This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Meeting 01/04/2022 Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius'.

Ref. Ares(2022)5078257 - 12/07/2022

important to be considered from the beginning as part of the essential industries/food 
producing activities; this kind of decisions not to be left at last moment as it was the 
case sometimes in the Covid-time.  
 Europeche, comments on behalf of Europeche and EAPO? who represents small 
and large scale fishing vessels 

Welcomes the quick reaction of the COM to adopt the EMFAF crises mechanism 

The state aid measures adopted so far will not effectively alleviate the historic energy 
crises; the EUR 35.000 per company is not a material amount; there was the 
understanding in some countries like ES  that they cannot use both the 30.000 and 
35.000; from the Cmr’s explanation it seems they can use both, in total EUR 65.000, 
could you confirm that? 

It would be very useful for the sector if it would be possible to raise further the ceiling 
per fishing vessel under the temporary staid ait framework.  

Welcomes the EMFAF legislative package under Art 26(2) EMFAF Regulation. According 
to the national authorities in some MS, if the MS follow the normal bureaucratic 
procedures, programmes will not be ready so quickly real aid will not reach the MS till 
autumn. There are some legal obstacles at national level. It is important to make all 
what is possible to decrease the administrative burden at national level. Can you 
confirm that it is not necessary to have the programmes finalised and adopted to 
advance the money to the MS? 

Priority is to continue fishing, nevertheless even with the measures adopted, some 
fishermen will not be able to continue fishing. It is important to help the fishermen even 
if the aid would arrive months later. This reinforces also the point that state aid 
measures should be increased. 

As vessels have been in the ports for long time, the fishing of certain species will be over 
soon. The banking is already there for 10%, we asked to be increased to 25%, this would 
secure employment and income. With good recommendations from the scientists we 
should have recommendations at least for some species.  

What is the COM planning to do with the unused EMFF funding? Do you plan to make 
changes in this Regulation? 

Is the COM planning to provide extra funding for the fisheries sector in addition to the 
existing instruments? 

Don’t forget about the workers! We sent you a letter about that. We have to think 
about them too. 
 Spanish fish processing industry 

ES fish processing industry suffers common issues that were already mentioned by 

EMFAF measures are welcome, now the MS have to start implementing them quickly. 
Can this mechanism be applied also by the processing part of the value chain? 

State aid measures – we need to consider the scope of the different companies, it 
depends on the size of the company how much aid they need. Context is difficult right 
now: increase of the costs and decrease of the consumption patterns of all clients 
chains. Higher aid for the different types of companies should be therefore considered. 

 We are facing shortage of the packaging, sunflower and other raw materials, please 
make an effort to support us with these difficulties.  

There are lots of discussions with the MS on the support under Art 26 EMFAF 
Regulation. In our opinion and in order to avoid any misunderstanding, it would be 
important to get some guidance from DG MARE regarding the financial mechanism 
under Art 26. Will there be any guidance that DG MARE will provide as soon as possible 
to the MS? 
Feedback Cmrs: 

There are lots of technical questions. 

Possible shortage of supply – no answer at the moment, this may require horizontal 

EMFAF support can be used on top of the state aid, the combination of measures 
provides important support 

EMFAF measures – we do at COM level all to support the MS to adopt their programmes 
as quickly as possible. 

Need to increase banking to 25% - it is still early to assess if it is possible to carry over 
unused quotes from the current year to the next year. Risk that a bigger increase of the 
percentage would undermine our objective and the objectives under CFP. We will be 
analysing the situation very carefully and will take decision from there. 

Implementation of EMFAF measures – technical meeting with MS on Wednesday 
provided technical details for MS to star implementing; we are doing all at COM level to 
support MS to speed up the implementation of the crises measures. 

EMFF – we are preparing the EMFF amendment to include crises measures, we hope to 
implement the process smoothly and have the measures adopted soon and to unlock 
those unused funds. It could unlock around 1bn in total. 

Additional funding – there is at the moment no additional funding foreseen; there is no 
possibility; we have to use what we have effectively; we will be working with MS closely 
in this regards 

 Accumulation of EMFAF support and state aid - the COM receives many similar 
questions on this topic; DG COMP is planning to publish a Q&A on the temporary 
framework and would help you to get the required answers and would foster the 
dialogue with MS 

EMFAF guidance – As said, MARE is already providing such guidance to MS and this is a 
priority for MARE at the moment.  
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 12:29 PM 
Subject: RE: Meeting with commissioner  
It went very well. Is the first time the sector experience such a quick reaction from the 
Commission. Main requests: accumulation of TF and de minimis per undertaking, increase of 
banking rercentage, to provide guidance to MS for the EMFAF crisis tool, EMFF modification.