European Parliament
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
1 - 84
Draft report
Committee on Budgets
Guidelines for the 2023 Budget – Section III
United in diversity
Amendment 1
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Citation 1 (new)
Draft opinion
having regard to the upcoming
European Parliament’s Resolution on
Empowering European Youth: post-
pandemic employment and social recovery
Or. en
Amendment 2
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Citation 8 a (new)
Draft opinion
– having regard to the European Pillar of
Social Rights (EPSR), proclaimed by the
European Council, the European
Parliament and the European
Commission in November 2017, the
Commission Action plan on the
implementation of the European Pillar of
Social Rights of 4 March 2021 and the
Porto Declaration on social affairs
adopted by the members of the European
Council in May 2021;
Or. en
Amendment 3
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 a (new)
Draft opinion
Takes the view that the single
market, common policies and, in
particular, the single currency have an
uneven effect, creating inequalities
between Member States and putting them
on diverging paths; considers that, with a
view to countering that divergence and
fostering genuine upward convergence,
the EU budget should play a redistributive
role and uphold the principle of
contributory solidarity; deplores, in this
regard, the fact that some of the richest
countries in the EU benefit from
corrections and adjustments to their
national contributions;
Or. en
Amendment 4
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Draft opinion
Points to the economic recovery in
Points to the economic recovery in
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
nonetheless uncertainty in the
that 2023 will continue to be an
economic outlook, in the light of factors
important year for the social and
such as supply chain disruption, high
economic recovery from the crisis
energy prices, rising inflation and the
following the COVID-19 pandemic with
continuing COVID-19 pandemic; recalls
uncertainty in the economic outlook, in the
therefore that the 2023 Union budget will
light of factors such as supply chain
play an important role in strengthening the
disruption, high energy prices, rising
Union economy, ensuring that no one is
the social impact such as rising
left behind, and in fostering economic,
unemployment, poverty and social
social and territorial cohesion;
inequalities and the continuing COVID-19
pandemic; recalls therefore that the 2023
Union budget will play an important role in
strengthening the Union economy,
just transition and social justice
and resilience so that no one is left behind,
and in fostering economic, social and
territorial cohesion
and upward social
Or. en
Amendment 5
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Draft opinion
Points to the economic recovery in
Points to the economic recovery in
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
notes nonetheless uncertainty in the
notes nonetheless uncertainty in the
economic outlook, in the light of factors
economic outlook, in the light of factors
such as supply chain disruption, high
such as supply chain disruption, high
energy prices, rising inflation and the
energy prices, rising inflation
, loss of jobs
continuing COVID-19 pandemic; recalls
and rising unemployment and the
therefore that the 2023 Union budget will
continuing COVID-19 pandemic;
play an important role in strengthening the
that in this social landscape of growing
Union economy, ensuring that no one is
inequalities, women, children, young
left behind, and in fostering economic,
people and the elderly are especially
social and territorial cohesion;
affected by the various precarious socio-
economic situations caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic and are exposed to
the risk of being left behind; stresses that
social and employment related challenges
caused by the pandemic have had a
disproportionate impact on the Member
States, on the different regions and social
groups, impacting the most vulnerable
ones and affecting the labour market;
recalls therefore that the 2023 Union
budget will play an important role in
strengthening the Union economy
competitiveness, ensuring that no one is
left behind, and in fostering economic,
social and territorial cohesion;
Or. en
Amendment 6
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
cosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Draft opinion
Points to the economic recovery in
Points to the economic recovery in
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
2021 and expected further growth in 2022;
notes nonetheless uncertainty in the
notes nonetheless uncertainty in the
economic outlook, in the light of factors
economic outlook, in the light of factors
such as supply chain disruption, high
such as supply chain disruption, high
energy prices, rising inflation and the
energy prices, rising inflation and the
continuing COVID-19 pandemic; recalls
continuing COVID-19 pandemic; recalls
therefore that the 2023 Union budget will
therefore that the 2023 Union budget will
play an important role in strengthening the
play an important role in strengthening the
Union economy, ensuring that no one is
Union economy,
facilitating full recovery
left behind, and in fostering economic,
as well as further development, ensuring
social and territorial cohesion;
that no one is left behind, and in fostering
economic, social and territorial cohesion;
Or. en
Amendment 7
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Draft opinion
Takes the view that, to properly
address the socio-economic plight that the
Member States are facing, the EU budget
must be increased significantly and its
redistributive role must be stepped up with
a view to fostering real upward
convergence in economic and social
progress among the Member States,
including by reinforcing GNI based
national contribution and by supporting
the Member States’ real economies, by
means of grants and not loans, promoting
the highest labour and social rights
standards at the same time;
Or. en
Amendment 8
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
Draft opinion
Takes the view that the socio-
economic state of affairs triggered and
precipitated by COVID-19 is further
evidence that the Stability and Growth
Pact and economic governance of the EU
as a whole undermine the Member States’
ability to address social and economic
problems and needs properly; calls,
therefore, for the repeal of the Stability
Pact, the six-pack and two-pack economic
governance legislation, the European
Semester, the Fiscal Compact, and all
mechanisms that restrict Member States’
room for manoeuvre in the promotion of
public investment and their financing of
public services and their social roles;
Or. en
Amendment 9
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 c (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that thematic
concentration, low co-financing rates, the
paucity of public structures that provide
technical assistance to applicants and the
inclusion of public investment projects
financed with EU funds in the calculation
of budget deficits adversely affect
implementation rates for EU funds and
programmes; calls, therefore, for
increased autonomy and flexibility in the
management of EU funds, for higher co-
financing rates and for financing for
technical support to be stepped up, and
urges the Commission to exclude national
co-financing from the budget deficit
Or. en
Amendment 10
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 d (new)
Draft opinion
Points out that, as it provides the
EU budget as a guarantee for debt
issuance on the markets, the Recovery
and Resilience Facility (RRF) is actually,
by its very nature, an advance payment to
Member States, made towards future
payments; rejects the argument that the
RRF funds now transferred to the
Member States could, from 2028 onwards,
be deducted from future transfers under
EU cohesion policy and its instruments;
Or. en
Amendment 11
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Draft opinion
Commits therefore to working to
Commits therefore to working to
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
stronger Health Union,
making a success
stronger Health Union,
guaranteeing that
of the green and digital transitions and
nobody is left behind in the green and
the recovery,
including increased
digital transitions, and fostering
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
inclusive, sustainable and resilient
law and its application,
contributing to
by increasing economic support
greater opportunities for young people
for SMEs, promoting the rule of law and its
throughout the Union,
and ensuring a
fostering ecological and social
stronger Europe;
justice as well as gender equality, creating
more and better employment opportunities
for young people throughout the Union,
that ensures a Social Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 12
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Draft opinion
Commits therefore to
working to
Commits therefore to
work towards
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
the adoption of a future-oriented budget
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
that matches the Union’s political
stronger Health Union, making a success of
and the six pillars of the
the green and digital transitions and
Recovery and Resilience Facility, ensuring
fostering the recovery, including increased
a stronger Health Union, making a success
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
of the green and digital transitions and
law and its application, contributing to
fostering the recovery, including increased
greater opportunities for young people
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
throughout the Union, and ensuring a
law and its application,
investing in the
stronger Europe;
new generations and contributing to
greater opportunities for young people
throughout the Union, and ensuring a
stronger Europe
based on strategic
autonomy and sovereignty;
Or. en
Amendment 13
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes JongeriusDraft opinion
Paragraph 2
Draft opinion
Commits therefore to working to
Commits therefore to working to
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
adopt a future-oriented
social and
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
sustainable budget that matches the
stronger Health Union, making a success of
Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
the green and digital transitions and
stronger Health Union, making a success of
fostering the recovery, including increased
the green and digital transitions and
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
fostering the recovery, including increased
law and its application, contributing to
support for
the most vulnerable economic
greater opportunities for
young people
subjects, such as SMEs, promoting the
throughout the Union, and ensuring a
rule of law and its application,
stronger Europe;
and contributing to
better opportunities for
the most deprived and other
disadvantaged groups throughout the
such as children and youth,
LGBTIQ+ families or single parent
families, person with disabilities, older
persons, migrants and refugees and Roma
people, and ensuring a stronger Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 14
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Draft opinion
Commits therefore to working to
Commits therefore to working to
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
adopt a future
and investment-oriented
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
with a strong social and
stronger Health Union, making a success of
economically sustainable dimension that
the green and digital transitions and
matches the Union’s political priorities,
fostering the recovery, including increased
ensuring a stronger Health Union, making
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
a success of the green and digital
law and its application, contributing to
transitions and fostering the recovery,
greater opportunities for young people
including increased support for SMEs,
throughout the Union, and ensuring a
promoting the rule of law and its
stronger Europe;
application, contributing to greater
opportunities for young people throughout
the Union,
adapting to the imminent
labour market changes, preserve and
create quality and sustainable
employment with full respect of labour
rights and decent employment and
working conditions, contributing to the
fight against poverty, and reducing social
exclusion, inequalities and
discrimination, in particular affecting
children and youth, boosting sustainable
growth, and increasing upward social
convergence and ensuring a stronger,
more resilient and competitive Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 15
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
cosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Draft opinion
Commits therefore to working to
Commits therefore to working to
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
adopt a future-oriented budget that matches
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
the Union’s political priorities, ensuring a
stronger Health Union, making a success of
stronger Health Union, making a success of
the green and digital transitions and
the green and digital transitions and
fostering the recovery, including increased
fostering the recovery, including increased
support for SMEs, promoting the rule of
support for SMEs, contributing to greater
law and its application, contributing to
opportunities for young people
and greater
greater opportunities for young people
social inclusion of older people throughout
throughout the Union, and ensuring a
the Union, and ensuring a stronger Europe;
stronger Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 16
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Draft opinion
Highlights that as the COVID-19
pandemic continues to create uncertainty
on the economic outlook, it is therefore
important to continue financing the
recovery and to address the social and
employment-related challenges resulting
from the pandemic, as well as support
workers and businesses in the move
towards a more solidarity-based digital,
greener and climate neutral economy;
stresses therefore, that the EU budget is
an opportunity to move towards
sustainability agenda driven by a
reinforced commitment to promote
sustainable growth, full employment and
decent work by prioritising investments
and policy actions that deliver for people,
create quality jobs, protect workers and
build stronger European institutions
bound to solidarity and social progress;
Or. en
Amendment 17
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Title (new)
Draft opinion
Ensuring full social, economic and
territorial cohesion and achieving the
highest standards on social and labour
Or. en
Amendment 18
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Draft opinion
Takes the view that, in the light of
the further deterioration of working
conditions, alarming poverty and social
exclusion figures, worrying
unemployment levels and continuing
discrimination problems, an ambitious
budgetary response is called for; hence,
calls for robust allocations dedicated to
Or. en
Amendment 19
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 b (new)
Draft opinion
Urges a EU budget that fosters
equality at all life stages, including the
beginning and the end of life; thus, calls
for the creation of a programme to
support Member States that wish to
establish or strength a public, universal
and free network of care of high quality
for children, older people and people with
disabilities, as well as people with long-
term care needs;
Or. en
Amendment 20
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 c (new)
Draft opinion
Urges a EU budget strongly
committed with the guarantee of the right
to housing for all; calls, therefore, for
sufficient funding to support State
investment in housing, in order to
effectively tackle the growing problems of
lack of affordable housing, poor housing
conditions, housing exclusion and
Or. en
Amendment 21
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 d (new)
Draft opinion
Calls for the establishment of a
programme to raise awareness of the
importance of trade unions, workers’
unionisation and collective bargaining;
Or. en
Amendment 22
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 e (new)
Draft opinion
Calls the Commission to propose a
legislative initiative to bar access to EU
funds for companies that fail to uphold
the highest social and labour standards;
Or. en
Amendment 23
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Draft opinion
Welcomes the priority given to
Welcomes the priority given to
Union health policy and highlights in that
Union health policy and highlights in that
connection the EU4Health programme and
connection the EU4Health programme and
Cluster Health in Horizon Europe; notes
Cluster Health in Horizon Europe;
that the budget for preparedness activities
acknowledges recent data1 depicting how
by the Health Emergency Response
mental well-being has reached its lowest
Authority is drawn from those programmes
level across all age groups of Europeans
and from the Union Civil Protection
since the beginning of the pandemic and
Mechanism, and expresses deep concern
that this is particularly prominent among
that this could compromise the attainment
young people and those who have lost
of other important health objectives;
their job; notes that the budget for
stresses the need to ensure adequate
preparedness activities by the Health
funding for the Beating Cancer Plan;
Emergency Response Authority is drawn
from those programmes and from the
Union Civil Protection Mechanism, and
expresses deep concern that this could
compromise the attainment of other
important health objectives; stresses the
need to ensure adequate funding for the
Beating Cancer Plan
and highlights in this
context the importance of EU legislation
laying down minimum standards in
occupational health and safety and in
ensuring the highest technically possible
protection for workers;
Or. en
Amendment 24
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Draft opinion
Recognises the importance of other
Recognises the importance of other
Union programmes, including the
Union programmes, including the
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
providing investment in health
providing investment in health
and infrastructure and stresses the need for
resilient healthcare systems and
synergies between those activities and
s and stresses the need for
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
synergies between those activities and
steady implementation and access to
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
technical assistance for Member States
steady implementation and access to
with low administrative capacity;
technical assistance for Member States
emphasises that the decentralised health
with low administrative capacity;
agencies should be adequately funded;
emphasises that the decentralised health
agencies should be adequately funded;
Or. en
Amendment 25
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Draft opinion
Recognises the importance of other
Recognises the importance of other
Union programmes, including the
Union programmes, including the
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
providing investment in health measures
providing investment in health measures
and infrastructure and stresses the need for
and infrastructure and stresses the need for
synergies between those activities and
synergies between those activities and
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
steady implementation and access to
steady implementation and access to
technical assistance for Member States
technical assistance for Member States
with low administrative capacity;
with low administrative capacity;
emphasises that the decentralised health
emphasises that the decentralised health
agencies should be adequately funded;
agencies should be adequately funded
fulfil their mandated tasks and
Or. en
Amendment 26
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Draft opinion
Recognises the importance of other
Recognises the importance of other
Union programmes, including the
Union programmes, including the
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), in
providing investment in health measures
providing investment in health measures
and infrastructure and stresses the need for
and infrastructure and stresses the need for
synergies between those activities and
synergies between those activities and
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
EU4Health; recalls also the importance of
steady implementation and access to
steady implementation and access to
technical assistance for Member States
technical assistance for Member States
with low administrative capacity;
with low administrative capacity;
emphasises that the decentralised health
emphasises that the decentralised health
agencies should be adequately funded;
agencies should be adequately funded;
calls for transparency of public
investment and conditionality in regard to
availability and affordability of products
and services resulting from these funds;
Or. en
Amendment 27
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Draft opinion
Stresses the need for the
Commission to secure sufficient staffing
in order to meet its tasks as regards health
and safety at work, and notably to prepare
an action plan covering at least 25
additional occupational exposure limits
and ensure legislative follow up without
Or. en
Amendment 28
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that the transition to a
green and digital economy that delivers
decent working conditions and respects
labour rights will require adequate
resources and investments in order to
adapt to the required infrastructure,
connectivity, production facilitates and
appropriate support for workers;
Or. en
Amendment 29
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Groupcosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Draft opinion
Acknowledges that implementing
Acknowledges that implementing
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
emission reduction goals will require
emission reduction goals will require
massive investments
, whilst stressing that
massive investments; emphasises that the
the cost of inaction would be much
Union budget is at the heart of efforts to
higher; emphasises that the Union budget
make a just transition towards a greener
is at the heart of efforts to make a just
and more resilient Union in which no one
transition towards a greener and more
is left behind; in that regard, highlights the
resilient Union in which no one is left
need to fully implement the Just Transition
behind; in that regard, highlights the need
to fully implement the Just Transition
Or. en
Amendment 30
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Draft opinion
Acknowledges that implementing
Acknowledges that implementing
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
emission reduction goals
will require
emission reduction goals
requires urgent
massive investment, whilst stressing that
and massive investment, whilst stressing
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
that the cost of inaction would be much
emphasises that the Union budget is
at the
higher; emphasises that the Union budget
heart of efforts to make a just transition
key to make a just transition towards a
towards a
greener and
more resilient
green and resilient Union in which no one
Union in which no one is left behind; in
is left behind; in that regard, highlights the
that regard, highlights the need to fully
need to fully implement the Just Transition
implement the Just Transition Mechanism;
Or. en
Amendment 31
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Draft opinion
Acknowledges that implementing
Acknowledges that implementing
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
emission reduction goals will require
emission reduction goals will require
massive investment, whilst stressing that
massive investment, whilst stressing that
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
emphasises that the Union budget is
at the
emphasises that the Union budget is
heart of efforts to make a just transition
instrumental to make a just transition
towards a greener and more resilient Union
towards a greener and more resilient Union
in which no one is left behind; in that
in which no one is left behind; in that
regard, highlights the need to fully
regard, highlights the need to fully
implement the Just Transition Mechanism
implement the Just Transition Mechanism;
in full complementarity with other
instruments, such as the European Social
Fund + and the upcoming Social Climate
Fund to accompany the most vulnerable
people in this transition, be it in terms of
labour market inclusion or with respect to
their capacity to invest in more efficient
energy devices;
Or. en
Amendment 32
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Draft opinion
Acknowledges that implementing
Acknowledges that implementing
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
emission reduction goals will require
emission reduction goals will require
massive investment, whilst stressing that
massive investment, whilst stressing that
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
emphasises that the Union budget is at the
emphasises that the Union budget is at the
heart of efforts to make a just transition
heart of efforts to make a just
and fair
towards a greener and more resilient Union
transition towards a greener and more
in which no one is left behind; in that
resilient Union in which no one is left
regard, highlights the need to fully
stresses the importance of policies
implement the Just Transition Mechanism;
and measures to support labour market
transition and the need to strengthen the
competitiveness of our economies in the
context of the green and digital
transitions; in that regard, highlights the
need to fully implement the Just Transition
Or. en
Amendment 33
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Draft opinion
Acknowledges that implementing
Acknowledges that implementing
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
the Green Deal and achieving the Union’s
emission reduction goals will require
emission reduction goals will require
massive investment, whilst stressing that
massive investment, whilst stressing that
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
the cost of inaction would be much higher;
emphasises that the Union budget is at the
emphasises that
climate measures should
heart of efforts to make a just transition
be accompanied by adequate just
towards a greener and more resilient Union
transition measures to support the
in which no one is left behind; in that
creation of decent and sustainable quality
regard, highlights the need to fully
jobs, reskilling of workers, and creating
implement the Just Transition Mechanism;
social infrastructure and that the Union
budget is at the heart of efforts to make a
just transition towards a greener and more
resilient Union in which no one is left
highlights the urgency of adopting
instruments that protect vulnerable
groups from both the impact of climate
change and pollution and that prevent
them from suffering any negative social
consequence that might arise from the
implementation of the European Green
Deal climate actions; in that regard,
highlights the need to fully implement the
Just Transition Mechanism
by focusing on
social well-being and individuals’ needs
and stresses that the SURE mechanism if
implemented on a permanent basis could
be a valuable tool in this respect;
Or. en
Amendment 34
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that the transition to a
digital and climate-neutral economy,
which delivers for decent working
conditions and fully respects labour
rights, will require massive investment to
adapt industrial production facilities and
improve related infrastructures;
that well-equipped public employment
services are needed to implement active
labour market policies and to perform the
outreach strategies identified to undergo
the digital and green transition;
Or. en
Amendment 35
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 b (new)
Draft opinion
Advocates for a stronger
interaction between the new Fit for 55
package and the EPSR as any legislative
proposals on climate should be
accompanied by adequate social measures
to guarantee a just transition as well as
the creation of quality jobs; Welcomes the
Commission proposal for a Social Climate
Fund to cushion the negative social
impact of extending emissions trading to
the building and road transport sectors;
warns that the instrument proposed is
clearly insufficient both in its aims and in
its funding and believes that it should also
be used to promote high quality
employment and decent working
conditions; insists that in order to design
new generation game changer policies,
social and environmental policies and
objectives must be integrated on an equal
footing with economic ones;
Or. en
Amendment 36
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Draft opinion
Stresses the need for investment in
Stresses the need for investment in
research and innovation in green
research and innovation in green
and processes, including with
, processes
, and skills,
a view to giving the Union a competitive
including with a view to giving the Union
edge in the future net-zero economy, and
a competitive edge in the future net-zero
highlights Horizon Europe in that context;
economy, and highlights Horizon Europe
considers that the Union must make full
in that context; considers that the Union
use of the Connecting Europe Facility
must make full use of the Connecting
(CEF) to modernise and connect its
Europe Facility (CEF) to modernise and
transport and energy infrastructure;
connect its transport and energy
Or. en
Amendment 37
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Draft opinion
Considers it essential to Union
Considers it essential to Union
competitiveness to further digitalise the
competitiveness to further digitalise the
economy and the public sector; believes
economy and the public sector
by speeding
that a successful digital transition requires
up the second phase of digitalisation,
research and innovation efforts under
increasing public funding and
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
overcoming fragmentation, while
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
ensuring a level-playing field for all
and support in areas such as artificial
economic actors, combating monopolies
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
and the undue exploitation of market
Digital Europe Programme;
points to the
power, guaranteeing labour rights and
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
decent jobs for platform workers and fully
promoting advanced digital skills;
respecting the GDPR; believes that a
successful digital transition requires
research and innovation efforts under
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
and support in areas such as artificial
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
Digital Europe Programme,
investments in adapting industrial
production facilities and improving
related infrastructures, connectivity,
network security, and the future
organisation of work in order to deliver
social and organisational support to
stresses in this regard the need to
invest in ensuring decent working
conditions in terms of the AI, as well as
the recent increase of teleworking and the
right to disconnect;
Or. en
Amendment 38
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Draft opinion
Considers it essential to Union
Considers it essential to Union
competitiveness to further digitalise the
competitiveness to further digitalise the
economy and the public sector; believes
economy and the public sector;
that a successful digital transition requires
the importance of strengthening the
research and innovation efforts under
Union’s education and training programs
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
in line with socio-economic needs of the
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
future labour market, supporting workers,
and support in areas such as artificial
children, youth and teachers; stresses the
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
need for unemployment prevention
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
mechanisms and professional
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
reconversion tools to be made available to
promoting advanced digital skills;
workers in order to sustainably support
the green and digital transitions; believes
that a successful digital transition requires
research and innovation efforts under
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
and support in areas such as artificial
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
promoting advanced digital skills;
acknowledges the advantages brought by
digital transformation and artificial
intelligence in regards to the creation of
new jobs; stresses, however, that
automatisation and artificial intelligence
might also lead to loss of jobs and
disruptions in the labour market and
recalls the need for adequate protection of
workers affected by these changes;
Or. en
Amendment 39
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Draft opinion
Considers it essential to Union
Considers it essential to Union
competitiveness to further digitalise the
competitiveness to further digitalise the
economy and the public sector; believes
economy and the public sector; believes
that a successful digital transition requires
that a successful digital transition requires
research and innovation efforts under
research and innovation efforts under
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
and support in areas such as artificial
and support in areas such as artificial
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
promoting advanced digital skills;
promoting advanced digital skills
equal access to such training
programmes, not least by ensuring that
EU funds target advanced digital skills;
Or. en
Amendment 40
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
cosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Draft opinion
Considers it essential to Union
Considers it essential to Union
competitiveness to further digitalise the
competitiveness to further digitalise the
economy and the public sector; believes
economy and the public sector; believes
that a successful digital transition requires
that a successful digital transition requires
research and innovation efforts under
research and innovation efforts under
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
Horizon Europe, significant investment in
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
digital infrastructure through CEF-Digital,
and support in areas such as artificial
and support in areas such as artificial
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
intelligence and cybersecurity through the
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
Digital Europe Programme; points to the
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
need to tackle the digital skills gap by
promoting advanced digital skills;
promoting advanced digital skills;
the need for investment in digital skills for
older people and people living in remote
Or. en
Amendment 41
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
Draft opinion
Points to the need to address
future skills policies and measures to
support labour market transition and
better adjustment to demographic change,
automatisation and digitalisation,
particularly by improving the policy
framework for quality and inclusive
education and training, also guaranteeing
the right to adult learning and access to
upskilling and reskilling trainings, paid
educational leave, full qualification,
validation of informal and non-formal
learning, and guidance and counselling;
Or. en
Amendment 42
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
Draft opinion
Recognises the contribution of
Recognises the contribution of
Union funding programmes to the
Union funding programmes to the
economic recovery, and in particular to
economic recovery, and in particular to
supporting SMEs; in that connection,
supporting SMEs
and micro-enterprises;
highlights InvestEU, and its SME window
in that connection, highlights InvestEU,
as well as the possibility under the
and its SME window as well as the
programme for SMEs negatively affected
possibility under the programme for SMEs
by the pandemic to receive
capital support;
negatively affected by the pandemic to
highlights the need for sufficient funding
financial and technical support;
for the Single Market Programme;
highlights the need for sufficient funding
for the Single Market Programme;
that small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) constitute the backbone of the
European economy and acknowledges
their role in the creation of quality jobs
and economic prosperity;
Or. en
Amendment 43
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Title (new)
Draft opinion
Promoting Strong Social Recovery from
the pandemic
Or. en
Amendment 44
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 a (new)
Draft opinion
Believes that addressing social
gaps with EU and governments’ budgets
through social investment in key policy
areas improving the living and working
conditions for people who are affected by
both the pandemic crisis and by transition
of the accelerating green and digital
transformations should be at the heart of
the recovery strategy of the EU; stresses
that until the economic effects of the
pandemic are visible such measures must
be complemented by the General Escape
Clause supported by coherent ECB
policies, as well as Stability and Growth
pact that aim at an overall well-being of
people, labour market inclusiveness, and
worker’s protection;
Or. en
Amendment 45
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 b (new)
Draft opinion
Considers that detecting social
risks and taking into account the
pandemic divergent employment effects
and long-term unemployment across
particular industries should be adequately
addressed and prevented as much as
possible; stresses, in this regard, the need
to invest in measures tackling the risks of
precarious working conditions, working
time organisation, work-life balance, job-
to-job transitions and mobility of the
Or. en
Amendment 46
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 c (new)
Draft opinion
Recognises the crucial role of all
European funds and programmes in the
social area, in particular the European
Social Fund + (ESF+), the European
Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF),
the ReactEU with its additional resources
for the European Social Fund (ESF),
Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), and
the Fund for European Aid to the Most
Deprived (FEAD), Recovery and
Resiliency Facility (RRF), etc.; insists
therefore that in the next years’ recovery
all programmes in the social area and in
particular the ESF+, and the FEAD, are
adequately financed to overcome rising
unemployment and poverty in Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 47
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez,
Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 d (new)
Draft opinion
Is of the opinion that the
principles of upward convergence and
social progress must guide the adoption of
the Porto targets on employment, poverty
and education/training and the adoption
of sub-targets at national level; calls on
the Commission to present a Sustainable
Development Goal expenditure tracking
methodology for the EU budget, that can
also be used to assess the National
Recovery Plans investments;
Or. en
Amendment 48
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 e (new)
Draft opinion
Recognises that ESF + and the
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)
must contribute to the implementation of
the European Pillar of Social Rights by
putting its principles into practice and
mainstreaming social objectives in all
relevant legislation, policies and
implementing plans linked to Next
Generation EU; stresses that adequate
resource should be allocated to fund and
implement the EPSR Action Plan adopted
in Porto and to achieve the Porto’s
headline targets; calls in this regard on
the Commission to ensure adequate
staffing to support this task; believes that
the Porto’s poverty targets should be
detailed better in all NRRPs and at EU
level with an action plan and a strong
anti-poverty strategy supported by
substantial investments that addresses all
aspects of poverty, including in-work
Or. en
Amendment 49
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 f (new)
Draft opinion
Stresses that the RRF and public
incentives to support employment must be
conditioned to the creation of fairly
remunerated jobs, the respect of labour
rights and health and safety of workers,
and the observation of the social and
fiscal obligations of employers, including
the right to collective bargaining; is of the
opinion that the RRF should be made
permanent and include a minimum 30%
of the funds to be social investment
strengthening social welfare systems and
investing in social security, access to
healthcare and education, affordable
housing, employment, justice and social
services for vulnerable groups;
Or. en
Amendment 50
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 g (new)
Draft opinion
Calls for the Social Scoreboard
and well-being indicators to measure the
overall impact of different funds,
instruments and facilities financed under
the MFF and NGEU; Calls on the
European Commission to develop the
methodology for tracking the social
expenditure in the EU budget based on
the principles of the European Pillar of
Social Rights;
Or. en
Amendment 51
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 h (new)
Draft opinion
Calls for maintaining support for
short-time employment and workers’
income schemes and other forms of
support to employment and income until
the pandemic and its economic
consequences subside and building on the
positive experience of SURE urges the
Commission to introduce a permanent
instrument in form of a European
Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme to
protect employment and fight against
unemployment, including the preservation
of jobs and workers’ income in situations
of external shocks;
Or. en
Amendment 52
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 i (new)
Draft opinion
Stresses that social dialogue and
collective bargaining are crucial to ensure
equality, social cohesion, social mobility
and sustainable growth; recalls that social
dialogue and social partners must be a
cornerstone of the Recovery Plan and that
the national recovery and resilient plans
(NRRPs) should be aligned to the EPSR
Action plan and the Porto’s Headline
Targets; Stresses the importance of the
partnership principle, in order to ensure
the involvement of social partners in all
stages of the planning, design,
implementation and monitoring of
projects financed by the European
Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF),
as well as in other relevant EU funds,
including the Recovery and Resilience
Facility (RFF), REACT EU;
Or. en
Amendment 53
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
Draft opinion
Considers it essential for the
Considers it essential for the
Union’s credibility to ensure the proper use
Union’s credibility to ensure the proper use
of Union funds and to take all steps to
of Union funds and to take all steps to
protect the Union’s financial interests;
protect the Union’s financial interests;
emphasises the clear link between respect
believes that adequate resources should be
for the rule of law and efficient
made available to Union bodies in this
implementation of the Union budget in
field, such as the European Public
accordance with the principles of sound
Prosecutor’s Office, OLAF, or Eurojust;
financial management; considers that
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 on
a general regime of conditionality for the
protection of the Union budget should be
applied immediately and in full; believes
that adequate resources should be made
available to Union bodies in this field, such
as the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office, OLAF, or Eurojust;
Or. en
Amendment 54
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
Draft opinion
Considers it essential for the
Considers it essential for the
Union’s credibility to ensure the proper use
Union’s credibility to ensure the proper use
of Union funds and to take all steps to
of Union funds and to take all steps to
protect the Union’s financial interests;
protect the Union’s financial interests;
emphasises the clear link between respect
emphasises the clear link between respect
for the rule of law and efficient
for the rule of law and efficient
implementation of the Union budget in
implementation of the Union budget in
accordance with the principles of sound
accordance with the principles of sound
financial management; considers that
financial management; considers that
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 on a
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 on a
general regime of conditionality for the
general regime of conditionality for the
protection of the Union budget should be
protection of the Union budget should be
applied immediately and in full; believes
applied immediately and in full; believes
that adequate resources should be made
that adequate resources should be made
available to Union bodies in this field, such
available to Union bodies in this field, such
as the European Public Prosecutor’s
as the European Public Prosecutor’s
Office, OLAF, or Eurojust;
Office, OLAF,
FRA, or Eurojust;
Or. en
Amendment 55
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10 -a (new)
Draft opinion
Rejects the existence of sanctions
mechanisms within the EU, such as the
macroeconomic conditionality and the
rule of law mechanism;
Or. en
Amendment 56
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
cosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
Draft opinion
that the rule of law
Emphasises the fundamental values
protects the
other fundamental values on
on which the Union is founded; highlights
which the Union is founded
and is
the importance of the Citizens, Equality,
intrinsically linked to respect for
Rights and Values Programme in
democracy and fundamental rights;
sustaining and further developing open,
highlights the importance of the Citizens,
rights-based, democratic, equal and
Equality, Rights and Values Programme in
inclusive societies;
sustaining and further developing open,
rights-based, democratic, equal and
inclusive societies;
Or. en
Amendment 57
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
Draft opinion
Emphasises that the rule of law
Emphasises that the rule of
protects the other fundamental values on
law protects the other fundamental
which the Union is founded and is
values on which the Union is
intrinsically linked to respect for
founded and is intrinsically linked
and fundamental rights;
to respect for democracy
highlights the importance of the Citizens,
fundamental rights
and media
Equality, Rights and Values Programme in
freedom; stresses that the
sustaining and further developing open,
promotion of European values and
rights-based, democratic, equal and
cultures plays an active role in
inclusive societies;
supporting democracy, non-
discrimination and gender
equality, and tackling
disinformation and fake news;
highlights the importance of the
Citizens, Equality, Rights and
Values Programme in sustaining
and further developing open, rights-
based, democratic, equal and
inclusive societies,
underlines the
need to provide sufficient funding
for this programme and to
reinforce the resources dedicated
to supporting victims of gender-
based violence through Daphne
Or. en
Amendment 58
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11 a (new)
Draft opinion
Reminds that women have been
particularly negatively affected by the
economic and social crisis stemming from
the Covid-19 pandemic, including the
growth of the cases of gender based
violence; requests in this regards
increased funding for the Daphne
Programme; highlights that gender
mainstreaming and gender equality is a
key building stone for allowing Europe to
reach its full potential; underlines the
important role played by the European
Institute for Gender Equality and the
need to ensure adequate funding and
staff for its tasks;
Or. en
Amendment 59
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
Draft opinion
Recognises that the COVID-19
Recognises that the COVID-19
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
young people and has led to lost
young people and has led to lost
opportunities and diminished prospects;
opportunities and diminished prospects;
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
stresses that young people are more likely
should include a focus on youth, building
than other groups to experience
on the momentum of the 2022 European
precarious work situations, financial
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
insecurity and mental health problems
of Erasmus+, which should become more
due to the COVID-19 crisis; believes
inclusive, offering greater opportunities to
strongly that the 2023 budget should
people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
include a focus on youth, building on the
momentum of the 2022 European Year of
Youth; highlights the importance of
Erasmus+, which should become more
inclusive, offering greater opportunities to
people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
underlines in this context the importance
of strengthening EU education programs
while at the same time aligning training
and education with the needs of the
economy and the society of the future;
inclusive education and training systems
must be reformed and updated to adapt
the qualifications of workers to the
requirements of the labour market;
emphasises the positive impact of
education on social cohesion, which is a
precondition for economic growth, job
creation and employment; underlines the
need for policymakers at both EU and
national level to facilitate and support
young people (re-) entering and staying in
the labour market, accessing good quality
housing, and completing their educational
trajectory and developing skills, including
digital and green skills; stresses that
adequate funding should be allocated to
the Youth Guarantee and that Member
States should be encouraged to make full
use of these funds in order to improve
young people’s access to the labour
Or. en
Amendment 60
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
Draft opinion
Recognises that the COVID-19
Recognises that the COVID-19
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
people and has led to lost
young people
’s mental health and has led
opportunities and diminished prospects;
to lost opportunities and diminished
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
professional and personal prospects;
should include a focus on youth, building
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
on the momentum of the 2022 European
should include a focus on
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
across policy areas, building on the
of Erasmus+, which should become more
momentum of the 2022 European Year of
offering greater opportunities to
and the European Pillar of Social
from disadvantaged
Rights; highlights the importance of
Erasmus+, which should become more
affordable, greener, and offer
more accessible opportunities to people
situations such as Roma
people or those with a migrant
background, lower economic income and
socio-economic support, the LGBTIQ+
community and people with disabilities;
Or. en
Amendment 61
Elżbieta Rafalska
on behalf of the ECR Group
cosigned by Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
Draft opinion
Recognises that the COVID-19
Recognises that the COVID-19
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
young people and has led to lost
young people and has led to lost
opportunities and diminished prospects;
opportunities and diminished prospects;
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
should include a focus on youth, building
should include a focus on youth, building
on the momentum of the 2022 European
on the momentum of the 2022 European
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
of Erasmus+, which should become more
of Erasmus+, which should become more
inclusive, offering greater opportunities to
inclusive, offering greater opportunities to
people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
Or. en
Amendment 62
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez,
Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
Draft opinion
Recognises that the COVID-19
Recognises that the COVID-19
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
young people and has led to lost
youth, their employment perspectives,
opportunities and diminished prospects;
working conditions and mental health,
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
which has led to lost opportunities and
should include a focus on youth, building
diminished prospects; believes strongly
on the momentum of the 2022 European
that the 2023 budget should include a focus
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
on youth, building on the momentum of the
of Erasmus+, which should become more
2022 European Year of Youth; highlights
inclusive, offering
greater opportunities to
the importance of
Reinforced Youth
people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
Guarantee and Erasmus+, which should
become more inclusive, offering
equal opportunities
and access to people
from disadvantaged backgrounds
ensuring sustainable and quality learning,
training and working placements;
Or. en
Amendment 63
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12
Draft opinion
Recognises that the COVID-19
Recognises that the COVID-19
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
crisis has had a severe negative impact on
young people and has led to lost
young people
, in particular on their
opportunities and diminished prospects;
mental health and has led to lost
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
opportunities and diminished prospects;
should include a focus on youth, building
believes strongly that the 2023 budget
on the momentum of the 2022 European
should include a focus on youth
and offer
Year of Youth; highlights the importance
possibilities to support them in new
of Erasmus+, which should become more
challenges that the pandemic has brought
inclusive, offering greater opportunities to
to them, especially as regards mental
people from disadvantaged backgrounds;
health, building on the momentum of the
2022 European Year of Youth; highlights
the importance of Erasmus+, which should
become more inclusive, offering greater
opportunities to people from disadvantaged
Or. en
Amendment 64
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12 a (new)
Draft opinion
Calls on Member States and the
Commission to make combating youth
unemployment a priority, in particular as
part of the European recovery effort, to
make full use of financial instruments
such as the Youth Guarantee (YG), and to
take tailored action to tackle youth
unemployment; calls on all Member
States, not only those the most affected by
youth unemployment, to continue to
invest sufficient ESF+ resources in
measures to support youth employment
and allocate at least 12,5 % of their ESF+
resources under shared management to
targeted actions and structural reforms to
support quality youth employment;
Or. en
Amendment 65
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 12 a (new)
Draft opinion
Underlines that the link between
socio-economic factors, such as
unemployment, housing insecurity,
academic pressures and mental health
and well-being must be addressed to
ensure a holistic approach towards mental
health is adopted at an EU-level; calls,
therefore, for Member States to make
mental health an integral part of the EU’s
socio-economic recovery from the
pandemic and an occupational health
priority, in particular in educational and
workplace environments and to address
health inequalities through the provision
of adequate support to vulnerable groups
of young people; calls on the Commission
to ensure that the mental health of young
people is a strategic priority of upmost
importance in the upcoming EU care
Or. en
Amendment 66
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13
Draft opinion
Points also to the need to bolster the
Points also to the need to bolster the
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
helps young people gain practical
helps young people gain practical
experience in another Member State
experience in another Member State
thereby increasing their employability and
thereby increasing their employability and
life chances;
recalls the importance of
life chances;
activities for young people under the
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
with regard to training, and the RRF;
Or. en
Amendment 67
Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová
cosigned by Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Marie Pierre Vedrenne, Veronique
Trillet Lenoir
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13
Draft opinion
Points also to the need to bolster the
Points also to the need to bolster the
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
helps young people gain practical
helps young people gain practical
experience in another Member State
experience in another Member State
thereby increasing their employability and
thereby increasing their employability and
life chances; recalls the importance of
life chances
as well as their pro-EU
activities for young people under the
sentiment; recalls the importance of
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
activities for young people under the
with regard to training, and the RRF;
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
with regard to training, and the RRF;
Or. en
Amendment 68
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13
Draft opinion
Points also to the need to bolster the
Points also to the need to bolster the
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
helps young people gain practical
helps young people gain practical
experience in another Member State
experience in another Member State
thereby increasing their employability and
thereby increasing their employability and
life chances; recalls the importance of
life chances; recalls the importance of
activities for young people under the
activities for young people under the
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
with regard to training, and the RRF;
with regard to training, and the RRF
the importance of investing in upskilling
and lifelong learning;
Or. en
Amendment 69
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13
Draft opinion
Points also to the need to bolster the
Points also to the need to bolster the
European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which
European Solidarity Corps (ESC),
and the
helps young people gain practical
Reinforced Youth Guarantee which helps
experience in another Member State
young people gain practical experience in
thereby increasing their employability and
another Member State thereby increasing
life chances; recalls the importance of
their employability and life chances; recalls
activities for young people under the
the importance of activities for young
European Social Fund Plus, in particular
people under the European Social Fund
with regard to training, and the RRF;
Plus, in particular with regard to training,
and the RRF;
notes with concern the
worsening of conditions for many young
people in general and in particular
vulnerable young people already suffering
from long-term unemployment and social
exclusion and calls for a coordinated
approach in creating and offering them
opportunities for social inclusion in the
framework of the Reinforced Youth
Guarantee, ESF+ and the RRF;
Or. en
Amendment 70
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13 b (new)
Draft opinion
Stresses that in the context of
recovery from the economic downturn
caused by the COVID-19 outbreak,
tackling child poverty and social
exclusion are essential to prevent a lost
generation; welcomes the adopted
European Child Guarantee aimed at
ensuring that every child in Europe at
risk of poverty or social exclusion has
access to free healthcare, education, early
childhood education and care as well as
decent housing and adequate nutrition;
calls on the Member States to effectively
implement European Child Guarantee
across the Union by mainstreaming the
Guarantee across all relevant policy
Or. en
Amendment 71
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13 a (new)
Draft opinion
Deplores the fact that more than a
quarter of all children in the EU are in or
at risk of poverty or social exclusion;
stresses that, in the context of recovery
from the COVID-19 outbreak, tackling
child poverty will become even more
important in the coming years; welcomes,
in this regard, the creation of the
European Child Guarantee in order to
help ensure that every child in Europe at
risk of poverty or social exclusion has free
and effective access to the most basic set
of rights such as high quality healthcare,
early childhood education and care and
education, adequate nutrition and decent
housing; calls in this regard on all
Member States, not only those the most
affected by the child poverty, to allocate at
least 5 % of the ESF+ resources under
shared management to support activities
under the European Child Guarantee;
moreover calls on the Commission to
make available and on the Member States
to make use of all possible resources for
the implementation of the Child
Guarantee including the ESF+, ReactEU,
RRF, etc;
Or. en
Amendment 72
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 13 a (new)
Draft opinion
Calls on the Commission to ensure
that the new ALMA initiative reaches
young people, in particular disadvantaged
young people aged 18 to 29 not in
employment, education or training
(NEETs), via the involvement of civil
society organisations and social partners
on the ground; recalls that for the most
disadvantaged groups of young people,
guidance will be key in finding temporary
work experience in another Member
State, as well as being accompanied
before, during and after the participation
in the program in order to lead young
people towards quality employment
opportunities; insists that placements
undertaken through ALMA must comply
with minimum quality standards that
uphold young people’s labour rights such
as fair remuneration and access to social
protection; urges the Commission to
ensure the added value of ALMA in
addition to the existing opportunities
under Erasmus+ and the European
Solidarity Corps; calls to put in place an
inclusion strategy in order to ensure equal
access to ALMA for all young people,
prevent discrimination and address
barriers that might occur;
Or. en
Amendment 73
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 14
Draft opinion
Recalls that the pandemic has
Recalls that the pandemic has
severely impacted older people too; notes
severely impacted older people too,
that Erasmus+ offers opportunities for
again exposing the lack of policy
adults and seniors and calls on the
responses to the impact of demographic
Commission to ensure that they benefit
change in the EU, such as the lack of
more from it; points to the need to ensure
adequate and affordable housing, quality
mobility and volunteering for seniors
care facilities and sufficient care and
similar to what young people enjoy under
support services; stresses that the budget
the ESC;
should underline the importance of
safeguarding and promoting the dignity of
the older persons and their fundamental
rights in the EU by introducing an
“ageing-in-dignity” criteria; calls,
furthermore, for sufficient funding to
support investment in housing in order to
tackle effectively the growing problems of
a lack of affordable housing, poor
housing conditions, housing exclusion
and homelessness; notes that Erasmus+
offers opportunities for adults and seniors
and calls on the Commission to ensure that
they benefit more from it; points to the
need to ensure mobility and volunteering
for seniors similar to what young people
enjoy under the ESC;
Or. en
Amendment 74
Sandra Pereira
Draft opinion
Paragraph 15 -a (new)
Draft opinion
Calls for the appropriations
foreseen for the Common Security and
Defence Policy and the European
Neighbourhood Policy to be allocated in
full to policies supporting economic,
social and territorial cohesion, aiming at,
among other objectives, achieving and
ensuring the respect on the highest
standards on labour and social rights;
Or. en
Amendment 75
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 19 b (new)
Draft opinion
Stresses the need to adopt
ambitious policies in order to tackle social
exclusion and fight poverty, including
child poverty, as well as ensuring decent
working conditions and their effective
enforcement, employment security,
adequate social protection, gender-
balanced opportunities and fostering a
safe environment and wellbeing for all in
the Union, without leaving anyone
Or. en
Amendment 76
Eugen Tomac
Draft opinion
Paragraph 19 c (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that women have been
more widely affected by the COVID-19
pandemic in terms of job loss, health
risks, precarious working conditions, pre-
existing employment inequalities and care
responsibilities and calls for adequate
funding to support measures for the
promotion of equality and equal access to
the labour market;
Or. en
Amendment 77
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Draft opinion
Underlines that the European
Parliament and other EU institutions
should set the example to protect essential
workers and maintain their jobs during
the pandemic; expresses, in this sense,
strong concern over the contracts and
working conditions of the workers
providing essential and structural services
to the EU institutions, such as cleaning
and catering; calls in this regard on the
European institutions to ensure decent
working conditions to all employees,
including workers in the subcontracting
chain and external staff and to explore
the possibility of insourcing external jobs
and services with its own employment
Or. en
Amendment 78
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 23 a (new)
Draft opinion
Calls for the implementation of
gender budgeting by assigning budget
allocations taking into account a gender-
responsive evaluation of the previous
budgetary period and ensuring equal
participation in the budgetary process;
stresses that gender budgeting also
requires linking the budget to gender
equality objectives defined in each policy
area, tracing spending on gender equality
and ensuring a gender-sensitive review of
the programmes and spending to adjust
them in the following period;
Or. en
Amendment 79
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 24
Draft opinion
Recalls that the Commission must
Calls for a mainstreaming of
implement, no later than 1 January 2023
gender responsive budget to better align
and for certain centrally managed
policies and activities that promote the
programmes, a methodology to measure
equal participation of women in the
expenditure relevant to the promotion of
labour market and to have comprehensive
gender equality as well as rights and equal
systems to monitor and measure gender
opportunities for all;
budget allocations,
women participation
in the labour market, access to apical
positions, and employment and pay gaps;
recalls that the Commission must
implement, no later than 1 January 2023
and for certain centrally managed
programmes, a methodology to measure
expenditure relevant to the promotion of
gender equality as well as rights and equal
opportunities for all;
Or. en
Amendment 80
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 24 a (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that women are more
widely affected by the pandemic and are
more at risk of suffering the employment
and social fallout of the crisis as the
gender gap widened during the pandemic;
Stresses that employment headline target
adopted in Porto can only be achieved by
adopting ambitious targets at national
level to include women in the labour
market, creating incentives,
infrastructures and removing barriers and
discriminations; strongly promotes
solutions to stop direct and indirect
discrimination affecting women, raise the
pay levels of sectors that are highly
feminised and poorly remunerate and
promote equality and equal access to the
labour market, in particular in sectors
that will greatly benefit from investments
and subsidies during the recovery;
Or. en
Amendment 81
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 24 a (new)
Draft opinion
Recalls that women are more
widely affected by the pandemic in terms
of health risks, pre-existing employment
inequalities and care responsibilities and
strongly promotes solutions to stop direct
and indirect discrimination affecting
women during the crisis; stresses the
importance of increased funding to
support measures for the promotion of
equality and equal access to the labour
market for men and women; strongly
believes that gender responsive budgeting
must be mainstreamed in the 2023
general budget to better align policies and
activities that promote the equal
participation of women in the labour
market and to have comprehensive
systems to monitor and measure gender
budget allocations; recalls the importance
of ambitious funding and other
instruments that promote the support of
anti-discrimination legislation and
policies and the implementation thereof;
Or. en
Amendment 82
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 25
Draft opinion
Recalls the essential work carried
Recalls the essential work carried
out by decentralised agencies; considers
out by decentralised agencies; considers
that agencies must be properly staffed and
that agencies must be properly staffed and
adequately resourced so that they can
adequately resourced so that they can
perform their tasks;
perform their tasks;
insists, in particular,
on a proper staffing and financing of the
new European Labour Authority;
Or. en
Amendment 83
Alex Agius Saliba
cosigned by Marc Angel, Alicia Homs Ginel, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Vilija
Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Agnes Jongerius
Draft opinion
Paragraph 25 a (new)
Draft opinion
Reiterates that pilot projects (PPs)
and preparatory actions (PAs) are very
valuable tools to initiate new activities and
policies in the fields of employment and
social inclusion and that several ideas of
the EMPL Committee have been
implemented successfully in the past as
PPs/PAs; Calls for the implementation of
PPs/PAs to be transparent and in line
with their adopted objectives and
recommendations; calls the Commission
to prioritise, for efficiency reasons, the
implementation of these projects and
actions through Union agencies when
they fall under their areas of expertise;
Or. en
Amendment 84
Terry Reintke
Draft opinion
Paragraph 26 a (new)
Draft opinion
Strongly supports cohesion
funding as the prime funding instrument
of the EU budget that enables economic,
social and territorial cohesion, and one of
the cornerstones of the recovery;
highlights its role in reaching EU
strategic objectives such as employment,
fight against poverty, gender equality,
climate neutral economy, and innovation,
and as a driving force of a more inclusive
and sustainable Union; highlights that the
regional policy must play a key role in
boosting equal job opportunities among
all genders and supporting the re-skilling
of workers by providing adequate life-long
Or. en