European Parliament
Committee on Culture and Education
Compromise amendments
Draft opinion by Romeo Franz on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial
year 2022 – all sections - (2021/0227(BUD))
CA 1 (covers AM 5 Negrescu; AM 6 second part Georgoulis, et al; and AM 24 Georgoulis et
1 a (new). Underlines the need to strengthen the digital dimension of the programmes, in
particular in the context of the pandemic (AM 5, 6 second part) and the recovery, and to
support the CCS in fully exploiting the digital transition as an opportunity (AM 24);
CA 2 (covers AM 15 second part Georgoulis, et al; and AM 17 Negrescu)
4. Insists that no funding from any of the three strands of the Creative Europe Programme should
be used for financing projects in the framework of the New European Bauhaus initiative, in line
with the repeated commitment of the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture,
Education and Youth to this effect, in order to prevent diversion of the programme’s already
thinly spread funds towards new, unforeseen political priorities;
calls upon the Commission to
identify fresh resources for the New European Bauhaus initiative (AM 17), tailored to its
particular needs (AM 15);
CA 3 (covers AM 4 Negrescu and AM 25 Georgoulis, et al.)
6a. Calls on the Commission to adopt specific measures to enhance the visibility and
accessibility of EU funding so as to enhance the know-how of the CCS (AM 25), in particular
smaller organisations (AM 4), to take on the administrative processes required to access Union
funding (AM 25);
CA 4 (covers AM 22 Negrescu and AM 23 Georgoulis, et al.)
6.Increases the budget for “Multimedia actions” by EUR 2,2 million and creates a reserve of
EUR 5 million, in order to encourage the Commission to
find an adequate solution and (AM
22) provide more stability and predictability for
the long-term strategic financing of (AM 22)
radio networks covering EU affairs with funding covering at least two years; furthermore, splits
the existing budget line into its four components, for enhanced
transparency and (AM 23)
budgetary scrutiny;