Ref. Ares(2022)5078257 - 12/07/2022
General Affairs and Resources
Legal Affairs
Cava de San Miguel 8, 4º c.
28005 Madrid
By email:
Your application for access to documents – GESTDEM 2022/2949
Dear Madam,
We refer to your e-mail of 23 May 2022 in which you make a request for access to documents,
registered on the same day under the above-mentioned reference number. We also refer to our
email of 16 June 2022 (
Ref. Ares(2022)4441578) with which we extended the deadline to treat
your request by 15 working days, in accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No
You request access to:
Minutes and correspondence concerning the 01/04/2022 meeting between Commissioner
Virginijus Sinkevičius and the following list of interest representatives:
Fédération des Organisations de producteurs de la Pêche Artisanale (FEDOPA) OCEANA
Conselho Consultivo para as Regiões Ultraperiféricas (CC RUP) Pelagic Freezer-trawler
Association (PFA) Associazione Generale Cooperative Italiane - Settore Agro-Ittico
Alimentare (AGCI AGRITAL) European Association of Fish Producers Organisations
(EAPO) ANFACO-CECOPESCA Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) Association des
entreprises de produits alimentaires élaborés (ADEPALE) Stichting Advisory Council for
pelagic stocks (Pelagic AC / PelAC) Killybegs Fishermen's Organisation (KFO) MEDAC
(MEDAC) Danish Fishers Producer Organisation (dkfisk) European Associations of Fish
Processors and European Federation of National Organisations of Fish Importers and
Exporters (AIPCE-CEP) Conseil Consultatif des eaux occidentales autrales (CC SUD)
More specifically, concerning this meeting I am requesting all documents containing the
following information:
- Minutes, agendas, summaries, memos and any other reports of these meetings, issued
both in preparation and after the meetings took place.
- Correspondence including annexes and attachments (i.e. any emails, correspondence or
telephone call notes) and follow-ups, exchanged between any DG MARE officials,
Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius and/or the Commissioner's cabinet, and the
organizations or any intermediaries representing their interests.
- Documents exchanged during the course of the meetings, as well as before or after,
between all concerned parties.
Your application concerns the following documents:
1. Exchange of emails, Minutes of the meeting, “Sector’s meeting with commissioner”, DG
MARE, 01/04/2022,
2. Exchange of emails, “State aid measures - de minimis”, Europeche – DG MARE, 01/04/2022,
With regard to the documents 1 and 2 listed above, a complete disclosure of the identified documents
is prevented by the exception concerning the protection of privacy and the integrity of the individual
outlined in Article 4(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, because they contain the following
personal data:
the names/initials and contact information of Commission staff members not pertaining to
the senior management;
the names/initials and contact details of other natural persons;
Article 9(1)(b) of the Data Protection Regulation does not allow the transmission of these personal
data, except if you prove that it is necessary to have the data transmitted to you for a specific purpose
in the public interest and where there is no reason to assume that the legitimate interests of the data
subject might be prejudiced. In your request, you do not express any particular interest to have access
to these personal data nor do you put forward any arguments to establish the necessity to have the
data transmitted for a specific purpose in the public interest.
Consequently, I conclude that, pursuant to Article 4(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, access
cannot be granted to the personal data contained in the requested documents, as the need to obtain
access thereto for a purpose in the public interest has not been substantiated and there is no reason to
think that the legitimate interests of the individuals concerned would not be prejudiced by disclosure
of the personal data concerned.
Therefore, the redacted versions of document 1 and document 2 are enclosed to this letter.
Please note that a document (document 2) originating from third parties is disclosed to you based on
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. However, this disclosure is without prejudice to the rules on
intellectual property, which may limit your right to reproduce or exploit the released document
without the agreement of the originator, who may hold an intellectual property right on it. The
European Commission does not assume any responsibility from their reuse.
Document 1 was drawn up for internal use under the responsibility of the relevant services of the
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. It solely reflects the service’s interpretation
of the interventions made and does not set out any official position of the third parties to which the
document refers, which was not consulted on its content. It does not reflect the position of the
Commission and cannot be quoted as such.
In case you would disagree with this position, you are entitled, in accordance with Article 7(2) of
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, to submit a confirmatory application requesting the Commission to
review this position.
Such a confirmatory application should be addressed within 15 working days upon receipt of this
letter to the Secretariat-General of the Commission at the following address:
European Commission
Unit C.1. ‘Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents’
BERL 7/076
B-1049 Brussels, or by email to:
Yours faithfully,
Head of Unit
1. Minutes of the meeting, “Sector’s meeting with commissioner”, Redacted version
2. “State aid measures - de minimis”
, Redacted version
Electronically signed on 12/07/2022 15:38 (UTC+02) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121