirus
pandemic; whereas the first instalment of the exceptional MFA package will be disbursed as
swiftly as possible given that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Moldova has
been ratified; whereas in order to receive the second instalment, to be disbursed within one
year from the signing of the MoU, the country will have to respect certain conditionalities;
whereas an important precondition for the granting of this MFA is that the country respects
effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system, the rule of
law and guarantees respect for human rights; [AM 54 Strugariu, INTA 4 first part]
COMPROMISE 5 - Recitals Fe (new), Ff (new)
AMs 42 (Basescu), 56 (Strugariu)
F e. Whereas in November 2019 the Moldovan parliament adopted a motion of no
confidence in the government formed in June 2019 and a minority government and
subsequently a new coalition government have been formed; whereas representatives of the
Union institutions have expressed concern at the way in which the old government has been
replaced and at the reform process undertaken by the Republic of Moldova through the
AA/DCFTA; [AM 42 Basescu]
F f. Whereas the new coalition government’s majority in the Parliament of the Republic
of Moldova has been constantly shrinking as deputies defected from the ruling alliance;
whereas the Republic of Moldova will hold Presidential elections in the fall and is currently
facing a period of acute political instability; whereas President Igor Dodon has underlined
that the Parliament must be dissolved and early elections must be held as soon as possible;
whereas on the 7th of July 2020, the Constitutional Court of Moldova has ruled that early
elections could be held only after the Presidential elections; [AM 56 Strugariu]
COMPROMISE 6 - Paragraph 1
AMs 32 (Olekas), 60 (Strugariu), 61 (Tudorache), 62 (Maurel), 63 (Bocskor), 64 (Olekas),
INTA 2 first part, INTA 5 second part
Recalls that the common values on which the Union is built, namely democracy,
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law, lie also at the heart
of the political association and the economic integration between the Union and the Republic
of Moldova [AMs 32 Olekas, 60 Strugariu]
; reaffirms the Union's commitment to support the
Republic of Moldova’s European path through political association, economic integration
and the respective reforms [AM 63 Bocskor]
; notes that the AA/DCFTA remains of primary
for the development of the Republic of Moldova, especially in current exceptional
times, and commends the
sustained engagement in this process of Moldovan society and
authorities; recalls, however, that further progress must be achieved
in its implementation, to
deliver its full potential and benefits [AMs 61 Tudorache, 64 Olekas, INTA 2 first part],
particularly by focusing on the independence of State institutions, their resilience against
the influence from oligarchs, fight against corruption, justice, strengthening rule of law and
on improving the living conditions of the citizens [AMs 62 Maurel, 64 Olekas, INTA 5 second
underlines that the AA/DCFTA was the main vector in encouraging and supporting
the process of structural reforms, democracy and the rule of law [AM 61 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 7 - Paragraph 2 a (new)
AMs 73 (McAllister), 136 (Fotyga)
2 a. Is of the opinion that the disbursement of the second instalment of the EU Macro
Financial Assistance Program for 2017-2020 should be followed by the efforts of the
Moldovan authorities in order to fulfil the relevant conditions in the areas related to
strengthening the anti-money-laundering framework and should deliver tangible and lasting
results [AM 136 Fotyga,],
as well as strengthening the independence of the national bank
[AM 73 McAllister];
COMPROMISE 8 - Paragraph 3
AMs 82 (Tudorache), 83 (Basescu), 98 (Von Cramon), 112 (Tudorache), 155 (Halicki) - AMs
78 (Zimniok), 79 (Paet), 80 (Halicki), 81 (Mariani) fall
Notes that the November 2019 Activity Program of the
of the Republic of Moldova is
less ambitious than the previous government’s 2030 Global Agenda and
is concerned that
political instability and frequent government changes are affecting the implementation of
AA/DCFTA provisions and limiting the pace of reforms [AM 112 Tudorache]
; supports the
connection of the next Association Agenda with the new NAPIAA and emphasizes the
importance of a rapid adoption of the new Agenda as an instrument to accelerate the
implementation of the Association Agreement and update its priorities [Proposal by the
, with active parliamentary participation and input from civil society and other
stakeholders in the EU and Moldova [AM 98 Von Cramon]
; insists that the continuation of
political and financial support remains conditional on the delivery of tangible
[AM 82 Tudorache] in particular
concerning the rule of law and [AM 83 Basescu] the
judiciary; in
this regard, reiterates the importance of implementing all priority reforms
agreed in the Association Agenda and of fulfilling the conditionalities agreed for the
disbursement of second and third tranches of the MFA [AM 155 Halicki]
COMPROMISE 9 - Paragraph 4
AMs 87 (Strugariu), 88 (Olekas), 90 (Von Cramon), 91 (Halicki), 92 (Tudorache), 93 (Lega),
95 (Bocskor) - AMs 66 Fotyga, 86 (Zimniok), 89 Mariani, 94 (Paet), , 102 Paet, fall
Welcomes the Republic of Moldova’s constructive contribution to the cooperation
within the Eastern Partnership and encourages a permanent and intensified political
exchange among countries part of AA/DCFTAs, and the European Commission on
association-related reforms [proposal by the Rapporteur]; calls on the European Commission
make a proper use of existing [AM 91 Halicki] mechanisms to
continue to monitor the
concrete implementation of reforms and develop a
conditionality mechanism [AMs 92
Tudorache, 93 Lega, 95 Bocskor], including clear benchmarks
, with the meaningful
involvement of civil society, particularly at local level;
deems it essential, in this context, to
step up the financial support for CSOs, which play a critical role in fostering participation
in public debates and monitoring both the action of Moldovan authorities and the
effectiveness of the Union’s policies towards the country; [AMs 87 Strugariu, 90 Von
in addition, suggests using the experience of the Support Group for Ukraine to
create a similar structure for Moldova, in order to increase the effectiveness and visibility of
the Union’s support; [AM 88 Olekas]
COMPROMISE 10 - Paragraphs 4a (new), 4b (new), 4c (new), 4d (new) 4b TBC
AMs 96 (Nica), 99 (Strugariu), 100 (Tudorache), 101 (Olekas), 103 (McAllister), 140 (Von
Cramon), 146 (Von Cramon), 149 (Strugariu), 150 (Tudorache), 153 (Tudorache), 154 (Von
Cramon), 158 (Von Cramon), 163 (Halicki), 165 (Halicki), 257 (Fotyga)
4 a. Underlines that the situation in Moldova should be closely monitored in the long
term, including during the pre-electoral period, in accordance with the normal
OSCE/ODIHR practices and standards, particularly in the current period of crisis, as the
forthcoming presidential elections will be a test for democracy and the rule of law in the
country [AM 96 Nica]
4 b. In this respect, calls on the Moldovan authorities to ensure free and fair presidential
elections scheduled on 1 November 2020 [AMs 99 Strugariu, 100 Tudorache, 101 Olekas, 146
Von Cramon]
and urges the Moldovan authorities to further improve the electoral legislation
in order to ensure the effectiveness of the right to vote, the fairness of the electoral campaigns
[AM 149 Strugariu, 150 Tudorache],
the transparency of the legislative process and
democratic oversight, so as to allow adequate public scrutiny of the government’s and the
parliament’s activity [AM 158 Von Cramon];
demands that the Moldovan authorities refrain
from altering rules and regulations for political gain, which will always end in political
unrest and instability affecting the commitment for structural reforms [AM 153 Tudorache]
underlines in view of future elections the importance of democratic legitimacy of the
government, transparency in coalition building, respect for the will of the voters and the
importance that a government majority reflects the vote of the people [AM 165 Halicki]
4 c. Calls on the Moldovan authorities to strengthen democratic mechanisms, including
a multi-party parliamentary system, and to ensure free, independent and pluralistic media
as well as a fair access to finance and media [AMs 103 McAllister, 146 Von Cramon, 257
; in this context, demands that Moldovan authorities strengthen resilience against
disinformation and information manipulation by domestic and foreign actors, online and
offline [AM 140 Von Cramon]
and implement measures to address the even more urgent
need to tackle vote buying, intimidation of election observers, electoral bribery and other
corrupt practices, as well as the misuse of State resources [AM 163 Halicki],
as those
practices undermine and destroy all democratic efforts made by political actors of Moldova;
[AM 163 Halicki]
4 d. Urges the Moldovan government to put in place all necessary measures to ensure that
the citizens of Moldova living in the Transnistrian region as well as outside of Moldova can
participate in elections in an inclusive, transparent and fair way, free from foreign
interference [AM 154 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 11 - Paragraphs 4e (new), 4f (new), 4g (new)
AMs 51 (Halicki), 67 (Tudorache), 97 (Halicki), 104 (Paet), 106 (Paet), 139 (Fotyga), 235
(Strugariu), 264 (Von Cramon), 268 (Von Cramon)
4 e. Welcomes the reforms that led to the introduction of a visa-free regime with the
Union; the program has been used extensively by the citizens of the Republic of Moldova
and represents a very good example of how the implementation of the AA/DCFTA touches
upon the lives of citizens by fostering people-to-people contacts with other fellow Europeans
[AM 67 Tudorache]
; calls on the Union and Moldova to further improve people-to-people
contacts and exchanges in order to build mutually positive images of each other among the
populations; [AM 268 Von Cramon]
4 f.
Welcomes the fact that since 2014 more than 2,3 million Moldovan citizens have
benefited from the visa-free regime and [AMs 51 Halicki, 104 Paet, 139 Fotyga, 264 Von
notes that according to the latest Commission report, the Republic of Moldova
continues to meet the visa liberalisation requirements and that visa-free movement continues
to bring positive economic, social and cultural benefits both to the Union and Moldova [AM
235 Strugariu]
; encourages both sides to uphold the free movement of people also during
crises [AM 264 Von Cramon]
4 g. Acknowledges the efforts undertaken by the Moldovan authorities in implementing
the recommendations outlined in the annual visa suspension mechanism reports;
recommends the continuation of the implementation of the benchmarks related to the visa
liberalisation policy [AM 104 Paet]
and calls on the authorities to continue those efforts to
satisfy the visa liberalisation benchmarks, in particular in the areas of anti-corruption, to
strengthen the judiciary, to apply the anti-money laundering legislation and to take concrete
action to address the increase of unfounded asylum applications [AM 235 Strugariu]
; in this
respect, is concerned about the rise of the number of Moldovan nationals found to be
illegally staying in the Schengen+ area (47% rise) and about the rise in asylum applications
(48% rise) [AM 106 Paet]
; urges Moldovan authorities to further implement the
commitments made in the context of the liberalised visa regime for the Schengen area in the
area of effective migration management and to ensure asylum rights for third-country
applicants in the Republic of Moldova [AM 97 Halicki]
COMPROMISE 12 - Paragraph 5
AMs 108 (Olekas), 109 (Tudorache), 110 (Bocskor)
Welcomes [AM 110 Bocskor] the adoption by the Parliament of the
Republic of
Moldova of numerous legislative acts in line with the country’s commitments enshrined in the
, namely related to public administration, public financial management and justice
system reforms [AM 108 Olekas]; underlines the importance of a full implementation of these
acts, including by adopting secondary legislation;
COMPROMISE 13 - Paragraphs 6, 6a (new), 6b (new), 6c (new)
AMs 113 (Tudorache), 114 (Tudorache), 115 (Halicki), 116 (Von Cramon), 118 (Olekas), 119
(Lega), 121 (Tudorache), 122 (Strugariu), 123 (Tudorache), 124 (Tudorache), 234 (Von
Cramon), INTA 6 first part - AMs 117 (Zimniok), 120 (Strugariu) fall
Welcomes the progress achieved on public financial management and
calls on the
Moldovan authorities to accelerate the implementation of other AA/DCFTA reforms based
on an improvement of the rule of law [AM 118 Olekas];
6 a. Acknowledges the Republic of Moldova's essential steps to increase the performance
of public administration [AM 123 Tudorache].
; to this end, calls on the Moldovan
government to ensure full implementation of the Public Administration Reform for 2016–
2020 [AMs 116 Von Cramon, 122 Strugariu]
in line with the OECD/SIGMA principles of
public administration [AM 122 Strugariu]
; furthermore, encourages
Moldovan authorities to
increase transparency and
combat widespread corruption [AM 119 Lega, INTA 6 first part]
in the public administration as well as to establish a public administration national school
[AM 115 Halicki];
6 b. Urges to start a more comprehensive decentralization reform as soon as possible [AM
123 Tudorache],
including the reform of Moldova’s administrative-territorial system,
regional development and administrative decentralisation, with the possibility to generate
local taxes [AM 116 Von Cramon];
in this respect, underlines the need for more in-depth
and broader cooperation between local authorities, for a reduced number of local
administrations and more measures to ensure their greater independence and decrease their
operating costs [AM 124 Tudorache]
; calls on the Moldovan authorities to uphold the
principles of local democracy and local autonomy in accordance with the European Charter
of local self-government providing proper competencies and sufficient funding for the local
governments and assuring their effective functioning [AMs 121 Tudorache, 234 Von
6 c. Underscores that a more efficient and sustainable AA implementation stems from an
impartial and professional administration of State institutions and agencies [AM 115
in this regard, reiterates its concern regarding the lack of a constant commitment
to improvements in the public sector, which discourages competent people from pursuing a
career in public administration, [AM 113 Tudorache]
and stresses the need for the
development of a professional public administration and the encouragement of young people
to take up a career in the public sector, so as to achieve a more transparent administration
in which nepotism and favouritism do not lead to chronic politicisation [AM 114 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 14 - Paragraphs 7, 7a (new), 7b (new), 7c (new), 7d (new)
AMs 125 (Scholtz, part.), 126 (Strugariu), 127 (Olekas), 129 (Basescu), 131 (Castaldo), 132
(Tudorache), 133 (Fotyga), 134 (Von Cramon), 137 (Tudorache), 138 (Nica), 141 (Tudorache),
145 (Halicki), 156 (Halicki), 191 (Tudorache), INTA 5 third part - AMs 128 (Mariani), 130
(Lega), fall
Is concerned by the high level of concentration and politicisation of the media and
advertising sectors, leading to a low level of public confidence in the media
; calls on the
Moldovan authorities to continue the reform of the media sector with a stronger involvement
of the civil society in the process and, in particular, to review the audio-visual code [AMs
127 Olekas 138 Nica, 141 Tudorache, 156 Halicki]
and liberalise the advertising market [AM
127 Olekas]
in line with European standards [AM 131 Castaldo]
of media freedom and
pluralism, as recommended by the European Commission and the Venice Commission, so
as to ensure full transparency of the ownership in the media and the advertising market
[AMs 138 Nica, 141 Tudorache, 156 Halicki]
7 a. Takes the view that strengthening media pluralism and its independence should be a
priority for the Union and the Republic of Moldova in their partnership relations and that
this should be reflected appropriately also in the financial allocations [AM 126 Strugariu];
calls on the European Commission to increase support to the independent media, including
in the regions [AM 127 Olekas]
; urges the Moldovan authorities to refrain from exploiting the
COVID-19 pandemic to adopt measures curtailing freedom of speech and limiting the media’s
ability to report
the whole dimension of the impact of the Corona crisis on the society [AMs
125 Scholtz, part., 133 Fotyga] in an independent and unbiased way
and to end to the
disinformation and anti-EU propaganda campaigns to which the citizens of the Republic of
Moldova in general are subjected [AM 129 Basescu];
expresses concern for the spreading of
fake news and disinformation in the Republic of Moldova during the coronavirus crisis and
points out the need for both the local authorities and the Union to develop specific
programmes that promote media literacy, combat disinformation and support quality, fact-
checked media content [AM 125 Strugariu]
7 b. Urges the Moldovan authorities to foster free and independent media and, including
by conducting an independent audit, ensure the effectiveness of the Audio-visual Council as
an independent regulator combating the ongoing intimidation of journalists, politicization
and lack of transparency of public and regulatory institutions, lack of public access to
information and quality media content, and ensuring the transparency of media ownership
[AMs 134 Von Cramon, 156 Halicki, INTA 5 third part]
7 c. Underlines that the Union is the biggest provider of aid to Moldova; observes with
great concern the continuous propaganda, disinformation campaigns and denigrating
messages by governing politicians against the Union, which paint a distorted and unrealistic
picture on public television and in the media; regrets such public attacks on the Union’s aid
and image as they undermine the implementation of the AA and EU-Moldova relations [AM
145 Halicki]
; calls on the Moldovan authorities to step up support in the fight against fake
news, hybrid warfare in communication, targeted disinformation campaigns and the
degradation of media programs; underlines that political involvement in mass media
structurally undermines fundamental freedoms and access to information [AM 137
7 d. Highlights the need to fight Russian disinformation through fact-based and
accessible quality information as well as through public campaigns aiming to increase the
public awareness; [AM 138 Nica]
encourages the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to
look for more in-depth collaboration with the Union and its Members States in order to
enhance the implementation of good practices and solutions for countering disinformation,
propaganda, manipulation and hostile influencing carried out by external forces aimed at
dividing, destabilizing, and undermining the integrity of the internal political processes and
the relations with the Union [AM 191 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 15 - Paragraphs 7e (new), 7f (new)
AMs 111 (McAllister), 142 (Tudorache), 143 (Tudorache), 152 (Strugariu), 198 (Tudorache),
252 (Strugariu), 259 (Von Cramon), 267 (Tudorache), 269 (Tudorache), 315 (Halicki), 316
(Halicki), INTA 6 second part - AM 314 (Halicki) falls
7 e. Acknowledges the progress in the adoption of the new law on non-commercial
organisations by the Moldovan parliament, as part of the conditionality requirements to
obtain the EU MFA [AMs 111 McAllister, 259 Von Cramon, 267 Tudorache, 315 Halicki]
expects its swift and effective implementation will foster the full respect of the rights and
freedoms of civil society and non-governmental organization as well as the freedom of
association will be fully respected [AM 111 McAllister]
and calls for more support from the
Moldovan government in the development of civil society; [AM 142 Tudorache]
points out
the central role NGOs play in any democratic society and expresses hope that the new
legislation will improve the transparency of public decision-making and provide a
modernized framework for the functioning of civil society in the country; [AMs 252
Strugariu, 315 Halicki, INTA 6 second part]
urges the Moldovan authorities to refrain from
any pressure on NGOs and other civic actors; regrets the distrust and hostility with which
political officials approach civil society in general [AM 142 Tudorache] and
urges a more
meaningful and active involvement of civil society in the policymaking [AM 143 Tudorache]
and implementation processes, particularly as regards
human rights and fundamental
freedoms, with respect to which NGOs could act as a watchdog and hold the respective State
institutions accountable [AM 269 Tudorache]
; with that in mind, calls on the Commission
and the Member States to provide political, technical and financial support to the civil society
[AM 259 Von Cramon]
and urges EU Institutions to establish clear rules helping to avoid
the provision of grants to “GONGO’s”(NGOs established and financed by governments
through informal channels) [AM 316 Halicki]
7 f.
Calls on the Moldovan authorities to promote transparency in public decision-
making and to ensure proper involvement and consultation of stakeholders and civil society
at all stages, which will also increase public scrutiny and the social acceptability of the
reforms conducted [AMs 152 Strugariu, 198 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 16 - Paragraph 8a (new)
AMs 105 (Von Cramon), 107 (Von Cramon), 159 (Strugariu)
8 a. Points out that the COVID-19 crisis has brought to light the fact that the health
system of the Republic of Moldova is underdeveloped and is struggling to cope with the
recent surge in the number of cases; [AM 159 Strugariu]
urges the Commission, Member
States and the Republic of Moldova to increase cooperation on public health resilience,
exchange best practices and work with the civil society, the business and SME community
on establishing epidemic strategies focusing on the most vulnerable groups in society [AMs
159 Strugariu, 105 Von Cramon]
; calls on the Moldovan government to strengthen the
healthcare system, improve sanitation standards, especially in hospitals, as well as to provide
its population with all relevant information about the pandemic in a transparent and
inclusive manner [AM 107 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 17 - Paragraphs 9, 9a (new), 9b (new)
AMs 168 (Halicki), 169 (Tudorache), 170 (Bilcik), 172 (Bilcik), 173 (Tudorache), 174
(Tudorache), 181 (Fotyga) - AMs 166 (Maurel), 167 (Zimniok), 171 (Mariani) fall
the Republic of Moldova participation in common security and defence
policy (CSDP) missions and operations
on cyber-security and cyber-crime investigations, as
well as Moldova’s cooperation with NATO and
Moldova's alignment with EU's CFSP
Declarations [AM 170 Bilcik];
calls on the EU institutions to include the Republic of
Moldova in new formats of cooperation concerning cyber security, hybrid threats [AMs 168
Halicki, 169 Tudorache]
and cyber-crime investigations [AM 168 Halicki]
9 a. Recognizes the importance of the European Union's Border Assistance Mission to
Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) in harmonising border management and customs regime
to that of the Union, but also with regards to the solution of the Transnistrian issue; [AMs
172 Bilcik, 181 Fotyga]
9 b. Acknowledges the Republic of Moldova's unique experience and expertise and the
contribution that it can provide to the Union collective security and defence policy [AM 173
Tudorache] and
encourages a deeper cooperation in EU-related defence policies, including
participation in PESCO once the issue of involvement of third countries is determined [AM
174 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 18 - Paragraphs 10, 10a (new)
AMs 175 (McAllister), 176 (Von Cramon), 177 (Tudorache), 178 (Olekas), 179 (Basescu), 183
(Tudorache), 188 (Tudorache)
Reiterates the EU’s support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova and
for the efforts
in the framework of the 5+2 negotiation process [AM 178 Olekas] to reach a
peaceful [AM 177 Tudorache]
, lasting, comprehensive, political settlement of the
conflict, based on the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders [AMs 175 McAllister, 179
, with a special status for Transnistria [AM 175 McAllister],
that would ensure the
protection of human rights also on the territories currently not controlled by constitutional
authorities [AMs 176 Von Cramon, 177 Tudorache];
reminds that the UN General Assembly
adopted on 22 June 2018 a resolution urging the Russian Federation to withdraw its troops
and armaments unconditionally from the territory of the Republic of Moldova and
reaffirming the support for the immediate implementation of that resolution [AM 188
10 a.
Encourages the Moldovan Government to continue promoting an environment
favourable to the settlement of conflicts and supporting activities that increase confidence
and people-to-people contacts across conflict-divided communities [AM 183 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 19 - Paragraphs 10b (new), 10c (new), 10d (new)
AMs 180 (Tudorache), 182 (Von Cramon), 184 (Tudorache), 190 (Fotyga), INTA 1 first part,
INTA 2 second part
10 b. Acknowledges the increased security interdependence between the Republic of
Moldova and its Transnistria region and the stability of both as the main factor for
prevention and resolution of security challenges such as hybrid threats, cyberattacks,
election cyber-meddling, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, and third-party
interference in the political, electoral, and other democratic processes [AM 180 Tudorache]
10 c. Welcomes the Moldovan government’s efforts to extend the benefits of the DCFTA
and the visa-free regime to the Transnistrian region, which enabled significant growth in
mobility and trade with the region [AM 182 Von Cramon, INTA 1 first part, INTA 2 second
as well as all activities that enhance the economic collaboration and increase the level
of goods and services exchanges between Republic of Moldova and Transnistria [AM 184
10 d. Considers that, by guaranteeing tariff-free access to EU markets for Transnistrian
businesses registered on the west bank of the Dniester and submitted to customs checks by
Moldovan officials, the DCFTA resulted in a massive swing in the direction of trade from
the Eurasian Economic Union to the Union; encourages the Moldovan authorities to further
advance towards trade and engagement with EU markets in order to enhance market access,
transparency, good business practices and reduce the capacity for market manipulation and
monopolization by oligarchs [AM 190 Fotyga, INTA 1 first part]
COMPROMISE 20 - Paragraph 11
AMs 185 (Basescu), 186 (McAllister)
Underlines that any resolution to the Transnistrian issue
must respect [AM 186
McAllister] Moldova’s
sovereign right [AM 185 Basescu] to choose its own defence and
foreign policy orientation;
COMPROMISE 21 - Paragraph 12
AMs 164 (Halicki), 189 (Von Cramon), 193 (Von Cramon), 194 (Tudorache), 195 (Basescu),
197 (Olekas), 200 (Strugariu), 205 (Tudorache), 209 (Halicki), INTA 4 second part - AM 196
(Mariani) falls
Is concerned by the slow course of reforms on the rule of law and democratic
institutions [AM 189 Von Cramon]
; urges the government of the
Republic of Moldova to
complete judicial reforms
without delay [AMs 164 Halicki, 197 Olekas, INTA 4 second part],
so as to
warrant the independence, impartiality and effectiveness of the judiciary and
specialised anti-corruption institutions
; in doing so, calls on the Moldovan government to
ensure a transparent process of drafting and the adoption of the amendments to the
Moldovan Constitution concerning the Supreme Council of Magistrates (SCM), using
international precedents and good practices, in line with the recommendations of the Venice
Commission [AMs 193 Von Cramon, 194 Tudorache, 195 Basescu, 200 Strugariu, 205
Tudorache, 209 Halicki]
and in consultation with the Council of Europe and EU experts,
civil society, and other interested actors [AM 205 Tudorache]
; regrets that the amendments
regarding the appointment of the SCM members have been rushed through Parliament [AM
200 Strugariu]
; underlines the need to ensure the independence of the SCM and calls on the
Moldovan authorities to ensure a merit-based selection and promotion of judges [AMs 193
Von Cramon, 194 Tudorache, 195 Basescu]
COMPROMISE 22 - Paragraphs 13, 13a (new)
AMs 201 (Lega), 202 (Castaldo), 203 (Olekas), 204 (Tudorache), 233 (Tudorache)
Is concerned by the
low level of
trust in the integrity and effectiveness [AM 203
Olekas] of the judiciary
and by the susceptibility of the judicial branch to political pressure
that hampers its independence; [AM 202 Castaldo] calls on the authorities
of the Republic of
Moldova [AM 204 Tudorache] to ensure
transparency in the judicial appointment processes
and [AM 202 Castaldo] that the Prosecutor General, his staff, and public prosecutors in general,
work independently and abide by the highest standards of professionalism and integrity;
13 a. In this regard, points out that a lack of resources and a lack of knowledge about good
governance, the rule of law and human rights is permeating and adversely affecting the
effective functioning of the Moldovan administration and [AM 201 Lega]
calls on the
Commission to increase funding through the available budget support and technical
assistance instruments, aimed at strengthening the justice and law enforcement authorities'
capacity and efficiency, taking into account progress in the implementation of the reforms
[AM 233 Tudorache]
COMPROMISE 23 - Paragraph 14
AMs 206 (Halicki), 207 (Strugariu), 208 (Tudorache), 210 (Turodache)
Urges the authorities
of the Republic of Moldova to strengthen and [AMs 208, 210
Tudorache] to ensure the complete independence of the Constitutional Court and that it is not
subject to any form of political interference;
firmly rejects any attempts of intimidation or
pressure on the judges of the Constitutional Court [AM 207 Strugariu] and
condemns the
enormous pressure, blackmailing and harassment the Court’s judges went through before
delivering the decision on the Russian loan; deeply regrets the attempts to politicize the
Constitutional Court and the inactivity of prosecutors and of the anti-corruption centre in
defending the independence of the Constitutional Court; [AM 206 Halicki]
COMPROMISE 24 - Paragraphs 15, 15a (new)
AMs 211 (Strugariu), 212 (Maurel), 213 (Von Cramon), 216 (Olekas), 218 (Lega), 219 (Paet),
221 (Von Cramon), 222 (Strugariu), 228 (Fotyga) - AMs 214 (Zimniok), 215 (Castaldo) fall
Is concerned by the
persistent long-term trend of lacking progress on corruption in the
Republic of Moldova, and therefore urges the Government to step up the fight against
corruption and state capture [AM 213 Von Cramon], as well as money laundering, smuggling
and organised crime,
such as human trafficking [AM 218 Lega]; calls on the government of
Republic of Moldova to adopt concrete measures to reinforce the independence, integrity
and effectiveness [AM 216 Olekas] of the National Anticorruption Centre’s Office and the
Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office,
as well as to ensure the de-politicization of public anti-
corruption institutions and law enforcement agencies [AMs 213, 221 Von Cramon] ;
out the need for sustained and consistent efforts to prevent and prosecute high-level
corruption and organized crime; takes the view that this is the only way to re-establish the
trust of the Moldovan citizens and ensure the enactment of lasting reforms in the Republic
of Moldova; [AMs 211 Strugariu, AM 216 Olekas]
calls on the Commission to provide much
more consistent support to civil society organisations monitoring fraud and money
laundering activities; [AM 212 Maurel]
15 a. Welcomes the adoption of the law on Anti-Money Laundering sanctions on 21 May
2020 and calls for the swift elaboration of guidelines for the application of the new
legislation, as well as for specialized training for the concerned authorities; [AM 222
calls on all interested parties to maintain consistent efforts in combating
smuggling, money laundering, dismantling criminal networks and reducing the influence of
oligarchs; calls for an enhanced cooperation with Europol, Interpol, and customs
organizations such as WCO and OECD's Anti-corruption Networks [AM 228 Fotyga]
COMPROMISE 25 - Paragraph 16
AMs 224 (Strugariu), 225 (Olekas), INTA 4 third part - AMs 223 (Tudorache), 226 (Mariani),
227 (Paet) fall
Reiterates its concern at the persistent failure to bring transparent prosecution of all
those responsible for the bank fraud exposed in 2014, as well as at the slow recovery of stolen
calls on the Moldovan authorities to speed up the prosecution process, bring all those
responsible to justice without further delay and to recover misappropriated funds [AMs 224
Strugariu, 225 Olekas, INTA 4 third part]
; invites the Member States to offer the Republic of
Moldova's authorities substantial support in the investigation of the case if there will be any
requests for it [proposal by the Rapporteur]
COMPROMISE 26 - Paragraph 17
AMs 229 (Strugariu), 230 (Halicki)
Urges the authorities
of the Republic of Moldova to increase transparency on the
funding of political parties, and to investigate all irregularities in a fair and unbiased way;
stresses the need to fight corruption inside the Moldovan political class; is deeply concerned
by recent allegations of buying off of Members of the Parliament in order to change political
affiliation, as well as allegations of kidnapping, intimidation and pressure on elected
representatives; points out that these allegations must be investigated and that such
behaviour is incompatible with the values which are at the core of the AA with the Republic
of Moldova; draws attention also to the responsibility of political parties to fight corruption
within their own ranks [AM 229 Strugariu]
; in addition, calls on the authorities to ensure
that no funds of charitable foundations are used in the electoral campaigning; urges the
authorities to forbid the use of the administrative funds in favour of the governing political
class during the election campaign [AM 230 Halicki]
COMPROMISE 27 - Recital Fg (new), Paragraphs 18, 18a (new), 18b (new), 18c (new)
AMs 58 (Strugariu), 237 (Tudorache), 238 (Van Dalen), 239 (Olekas), 241 (Lega), 243 (Von
Cramon), 245 (Maurel), 246 (Von Cramon), 247 (Maurel), 250 (Lega), 251 (Tomac), 254
(Castaldo), 261 (Tudorache), 263 (Tudorache), 265 (Tudorache)
F g. Whereas the Republic of Moldova has made international and national commitments
to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women; whereas the country has
adopted measures to promote the political representation of women, including through
adoption of a mandatory 40% gender quota for the political parties’ electoral lists; whereas
further efforts are needed in order to advance the objectives of the 2017-2021 National
Gender Equality Strategy, including appropriate funding and stronger implementation
mechanisms [AM 58 Strugariu]
Acknowledges the improvement of the legislation on the protection of human rights
[AM 237 Tudorache],
notably as a result of the new 2018-2022 Human Rights Action Plan,
but calls on the Moldovan authorities to significantly increase efforts and adopt
implementation measures and secondary legislation [AM 246 Von Cramon] so as to uphold
those rights and fundamental freedoms, including in particular for
minorities and [AM 239
Olekas] vulnerable groups
, such as women and children being misused by human traffickers
[AMs 238 Van Dalen, 250 Lega]
, linguistic minorities, people with disabilities, Roma and
LGBT+ persons [AM 241 Lega], thus
recognizing the respect for human rights
as a critical
criterion and a vital condition for a democratic society [AM 237 Tudorache];
it is concerned
that significant human rights problems remain unresolved and unpunished, such as
pressure and politically motivated prosecutions and detentions, torture, arbitrary detention,
harsh and life-threatening prison conditions, arbitrary or unlawful interference with
privacy, use of forced or compulsory child labour [AMs 245, 247 Maurel]
18 a. Underlines that gender equality is a key precondition for sustainable and inclusive
development; urges the Moldovan government and authorities to implement measures to
further improve women’s representation and equal treatment at all levels of political and
societal life; requests the Commission to mainstream gender equality in all its policies,
programmes and activities in relation to Moldova [AM 243 Von Cramon] and e
the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to promote programs that include consistent
gender equality dimension, offer more support to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable
groups in society, implement legislation to fight hate speech and physical violence
perpetrated against the more vulnerable groups [AM 265 Tudorache]
18 b. Urges the Moldovan authorities to ratify the Istanbul Convention, which was signed
by the Republic of Moldova on the 6th of February 2017, but whose ratification is lagging
behind despite being mentioned as an explicit objective of the National Action Plan on
Human Rights 2018-2022 and of the National Strategy on Preventing and Combating
Violence against Women and Domestic Violence 2018-2023; recalls that violence against
women and girls is prevalent in Moldova and two in five women have experienced physical
and/or sexual violence at the hands of a partner or non-partner since the age of 15 [AMs
251 Tomac, 254 Castaldo]
18 c. Calls for further steps in implementing the national legislation for preventing and
combatting trafficking in human beings and for a substantial increase in the quality of
services provided to victims [AM 261 Tudorache]
as well as for more protection, assistance,
and support of victims of crime, especially children, during investigations and after the
judicial process; in addition, calls for more support during the social reintegration of the
victims [AM 263 Tudorache]
; calls for increased cooperation between the judicial authorities
and the enforcement agencies of Moldova and the Member States, in order to reduce cross-
border crime, particularly human trafficking and trafficking in illegal drugs [AM 250 Lega]
COMPROMISE 28 - Paragraphs 19, 19a (new), 19b (new)
AMs 248 (Lega), 249 (Von Cramon), 253 (Von Cramon), 255 (Tudorache)
Calls on the authorities to guarantee the right to a fair trial and the respect of human
rights in detention
and correctional facilities
[AM 248 Lega],
including by addressing
inadequate healthcare provisions [AM 249 Von Cramon]
; in this regard stresses the need to
provide a safe environment for prisoners; additionally, calls for measures [AM 248 Lega] to
avoid selective and politically motivated justice;
19 a. Calls for more concrete measures to improve detention conditions and to eliminate
the detention of people with disabilities in psychiatric hospitals against their will; calls for
the complete elimination of torture and ill-treatment in prisons as a method of pressure on
imprisoned or detained political opponents [AM 255 Tudorache]
19 b. Acknowledges the measures taken at national level to prevent and fight torture, but
underlines that the Republic of Moldova continues to be convicted frequently at the
European Court of Human Rights for torture and ill-treatment; urges therefore the
establishment of a fully independent agency specifically for the investigation of allegations
of torture and other human rights violations committed by police and other law enforcement
officers [AM 253 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 29 - Paragraphs 20, 20a (new), 20b (new)
AMs 270 (Strugariu), 271 (Tudorache), 272 (Olekas), 274 (Von Cramon), 275 (Tudorache),
276 (Tudorache), 286 (Von Cramon), INTA 1 second part, INTA 3, INTA 7 first part, INTA 9
- AM 273 (Mariani) falls
the diversification of the Moldovan economy and [AM 272 Olekas]
significant increase in
trade between the Republic of Moldova and the Union, as well as the
fact that the Union is the largest investor in
the country;
welcomes the fact that, in 2018, the
Union accounted for 70% of Moldova’s total exports and 56% of its total trade; encourages
further progress in areas such as the customs code, the protection of intellectual property
rights including geographical indications, the improvement of sanitary and phytosanitary
standards, the improvement of market conditions in the field of energy, public procurement,
and access to finance for SMEs [AM 270 Strugariu, INTA 1 second part, INTA 7 first part.
20 a. Encourages the full implementation of the DCFTA in order to further increase the
EU – Moldova bilateral trade and investment relationship [AM 275 Tudorache],
by removing non-tariff barriers to trade, facilitating access and making progress when it
comes to integrating into the single market [INTA 3]
; recalls that the DCFTA with Moldova
must respect the rules set out in the sustainable development chapters, in line with
international commitments, in particular the Paris Agreement, and WTO rules [AM 274 Von
Cramon, INTA 7 first part]
20 b. Welcomes the Moldovan Parliament’s adoption of the European LEADER approach
as the basis for its national rural policy [AM 276 Tudorache]
; however, encourages Moldova,
including through dedicated measures in the next National Strategy for Agriculture and
Rural Development, to make full use of preferential export opportunities into the Union
through more efficient and sustainable cultivation of farmlands, as well as more democratic
access and use of land, thus generating agricultural products that would amplify Moldova’s
relative agricultural advantages, [AM 286 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 30 - Paragraphs 21, 21a (new)
AMs 278 (Von Cramon), 279 (Lega), 280 (Olekas), 281 (Paet), 285 (Von Cramon), INTA 15
- AMs 262 (Fotyga), 277 (Zimniok), 307 (Paet), 308 (Mariani) fall
Welcomes [AM 281 Paet] the regulatory approximation with the EU acquis, and
encourages the Commission to provide to the Moldovan institutions and public administration
technical and financial help for this endeavour
and the subsequent implementation [AM 278
Von Cramon];
stresses that such aid should be used to increase knowledge of human rights
and the rule of law [AM 279 Lega]
and calls on the Moldovan authorities to progress more
rapidly on approximation [AMs 278 Von Cramon, 280 Olekas]
to the AA/DCFTA including
on animal health and food safety standards [AM 278 Von Cramon];
21 a. Welcomes the National Strategy ‘Digital Moldova 2020’, but demands the European
Commission to support and assist programmes and reforms concerning media and
information literacy to reflect the current digital age, as well as to upgrade sectoral
cooperation in the digital economy [AM 285 Von Cramon, INTA 15]
; calls on the Republic
of Moldova to build a reliable digital market economy, enhancing the need for progress in
open data, expanding the admittance to digital systems and increasing the access for citizens
at electronic services and different communications solutions;[proposal by the Rapporteur]
COMPROMISE 31 - Paragraphs 22, 22a (new), 22b (new), 22c (new), 22d (new)
AMs 287 (Strugariu), 289 (Tudorache), 291 (Paet), 292 (Von Cramon), 293 (Tudorache), 296
(Olekas), 297 (Von Cramon), 299 (Tudorache), 304 (Tudorache), 313 (Halicki) - AMs 288
(Mariani), 290 (Maurel), 294 (Mariani) fall
Calls on the Moldovan Government to further reform the energy sector in order to
increase resilience, transparency in costs and contracts in the sector, and to improve energy
independence and efficiency, particularly by increasing energy interconnections with the
Union, diversifying energy sources, including renewable energy, and reducing dependence
on fossil fuels; stresses that all these aspects are of paramount importance for enhancing
the country’s energy security; [AM 287 Strugariu]
22 a. Welcomes actions to strengthen institutional capacity and the independence of the
regulator and encourages the necessary and urgent actions to be taken for the
implementation of the Third Energy Package
, in particular in the field of natural gas [AM
289 Tudorache],
and to ensure full compliance with the Energy Community acquis [AM 291
in particular, calls on the National Agency for Energy Regulations of the Republic of
Moldova to approve the energy market rules based on fair competition and ensure
compliance by all market participants [AMs 293 Tudorache, 297 Von Cramon],
State-owned traders [AM 297 Von Cramon]
22 b. Stresses the importance to increase infrastructure cooperation in the region, also
with a view to diversifying Moldova’s energy supplies, and to improve the connectivity of
Moldova’s energy sector while ensuring environmental sustainability [AM 292 Von
22 c. Underlines the importance of the diversification of Moldova’s electricity system [AM
296 Olekas];
urges the Moldovan authorities to ensure the timely implementation of the
project for interconnection of Moldova-Romania electricity systems by providing necessary
support and recourses; [AMs 296 Olekas, 304 Tudorache]
22 d. Encourages the Moldovan authorities to continue the efforts to reinforce the energy
security of the country and commends the finalisation of the Ungheni – Chișinau gas
pipeline by the end of 2020 [AM 299 Tudorache]
; furthermore, invites the Commission to
include the Republic of Moldova in the stress tests conducted for the internal energy market
[AM 313 Halicki]
COMPROMISE 32 - Recital Fh (new), Paragraphs 22e (new), 22f (new),
AMs 52 (Maurel), 148 (Simecka), 266 (Von Cramon), 283 (Maurel), 284 (Von Cramon), INTA
F h. Whereas since 1989, the population of Moldova has shrunk by almost a third;
whereas in terms of demographics, these are the worst figures in the whole of Europe;
whereas Moldovans leave for higher pay and better education and facilities; whereas such a
development has deep and long-lasting political, economic and social consequences;
whereas Moldova is confronted with labour shortages and a lack of professionals such as
nurses and doctors; whereas the elderly, a large proportion of whom rely on remittances, are
Moldova’s most vulnerable and prone to poverty [AM 52 Maurel]
22 e. Acknowledges that the “brain drain phenomenon”, that is often caused by the lack
of trust in judiciary, nepotism and lack of proper reforms in the country, represents a serious
threat to Moldovan future [AM 148 Simecka]
and is concerned by the large-scale emigration
of Moldovan citizens, which accentuates negative demographic trends; encourages the
Moldovan government to implement further measures to prevent and counter such a
phenomenon, in particular by creating opportunities and improving conditions and wages
for young workers [AM 266 Von Cramon]
in their home country, so that they can return
after studying or training abroad, and by supporting youth entrepreneurship; calls on the
Commission to focus on this issue in its programmes [AM 283 Maurel, INTA 11]
22 f. Calls on the Moldovan government to also focus on the social dimension of trade and
sustainable development by respecting and enforcing labour standards, ratifying and fully
implementing all ILO conventions, and eliminating remaining deficiencies in the labour
inspection system [AM 284 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 33 - Paragraphs 24, 24a (new)
AMs 305 (Paet), 306 (Von Cramon), 309 (Von Cramon), 310 (Halicki), INTA 7 second part
Welcomes the February 2019 package on climate and the environment of the
of Moldova and
its national response, which made it the fourth country in the world to submit
its updated National Determined Contribution (NDC2), including an increased
ambition to
reduce GHG emissions, to the
Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate
(UNFCCC) [AMs 305 Paet, INTA 7 second part]; calls for increased efforts on the
national commitments related to the 2015 Paris Agreement to fight climate change
, as well as
for implementation of climate change mainstreaming in all areas of policy-making [AM 306
Von Cramon]
24 a. Calls on Moldova to further enhance its engagement in the fight against climate
change [AMs 309 Von Cramon, 310 Halicki]
, in particular waste management, and
management of water from the Nistru river, [AM 310 Halicki]
as well as on the Commission
to facilitate Moldova’s participation in the European Green Deal and to ensure that the
DCFTA does not contradict the environmental objectives and initiatives laid down therein
[AM 309 Von Cramon]
COMPROMISE 34 - Paragraph 25
AMs 162 (Halicki), 321 (Tudorache) - AM 318 (Olekas), 319 (Mariani), 320 (Paet), 322
(Halicki) fall
Stresses that without the sincere determination of the political class to reform the
country and to genuinely implement the AA with the Union, no true and lasting development
could be reached; in this regard, encourages all political actors and political forces in the
country to contribute and initiate multi-party formats and collaboration in good faith on
Moldova’s strategic goals thus contributing to the quality of democracy and to the
improvement of life conditions of people [AM 162 Halicki]
; with that in mind, encourages
the Moldovan authorities to
make use of a Jean Monnet Dialogue to support inter-party
dialogue and parliamentary capacity building [AM321 Tudorache, and proposal by the
COMPROMISE 35 - Citations 12a (new), 12b (new), 15a (new), 17, 18a (new), 19a (new),
19b (new)
AMs 6 (Halicki), 7 (Olekas), 8 (Halicki), 11 (Fotyga), 15 (Von Cramon), 20 (Strugariu), 22
(Strugariu), 23 (Fotyga), 24 (Strugariu) - AMs 25 (Fotyga), 26 (Halicki) fall
having regard to the European Commission’s Joint Communication on the “Eastern
Partnership policy beyond 2020 - Reinforcing Resilience, an Eastern Partnership that
delivers for all” of 18 March 2020 [AM 6 Halicki]
having regard to the Council Conclusions of 11 May 2020 on the Eastern Partnership
policy beyond 2020 [AMs 7 Olekas, 8 Halicki]
having regard to the European Parliament’s recommendation to the Council, the
Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union
for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the Eastern Partnership, in the run-up to the
June 2020 Summit [AM 11 Fotyga]
having regard to the recommendations and activities of the
Parliamentary Association Committee, Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, the Eastern
Partnership Civil Society Forum
, EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform and of other
representatives of civil society in Moldova [AM 15 Von Cramon],
having regard to the Statement and Recommendations adopted on the occasion of
the 7th Meeting of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee, held in
Strasbourg on 18-19 December 2019 [AMs 20 Strugariu, 23 Fotyga]
having regard to the Joint Communication of the Commission and the High
Representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy to the European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee
of the Regions of 8 April 2020 on the Global EU response to COVID-19 and the Decision
(EU) 2020/701 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th of May 2020 on
providing macro-financial assistance to enlargement and neighbourhood partners in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic [AM 22 Strugariu],
having regard to the European Commission Report to the European Parliament and
the Council, Third report under the visa suspension mechanism, and the accompanying Staff
Working Document, published on 10 July 2020 [AM 24 Strugariu]