FRA - 2021/2145(DEC)
AMs: 29
Covered: AM 1 Greens, AM 2 S&D, AM 4 EPP, AM 8 S&D, AM 13 S&D, AM 15 EPP, AM
16 Greens, AM 20 Greens, AM 23 The Left, AM 24 Renew, AM 25 EPP, AM 26 EPP, AM 27
Renew, AM 28 Renew, AM 29 Renew
Fall: AM 3 ID, AM 9 ID, AM 10 ECR, AM 11 ECR, AM 12 ID, AM 14 ID, AM 17 ID, AM
18 ID, AM 19 ID, AM 21 ECR, AM 22 ECR
Not included in teh compromises: AM 5 EPP, AM 6 The Left, AM 7 Greens
Updated on 4/02/2022
CA 1
Covered: AM 1 Greens, AM 2 S&D, AM 4 EPP
Fall: AM 3 ID
Welcomes the fact that the Court of Auditors (the ‘Court’) has declared the transactions
underlying the annual accounts of the Fundamental Rights Agency (‘FRA’) for the financial
2020 to be legal and regular in all material respects
and that its financial position at 31
December 2020 is fairly presented (AM 2 S&D); welcomes the fact that the budget of FRA
increased from EUR 29 million in 2019 to EUR 30 million in 2020
this amount being just a
return (AM 1 Greens) to the state of 2018;
notes (AM4 EPP) the staff decrease from 114 to
105 (-7.9%) during the same time;
highlights that a lack of adequate financial and staff
resources can affect the quality of work that FRA provides and the implementation of its
proposed new mandate (AM 1 Greens);
CA 2
Covered: AM 13 S&D
Fall: AM 9 ID, AM 10 ECR, AM 11 ECR, AM 12 ID
Underlines the important role of FRA in helping to ensure that the fundamental rights
of people living in the Union are promoted and protected; recalls the importance of FRA in
promoting a reflection on security and fundamental rights; highlights, in particular, the value
of FRA’s studies and opinions for the development and implementation of Union law;
FRA's commitment on the protection of vulnerable groups and against any form of
discrimination; (AM 13 S&D)
CA 3
Covered: AM 15 EPP, AM 16 Greens
Fall: AM 14 ID, AM 17 ID
Notes with satisfaction that FRA responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by publishing
six bulletins, which provided a timely and comprehensive overview of the fundamental rights
implications of national measures adopted across the Union to safeguard citizens from the
recalls, however, that this additional task was not accompanied with additional
resources; (AM 16 Greens) welcomes that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19
pandemic, FRA produced 163 079 materials and tools related to awareness-raising activities
which is well above target set for 2020; appreciates the increased media presence of FRA;
(AM 15 EPP)
CA 4
Covered: AM 20 Greens, AM 23 The Left
Fall: AM 18 ID, AM 19 ID, AM 21 ECR, AM 22 ECR
Welcomes the extension of FRA’s fundamental rights advice to other Union agencies,
especially in assisting the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (‘Frontex’) with
completing the recruitment of the 40 fundamental rights monitors across its operations
with preparing the legal and operational framework for their deployment to the field;
considers that other agencies whose competences are being extended, such as Europol, could
be usefully assisted by the FRA; (AM 20 Greens)
5 a (new)
Underlines the continuous monitoring by FRA of the many fundamental
rights challenges that result from collecting, storing and processing data in large-scale IT
systems and their interoperability; highlights that FRA stresses the potential fundamental
rights risks, with respect to the protection of personal data, protection against non-
discrimination, and right to an effective remedy and the need to properly implement
safeguards; (AM 23 The Left)
CA 5
Covered: AM 24 Renew, AM 25 EPP
5 b (new)
Welcomes that FRA successfully implemented its Annual Work Programme
in 2020 and managed to accomplish all targets; (AM 25 EPP) welcomes the intensification
of the cooperation between FRA and international organisations such as the Council of
Europe and the United Nations; (AM 24 Renew) appreciates FRA’s support to other
agencies and welcomes that FRA continues to explore ways of cooperation with agencies of
similar interest; (AM 25 EPP) reiterates its appreciation of the launch of the European
Union Fundamental Rights Information System (EFRIS) for the more systematic use of
assessments of the Union’s and Member States’ international human rights obligations;
(AM 24 Renew)
CA 6
Covered: AM 8 S&D, AM 26 EPP, AM 27 Renew, AM 28 Renew, AM 29 Renew
5 c (new)
Welcomes the fact that the Court's observation regarding the introduction of
e-tendering and e-submission has been acted upon and completed; (AM 8 S&D, AM 27
5 d (new)
Notes the gender distribution reported for 2020 in senior management is three
women (50%) and three men (50%); notes that gender distribution in management board
members is 30 women (60%) and 20 men (40%); notes that the staff overall is composed of
53 women (51,96%) and 49 men (49,04%); reminds the Member States to consider gender
balance when nominating members to management board; (AM 26 EPP)
5 e (new)
Acknowledges the complex nature of the studies carried out by FRA, covering
the law and practice of all Member States and the high number of publications produced
and trainings delivered to ensure fundamental rights compliance that also contribute and
feed into the work of different Union bodies and agencies; (AM 28 Renew)
5 f (new)
Highlights the commitment of the Agency to the protection of vulnerable
groups and on all types of discrimination within the Union; welcomes the Proposal for a
Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 168/2007 establishing a European Union
Agency for Fundamental Rights clarifies that the scope of the Agency's activities, covering
all the competences of the Union; (AM 29 Renew)