Compromise 45 [citations]:
Citation 3 : AM 1 (Auštrevičius)
Citation 4: AMs 2 (Gregorová), 3 and 7(Auštrevičius)
Citation 4 a (new): AMs 4 (Kubilius) and 5 (Olekas)
Citations 5 a (new), 6 a (new): AMs 9 (Lexmann) and 11 (Lexmann)
Citation 6: AM 10 (Manda)
Citation 8: AMs 13 (Ara-Kovács) and 14 (Kyuchyuk)
(if adopted AM12 Fotyga falls)
Compromise 1: Recital A - AMs 26 (Kubilius), 27 (Fotyga), 68 (Kalniete)
whereas the Eastern Partnership (EaP) is
inclusive by nature [AM 68 part.]
, is based
on mutual interests and understanding, shared ownership and responsibility, differentiation
and conditionality [AM 26, 68 part.]
and aims for a shared commitment between Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union to
deepen their relations and adhere to international law and core values such as democracy,
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms,
the rule of law, the independence and
impartiality of the judiciary, a social market economy, sustainable development and good
with the goal to increase stability and prosperity [AM 27];
Compromise 2: Recital B, - AMs 31 (Villanueva Ruiz), 32 (Ara-Kovács), 33 (Glucksmann),
34 (Auštrevičius), 35 (Bocskor), 36 (Manda), 37 (Zovko) (if adopted, AMs 30 Zanni, fall)
increased [AM 36] cooperation between the EU and
the EaP countries
is not
a linear process [AMs 32, 33]
and a fully-fledged cooperation can be achieved and maintained
only in so far as
the core
European [AM 37] values and principles are respected
during the
constitutional and legislative process [AM 35]
and if the fight against corruption, organized
crime, money laundering, [AM 34]
oligarchic structures and nepotism are guaranteed [AM
however, in serious cases of backsliding cooperation can be reversed [AM 32 and 33];
Compromise 3: Recitals C, C a (new), C b (new) - AMs 41 (Băsescu), 43 (Fotyga), 44
(Auštrevičius), 45 (Kalniete), 46 (Sikorski), 49 (Sikorski), 53 (Kalniete), 55 (Sikorski) (if
adopted, AMs 42 Zanni, 47 Mariani, fall)
whereas certain EaP countries chose to pursue a closer political, human and economic
, based on a principle of differentiation and in accordance with performance
results and aspirations, [AM 44]
and concluded [AMs 43, 45] ambitious Association
Agreements (AAs)
including Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas (DCFTAs
) [AM
41], as wel as visa-free regimes
and Common Aviation Area Agreements [AM 46];
addition, they declared the strategic goal of membership of the EU [AMs 43, 45]
and have
already proved their ability to ensure greater stability, security, prosperity and resilience in
the Eastern neighbourhood [AM 41]
; whereas the public support in their societies for
European integration remains at a very high level [AMs 43, 53];
C a. whereas other EaP countries pursue a more nuanced level of ambition towards the
EU; Armenia is part of the Russian led economic (Eurasian Economic Union) and military
(Collective Security Treaty Organisation) regional integration structures and enjoys the
Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with the EU; Azerbaijan as of 2017
is negotiating a new comprehensive agreement with the EU which will replace the
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 1999; Belarus does not have any treaty based
contractual relationship with the EU, however recently the visa facilitation and readmission
agreements have been signed [AM 49]
C b. whereas since the establishment of the EaP, partner countries have displayed a varied
pace of political and economic reforms, due to both internal and external factors, and have
not yet reached a point where these reforms are irreversible [AM 55];
Compromise 4: Recital D - AMs 39 (Ara-Kovács), 40 (Glucksmann), 58 (Kubilius), 60
(Lexmann), 61 (Bocskor), 62 (Zovko), 63 (Sikorski) (if adopted, AMs 57 Zanni, 59 Ara-
Kovács, 64 Villanueva Ruiz, fall)
there is a necessity to encourage the development of tailor-made strategies
with all of the six EaP countries, and to advance to more ambitious [AM 60] forms of
cooperation and integration
where desired by the partner countries, [AM 60]
and to support
and sustain an ambitious pace of implementation of European integration reforms [AM 58];
whereas that can be achieved provided that
a progress in the respect for the rule of law and
in strengthening democracy is attained [AMs 39, 40, 63], comprehensive reforms are
implemented in a timely
, authentic [AM 62], sustainable
and effective [AM 61] manner
the support of flexible EU instruments [AM 60]
and in accordance with international
commitments and obligations, and with respect for fundamental human and minority rights
[AM 61];
Compromise 5: citation 8 a (new); recitals E, E a (new), F - AMs 15 (Fotyga), 70
(Auštrevičius), 71 (Ara-Kovács), 72 (Fotyga), 73 (Castaldo), 74 (Kalniete), 75 (Šimečka), 77
(Weimers), 78 (Fotyga), 79 (Kyuchyuk), 80 (Zovko), 82 (Kalniete), 84 (Papadakis), 85
(Hajšel), 86 (Piri), 90 part. (Ara-Kovács), 92 (Kovatchev), 93 (Weimers), 94 (Androulakis), 98
(Hajšel), 402 (Kalniete), 403 (Kalniete), 412 (Lega), 418 (Sánchez Amor), 428 (Fotyga), 444
(Kyuchyuk) (if adopted, AMs 24 Villanueva Ruiz, 69 Zanni, 76 Lega, 83 Castaldo, 88
Kyuchyuk, 89 Paet, 426 Paet, 451 Paet, 453 Kyuchyuk fall)
having regard to its previous resolutions on Russia, especially those related to
Russia's actions in the territories of the EaP countries, violations of the rights of Crimean
Tatars, the occupation of parts of territory of Georgia and related borderization activities, as
wel as hostile propaganda and disinformation against the EU and the EaP countries, [AM
whereas the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the EaP countries are
infringed [AM 74] by unresolved regional conflicts
, external aggression and by the
ongoing occupation of the territories of some of the EaP countries [AM 74]
, which
undermine the human rights situation [AM 73],
represent a barrier to enhancing the
prosperity, stability and growth of the EaP [AM 75]
and compromise the European Union
thus endangering the whole EaP project [AMs 73, 79];
whereas in the majority of
these conflicts Russia is playing an active role as an aggressor [AMs 72, 412],
through its
hybrid warfare, il egal occupation and annexation policy, cyber-attacks, propaganda and
disinformation, which threaten European security as a whole [AM 70 and 77];
E a. whereas European prosperity and security is closely linked to the situation of
neighbours, EaP countries in particular; whereas the Eastern Partnership pursues the
common goals of good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation [AM 71]
, and the
revised ENP Policy should foster and strengthen capacities to resolve bilateral disputes and
strive for reconciliation between societies in the Eastern neighbourhood [AM 78];
whereas the European Parliament
condemns the violation of the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the EaP countries, does not recognize forceful changes of their borders
and attempted annexation of their territories and [AM 82, 402, 403, 428] rejects the use of
force or the threat of force, and shares the EU’s commitment to supporting
a peaceful conflict
resolution via diplomatic means [AM 80] and in accordance with
the norms and principles
international law, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act [AMs 71, 84 and partialy 90,
92, 93, 94, 98, 418, 444],
namely in the conflicts to which Russia is a party [AMs 85, 86];
Compromise 6: Recitals F b (new), F c (new), F d (new), F e (new) - AMs 91 (Sikorski), 95
(Kubilius), 96 (Strugariu), 97 (Ara-Kovács), 100 (Strugariu), 101 (Sikorski) (if adopted AMs
29 Zanni, 38 Vilanueva Ruiz, 48 Vilanueva Ruiz fal)
F b. whereas through the EaP the EU helped kick-start structural reforms, including of
institutions and governance structures, as well as lay down foundations for deep socio-
economic and political transformation across the Eastern neighbourhood; whereas progress
was achieved in the approximation of the EaP countries to the EU regulatory framework, its
norms, standards and practices[AM 91];
F c. whereas a direct consequence of the EaP has been the empowerment, increased
expectation and demand for accountability and transparency from the civil society towards
the governments of the EaP countries, which proved to be a major internal driver for reform
[AM 101]
; whereas, the success of transformation in the EaP countries, in particular of the
three associated partner countries, can yield a positive example [AM 95 and 97]
for other
countries [AM 97];
F d. whereas independent prosecutors and judges, free courts and institutions, a strong
civil society and an independent media, all acting as watchdogs, are key elements that the
EU should continue to actively support in its Eastern neighbourhood [AM 96]
F e. whereas strong and resilient institutions, the prevalence of the rule of law, the
implementation of judicial reforms, as well as the fight against corruption and money
laundering, are pivotal in building a fair, stable and trustworthy environment, which can
then in turn at ract and sustain long-term investment and growth in the EaP countries [AM
Compromise 7: Recitals F f (new), F g (new), F h (new), F i (new), F j (new), F k (new) - AM
99 (Auštrevičius), 102 (Auštrevičius), 105 (Auštrevičius), 108 (Auštrevičius), 109
(Auštrevičius), 110 (Auštrevičius), 215 (Hajšel), 216 (Weimers), 234 (Glucksmann), 271
(Santos), 275 part. (Ara-Kovács), 277 (Santos), 282 (Ara-Kovács) (if adopted, AMs 258
Santos, 263 Ara-Kovács, fall)
F f. whereas at the 2018 elections the new Armenian Government received a strong
democratic mandate for its anti-corruption agenda and rule of law reforms [AMs 215, 216]
which should however not be rushed through, but adequately discussed and which require
[AMs 271, 282]
the EU support for developing Armenia’s reform capacities, particularly in
the legal, judicial and public administration sectors [AM 99]
F g. whereas the finalization of the Comprehensive Agreement between Azerbaijan and
the EU requires political will and an overall commitment to the European values and agenda
on the part of Azerbaijan [AM 102],
particularly meeting the OSCE ODIHR criteria for
genuine and competitive elections [AM 275 part., 277]
and ceasing repression of political
opposition, journalists, civil society and human rights defenders, among other [AM 102]
F h. whereas the environment for the civil society remains adverse in Belarus, the 2019
Parliamentary election left the Parliament without members representing independent social
and political forces, moreover, the Belarusian government continues engaging into
negotiations with the Russian Federation over deepening of integration within the Union
State and together with Russian companies constructs the Belarusian Astravets NPP without
ful adherence to environmental and nuclear safety standards[AM 105]
F i. whereas Georgia’s reform path can benefit from less political polarisation and
effective political dialogue as demonstrated by the recent agreement on the reform of the
electoral system, which should be implemented swiftly; whereas the judiciary must be
independent and free from political influence and [AM 234]
freedom and plurality of media
must be guaranteed; whereas Georgian population remains troubled by high unemployment,
wide regional disparities, poverty and inequalities in the healthcare system [AM 108];
F j. whereas in 2019 the EU resumed budget support assistance to Moldova by keeping
strict conditionality, the major reforms are needed in the judicial system, in the economic
and banking sector, notably in the fight against high-level corruption and in the prosecution
of the banking fraud [AM 109];
F k. whereas democratic transition of power in Ukraine in 2019 ensured a welcome
continuation of the wide-ranging reforms and, despite on-going war, macro-financial
stability was maintained, the enforcement of the rule of law, transparency of the judiciary
and fight against corruption to be continued, among others. Whereas it is urgent to improve
the humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine, including of internally displaced people
(IDPs), which requires undivided attention by Ukrainian authorities and an increased
international support [AM 110]
Compromise 8: point a - AMs 112 (Auštrevičius), 113 (Ara-Kovács), 114 (Zovko), 116
(Sikorski), 118 (Băsescu), 119 (Bilčík), 120 part. (Weimers), 121 (Gregorová), 122 (Santos),
133 (Kalniete), 149 (Fotyga) (if adopted, AMs 115 Mariani fall)
acknowledge that the EaP countries increasingly assumed more responsibility and
ownership of the EaP initiative, [AM 112]
underline the importance to strive for a continuous
impetus towards effective cooperation, intense dialogue and close partnership within the
EaP, enhanced by [AM 113]
the transformational impact of the EaP policy,
which supports
reforms that generate positive [AMs 118, 119, 120 part.] political, social, economic and legal
change in the
EaP countries [AM 112],
taking into consideration their level of ambition
towards the EU [AM 116];
highlight the associated countries’ strive for an ever closer
relationship with the EU [AM 114];
confirm the sovereign right of the EaP countries to
freely choose their individual level of cooperation or integration with the EU and to reject
any external pressure on such choice [AM 133, 149];
Compromise 9: recital C c (new) - point b - AMs 104 (Strugariu), 138 (Auštrevičius), 140
(Ara-Kovács), 141 part. (Villanueva Ruiz), 142 (Šimečka), 143 (Sikorski), 144 (McAllister),
148 (Loiseau), 151 (Gregorová) (if adopted, AMs 136 Zanni, 137 Piri, 146 Paet, 147 Mariani,
154 Ara-Kovács fall)
C c. whereas maintaining a long-term European perspective for the interested countries
in the EaP is a catalyst for democratisation and further reforms in the EaP countries (AM
underline that, pursuant to Article 49 TEU, any European state may apply to become
a member of the EU provided that it respects the values of human dignity, freedom,
democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of persons
belonging to minorities, as referred to in Article 2 TEU; [AMs 143 and 148];
that, while accession is not foreseen under the framework of the EaP, [AM 144]
the EaP
policy can facilitate a process of gradual integration to the EU [AM 138]
; consider that for
an eventual accession process both the EU and the EaP country must be well prepared [AM
140, AM 141 part.],
taking into account the EU’s future reforms process [AM 138, AM 141
and the partner country’s approximation to the European Union acquis [AM 142]
, as
well as its compliance with the EU membership criteria [AM 138];
ensure that the full
implementation of the current agreements between the EU and EaP countries will be the
first step in this gradual integration process [AM 151];
Compromise 10: points c, c a (previously h), c b (new), - AMs 153 (Auštrevičius), 157
(MAnda), 158 part. (Sikorski), 159 (Tudorache), 160 (Băsescu), 162 (Kalniete), 166 part.
(Auštrevičius), 210 (Tudorache), 211 (Kalniete), 213 (Manda), 214 (Băsescu), 218 (Băsescu),
220 (Manda), 231 (Fotyga), 454 (Zovko) (if adopted, AMs 156 Villanueva Ruiz, 161 Zanni,
212 Mariani fall)
promptly enact [AM 158 part.] a
strategic [AM 162] and future-oriented vision for the
next decade of the EaP
policy beyond 2020 [AM 158 part.] with the aim of
providing benefits
first and foremost for citizens [AMs 159, 160, 166 part]
, strengthening resilience, fostering
sustainable development [AM 157],
ensuring irreversible achievements, and deepening EU-
EaP cooperation
and integration [AMs 153, 162]
, which is in the EU’s own security and
economic interest [AMs 153, 454];
(c a) ensure that the conclusions of the June 2020 Summit include
a clear strategy and a
long-term common vision for further engagement and development of the EaP beyond 2020,
[AMs 210, 211, 213] reinforced EU commitments
and political incentives [AM 214], and a
pledge from the EaP countries to deliver on their own;
encourage future Presidencies of the
Council of the EU, in line with European Parliament’s resolutions and recommendations,
to prepare detailed and ambitious agendas of cooperation with EaP countries, which would
help to shape relations with EaP countries in a mutually desired direction in the decades to
come [AM 231];
(c b) recognise that the EaP should continue to be an attractive framework for
cooperationand support this process in line with the “more for more” principle, in order to
keep the EaP countries engaged in the reform process and on their path towards the EU
[AMs 210, 218, 220]
Compromise 11: point d - AMs 125 (Ara-Kovács), 126 (Glucksmann), 132 (Gregorová), 165
(Auštrevičius), 168 (Tudorache), 169 (Picula), 170 (Manda), 171 (Băsescu), 175 (Sikorski),
194 (Fotyga), 268 part. (Fotyga), INTA 3 second part (if adopted, AMs 167 Auštrevičius, 174
Šimečka, 248 Hajšel, 340 Piri fall)
a balanced approach between tailor-made differentiation within the EaP
and the inclusiveness, coherence and consistency of the multilateral framework, which
remains a reference point for all EaP countries; avoid splitting the EaP along the lines of
their ambition towards the EU [AMs 175, 268 part.];
consider that the scope and depth of
cooperation between the EU and the EaP countries is to be determined by the ambitions of
the parties, as well as by their implementation of reforms [AMs 125, 126]
; acknowledge that
the AAs/DCFTAs agreements that have been signed with Georgia, the Republic of Moldova
and Ukraine are the evidence of a differentiated approach and should lead to further
enhanced bilateral relation formats and roadmaps based on the principle of “more for more”
[AM 165, INTA 3 second part]
Compromise 46: point d a (new) - AMs 123 (Kubilius), 130 (Kubilius), 206 (Fotyga), 217
(Kubilius), 223 (Kubilius), 268 part. (Fotyga), 284 (Kubilius), 287 (Kubilius),
(d a) in light of a tailor-made approach, consider creating for the three associated
countries an enhanced cooperation strategy, which could establish a reform and investment
support programme in areas such as capacity building, transport, infrastructure,
connectivity, energy, justice, digital economy, which could later foresee an extension to the
remaining EaP countries on the basis of individual assessments of EU reform commitments
and progress achieved, having in mind the need to sustain the coherence of EaP and in line
with the inclusiveness principle; this dialogue could include meetings in the margins of the
European Council with leaders of the associated countries on a structured basis, regular
participation of their representatives in the meetings of the European Council working
groups and commit ees [AMs 123, 130, 206, 217, 223, 268 part., 284, 287]
Compromise 12: point e - AMs 177 (Auštrevičius), 178 (Glucksmann), 179 (Ara-Kovács),
180 (Manda), 181 (Kalniete), INTA 2 first part (if adopted, AMs 176 Zanni, 183 Villanueva
Ruiz fall)
embark on a process to create a common economic space
, leading towards integration
with the four freedoms [AM 181]
, that facilitates deeper economic integration
convergence with the EU
policies [AM 180, INTA 2 first part]
and a deeper economic
cooperation among the EaP countries themselves using the path trodden with the Western
Balkan countries [AMs 177, 178, 179];
Compromise 13: point f - AMs 186 (Manda), 187 (Kubilius), 188 (Fotyga), 189 (Băsescu),
191 (Tudorache), 193 (Kalniete) (if adopted, AMs 184 Mariani, 185 Zanni, 192 Villanueva
Ruiz fall)
launch [AM 188] additional measures for a deeper integration
and further sectoral
cooperation [AMs 187, 189, 191, 193]
of the EaP countries with the EU and their
participation [AM 188] in selected EU agencies,
investment framework platforms [AM 187],
intra-EU programmes and initiatives, in full compliance with existing conditionalities and
pursuant to
the EU’s incentive-based approach in order to achieve further convergence in
the spirit of the “more for more
” [AM 186] principle
and taking into account the best reform
support practices [AM 187];
Compromise 14: points g, g a (new), g b (new), g c (new) - AMs 129 (Sikorski), 131 (Ara-
Kovács), 155 (Olekas), 164 (Strugariu), 198 (Ara-Kovács), 199 (Auštrevičius), 202 (Zovko),
204 (Sikorski), 205 (Băsescu), 207 (Auštrevičius), 208 (Strugariu), 221 (Lexmann), 250 part.
(Sikorski), 278 (Auštrevičius), 281 part. (Kubilius), 332 (Gregorová), 342 (Villanueva Ruiz),
518 (Glucksmann) (if adopted, AMs 196 Mariani, 197 Zanni, 200 Kyuchyuk, 203 Villanueva
Ruiz, 232 Glucksmann, 233 Glucksmann, INTA 2 fourth and final part fall)
EaP countries with greater financial assistance,
and make it subject to
conditions [AM 204]
, including in the context of
ongoing legislative negotiations on the
external financial instruments
for the period 2021-2027 [AMs 205, 281]; such assistance
should be tailored to the specific needs of the individual EaP countries
under the guidance of
the European Parliament via delegated acts [AM 202] and used to implement activities under
the EaP programme;
consider that the EU’s financial assistance is also an investment into
the future, since it supports reforms that increase the economic and social stability of the
EaP countries and lays down the basis for a successful future cooperation [AM 198]
(g a) recognize the need for an additional political, administrative and financial support
framework for the three associated countries within the overall EaP, based on individual
approaches, that would address their specific structural reforms, modernisation and
institution building needs; [AM 199]
note that this access to EU funding should be linked
with reform commitments and should include a set of ambitious benchmarks; [AM 281]
(g b) prioritise the imperative of the “more for more democracy and rule of law” principle
in the light of recent developments in both the EU and EaP countries [AM 129]
and ensure
that functioning and resilient democratic institutions, the rule of law, good governance [AM
, the fight against corruption and nepotism, [AM 342]
media freedom and the respect
for human rights remain the key criteria and conditions for closer political partnership and
financial assistance [AM 164]
(g c) carry out regular impact assessments of the EU support programs in order to increase
their efficiency and to apply timely adjustments [AM 207];
react faster to the deterioration
of the rule of law and democratic accountability in the EaP countries and apply smart
conditionality, including by linking the provision of macro-financial assistance to
democratisation and reforms [AMs 221, 332]
, to prevent the partner governments from
further backsliding [AM 278];
create conditions to be in the position to divert assistance in
a given EaP country from the central authorities, if they do not adhere to commitments, to
local authorities or [AM 250 part.]
to civil society actors [AM 208].
Compromise 15: recital C d (new) - point i - AMs 52 (Auštrevičius), 124 (Lexmann), 226
(Fotyga), 227 (Gregorová), 229 (Băsescu), 230 (Auštrevičius) (if adopted, AMs 51 Olekas, 225
Villanueva Ruiz, 266 Paet fall)
C d. whereas the main goal of the AAs/DCFTAs is to create the necessary conditions to
accelerate political association and further economic integration between the European
Union and interested partner countries [AM 52]
while keeping the inclusive nature of the Partnership [AM 226]
and continuing to
engage with all EaP countries, [AM 227] acknowledge the associated partnership status of
advanced EaP countries, notably the signatories of AAs with DCFTAs,
and establish more
venues for
enhanced political dialogue
with them in order to advance further economic
integration and legislative harmonisation [AM 230];
for example, include the associated
countries as observers in the proceedings of the Committees established pursuant to Article
291 TFEU and Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 as a means to show the EU's commitments to
further integration and to strengthen the countries' reform orientation and administrative
know-how [AM 124]
Compromise 16: points j, j a (new) - AMs 235 (Auštrevičius), 239 (Ara-Kovács), 240
(Glucksmann), 241 (Gregorová), 242 (Kubilius), 243 (Fotyga), 244 (Lexmann), 245 (Santos),
250 part. (Sikorski), 251 (Auštrevičius), INTA 5 first part, INTA 6 first part (if adopted, AMs
236 Villanueva Ruiz, 237 Lega, 246 Piri, 247 McAllister, INTA 4 second part fall)
with the EaP countries [AM 243]
in further
assistance [AM 245, INTA 5 first
part] in State building and in strengthening institutions
and their accountability [AM 244] by
making instruments similar to the Support Group for Ukraine [AM 242] available to
all EaP
countries, with the associated partners
taking priority [AM 239, 240, 241];
develop existing
and new EU tools in the area of rule of law and good governance to monitor and assess
progress by the associated partners, in particular the EU Justice Scoreboard and the Rule of
Law Mechanism; provide effective guidance and benchmarks for reforms, including by
adopting roadmaps to specify association commitments;
develop detailed working documents
with a clear methodology and a comparative perspective as drawn from the practice of the
Visa-Liberalisation Action Plan and accession process to supplement the current Progress
Reports and Association Agendas [AM 235]
(j a) include multi-stakeholder monitoring into the assessment process of reforms in the
EaP countries and make it mandatory for the EaP governments, following the practice
already established in Ukraine [AM 250 part.]
; ensure the continuation of the annual
Association Implementation Reports by the Commission and the EEAS on the progress made
by the three associated partners and apply a unified evaluation methodology, especial y when
analysing reforms in the same areas and sectors; issue regular, at least biannual, reports on
relations with non-associated EaP countries; [AM 251]
provide an implementation report of
the trade and association agreements between the Union and the EaP countries, with a focus
on the social, environmental and economic development within the societies of the EaP
countries including in the context of the Paris agreement [INTA 6 first part]
Compromise 17: points j b (new), j c (new), j d (new) - AMs 253 part. (Strugariu), 255
(Sikorski), 256 (Auštrevičius), 257 (Auštrevičius), 283 (Auštrevičius), 396 part. (Fotyga), 483
part. (Kubilius), 490 part. (Olekas), INTA 3 first part
(j b) acknowledge that strong, independent and efficient institutions at a central and local
level are key to democratic accountability, deoligarchisation, and in the fight against
corruption and State capture; [AM 256]
therefore seek a renewed commitment by the EaP
countries to enact comprehensive reforms of the judicial and public administration aimed at
ensuring the independence, competence and merit based recruitment of judges and civil
servants [AM 283, AM 255 part.], as well as
the prioritisation of the fight against corruption,
by among other reducing the space for corruption through increased transparency,
accountability and promotion of “clean” behaviour among the populations at large,
strengthening the rule of law and promoting good governance; acknowledge that without
achieving the above-mentioned goals it will be virtually impossible to reach sustainable
growth, boost economic activity and development, decrease areas of poverty, increase
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), improve societal trust and political stability [AMs 253
part., 255, INTA 3 first part];
(j c) advance on a broader spectrum legal and economic reforms with an experience
transfer from the EU Member States through Twinning projects, particularly by extending
the program to local and regional governments [AMs 257, 483 part., 490 part.]
(j d) develop a European quality public administration in the associated EaP countries by
opening job-shadowing schemes, allowing EaP countries’ civil servants to temporarily work
in the relevant services of the EU institutions and Member States in specific areas [AM 396
Compromise 18: points k, k a (new) - AMs 259 (Paet), 262 (Auštrevičius), 264 (Kalniete),
316 (Sikorski), 484 (Kalniete) (if adopted, AM 260 Kyuchyuk fall)
acknowledge initiatives by the governments of associated countries to boost their
mutual cooperation
and joint position within the EaP [AM 264],
and encourage their
expansion to multi-sectoral level [AM 262],
in particular in the area of energy, transport,
digital affairs, cybersecurity, environmental protection, maritime economy, border control,
customs cooperation, trade facilitation and justice and home affairs [AM 259]
; a similar
approach shall be applied to the cooperation amongst al EaP countries on various issues;
(k a) promote intra-regional trade among EaP countries, since increased trade with
multiple partners contributes to increasing resilience of countries and their economies; [AM
encourage a greater involvement of EaP countries in implementing EU macro regional
strategies and efficient interregional and cross border cooperation dialogue to strengthen
partners' national and regional capacity and facilitate their social and economic
development [AM 484]
Compromise 19: points l, l a (new), l b (new) - AMs 270 (Piri), 272 (Auštrevičius), 273
(Fotyga), 274 (Piri), 279 (Zovko)
foster electoral reforms in order to ensure free, fair, competitive and transparent
elections and [AM 273] encourage ful compliance of election processes
, namely in the
adoption of legislative amendments to electoral laws and party financing [AM 272]
, with
international standards, the recommendations of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE) and the opinions of the Venice Commission;
urge EaP countries to ensure
the non-harassment, whether judicial, physical, or institutional, of political actors not
aligned with the incumbent government, and to safeguard the freedom of expression,
association and assembly, including peaceful demonstrations;
commend EaP states that
have agreed on the implementation of democratising political reforms [AM 270]
and support
the strengthening of electoral legislative framework through inclusive political dialogues
[AM 272]
(l a) ensure regular European election observation missions to EaP countries in order to
support the process of strengthening institutions, election processes and democratic
accountability [AM 279]
(l b) contribute to preventing third-party interference in the political, electoral, and other
democratic processes of the EaP states, whether designed to sway an election towards a
favoured candidate or party, or to undermine trust in the democratic system, notably through
disinformation, illicit political financing, cyber-attacks on political and media actors, or
through any other il egal means [AM 274];
Compromise 20: points m, m a (new) - AMs 292 (Kalniete), 293 (Bocskor), 297
(Glucksmann), 298 (Ara-Kovács), 300 (Auštrevičius), 301 (Strugariu), INTA 4 first part (if
adopted, AMs 290 Mariani, 291 Villanueva Ruiz, 295 McAllister, 296 Zanni, fall)
encourage continuous and effective implementation of the DCFTAs
in order to
create the conditions for [AMs 297, 298, INTA 4 first part] opening up of the EU
single market
consider the creation of a special legal approximation facility aimed at helping
associated partners in harmonizing their legislation with EU acquis and assisting them in
efforts to implement it; [AM 301]
acknowledge that the implementation of the DCFTAs has
delivered numerous positive results, however there are stil some issues that need to be
adequately addressed [AM 293]
(m a) note the importance of deepening economic cooperation and market integration with
the EaP countries through a gradual opening of the EU single market, including the full
implementation of DCFTAs, and compliance with legal, economic and technical regulations
and standards, and by establishing a common economic space; [AM 300, 292 part.]
Compromise 21: points n, n a (new), n b (new) - AMs 302 (Auštrevičius), 304 (Kalniete), 305
(McAllister), 306 (Auštrevičius), 307 (Sikorski), 308 (Sikorski), 319 (Fotyga), 324 (Paet)
aim to
explore [AM 305]
and secure the cooperation and
gradually differentiated
sectoral integration of eligible and wiling EaP countries in the Energy Union, the Transport
Community and the Digital Single Market,
among other [AM 302]
; focus on
telecommunications [AM 319]
and prioritise the creation of a roaming free regime between
the EU and EaP countries and an intra-EaP one as soon as possible [AM 307]
; build trust
services, including cyber capacities to protect critical infrastructure and personal data, and
achieve [AM 302] greater cooperation on customs,
banking and financial services [AM 304],
which would help the EaP countries’ fight against money laundering and bolster financial
surveillance, while leading to the possible expansion of the Single Euro Payments Area
(SEPA) to the EaP countries [AM 324, AM 302];
(n a) introduce instruments such as legal screening and sectoral roadmaps to determine
the EaP countries’ readiness to comply with the EU acquis and to vest their applicability to
differentiated sectoral integration; [AM 306]
(n b) promote the development of e-services, both commercial and public, of the e-
economy, as well as of a wide range of telework capabilities, in order to strengthen the
resilience and resistance in case of crisis, as experienced with pandemics; [AM 308]
Compromise 22: points o, o a (new), o b (new), o c (new) - AMs 309 (Auštrevičius), 311
(Lexmann), 312 (Auštrevičius), 313 (Šimečka), 314 (Picula), 315 part. (Strugariu), 325 part.
(Auštrevičius), 327 (Auštrevičius), 328 (Auštrevičius), 339 (Fotyga), 348 (Fotyga), INTA 2
third part, INTA 4 Second part
ensure the EaP countries’
strong involvement and contribution [AM 314] in the fight
against climate change, including
through [AM 314, INTA 2 third part] participation in the
new European Green Deal
and by ensuring that the DCFTAs do not contradict the climate
objectives and initiatives set out therein [INTA 4 Second part]
; such engagement shal take
place through the EU investment support, including EBRD and EIB, conditional upon a
sound assessment of the environmental impact and of the effects on local communities [AM
312, INTA 2 third part]
with a special focus on the sectors that might be affected and would
be in need of extra support [AM 311]
(o a) make sure that adequate actions and funding are dedicated to improve waste water
management in line with the absorption capacity of the partner countries, and for improving
energy security and interconnectivity, particularly reverse flow of gas, energy efficiency and
use of renewables in the EaP countries [AM 311, 313, 315 part., 339];
recognize the
important role of Azerbaijan in the diversification of energy supply towards the EU [AM
, as well as the success of Ukraine in the unbundling of the gas transmission system
[AM 328]
, and support energy independence and supply diversification efforts in other EaP
countries [AM 328];
encourage the EaP countries to complete the reforms in the energy
sector in compliance with the European Union law, including concerning environmental
and safety policy [AM 327]
(o b) ensure that existing and new nuclear installations in the EaP countries comply with
the highest environmental and nuclear safety standards, according to the international
conventions [AM 309];
ensure that unsafe energy projects such as Ostrovets nuclear plant
will not be part of the European electricity network [AM 348]
(o c) provide continuous support to the upgrading of the EaP countries’ solid waste
management system to the EU standards by setting up recycling targets and recycling
systems to meet the targets; address the negative impact on the environment and public
health of the outdated, as well as unauthorized, solid waste facilities; identify financial
instruments to support the financing of waste management projects by the EU and
national/local funds [AM 325]
Compromise 23: points p, p a (new), p b (new) - AMs 288 (Kubilius), 317 (Paet), 318
(Auštrevičius), 321 (Bocskor), 322 (Sikorski), 341 (Paet), 343 (Auštrevičius), 347 part.
(Kyuchyuk), 351 (Fotyga), 352 (Fotyga), INTA 2 second part (if adopted, AM 320 Mariani
adopt a comprehensive infrastructure-building plan,
including border-crossings [AM
and support the implementation of the priority projects as identified in the Indicative
TEN-T and other Investment Action Plans [AM 318] with the aim of improving
energy and digital [AM 322, INTA 2 second part] connectivity between the EU and the EaP
countries, and among the EaP countries themselves,
while ensuring environmental
sustainability during the implementation process; encourage regulatory convergence in the
transport sector; [AM 318]
(p a) urge the EaP countries, in cooperation with the Commission, to fully use the
opportunities of the trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Investment Action Plan;
underline the need to better exploit the connectivity potential of the Black Sea [AM 317]
support infrastructure projects, which are crucial for increasing connectivity with the
region and with Central Asia; [AM 352, 347 part.]
in this regard, acknowledge the strategic
geographical location of EaP countries as a link between the European Union, Asia and
the wider neighbourhood, which could bring increased value for EU foreign policy
engagements [AM 351]
(p b) ensure that the MFF confirms the EUs financial support for the infrastructure and
investment projects of EaP countries, increasing their resilience to cyber threats and
improving and modernizing education [AM 341]
; take active measures to improve
absorption capacities of the EaP countries [AM 318];
apply the experience of the Western
Balkans Investment Framework to attract and coordinate financial and technical assistance,
and to increase efficiency of infrastructure projects [AM 343]
Compromise 24: points q, q a (new), q b (new) - AMs 310 (Sikorski), 326 (Lexmann), 333
Santos, 346 (Auštrevičius), 350 (Auštrevičius), INTA 5 second part (if adopted, AMs 329
Zanni, 331 Olekas, 334 Šimečka, 335 Villanueva Ruiz, 338 Hajšel, 345 Šimečka fall)
extend to other associated partners the approach employed by the EU in its efforts to
support the recovery of the Ukrainian economy, including by means of tailored and flexible
macro-financial assistance and instruments and engagement and coordination of international
financial institutions and donors, and by improving the environment for foreign direct
investment (FDI)
taking into account social, labour and environmental rights [AM 333];
make the promotion of FDIs from the EU a key aspect of the EaP policy and develop an
action plan for this purpose, further improving the business environment and guaranteeing
legal certainty [AM 346]
(q a) support greater diversification and competitiveness of the economies of EaP countries
[AM 310, INTA 5 second part],
through reinforced support for SMEs by strengthening and
widening the scope, geographical coverage and relevance for the recipients’ needs of
programs such as EU4Business, particularly lending to SMEs in local currencies, and by
developing new initiatives designed to attract venture capital into the EaP countries and
providing continuous support for the development of export oriented industries [AM 310,
as well as through demonopolisation, deoligarchisation and privatisation [AM 310];
(q b) address the rural-urban divide in the EaP countries through effective financial and
technical incentives to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), smal -scale
farmers and family enterprises in rural and suburban areas, and through the improvement
of human connectivity and infrastructure between cities and countryside in view of fostering
social cohesion [AM 326]
Compromise 25: points r, r a (new), r b (new) - AMs 358 (Fotyga), 359 (Sikorski), 360
(Lexmann), 361 (McAllister), 367 (Auštrevičius), 371 (Fotyga) (if adopted, AMs 354 Zanni,
356 Piri, 362 Mariani, 363 Auštrevičius, 364 Villanueva Ruiz, 365 Loiseau , 366 Lega fall)
support an increased labour mobility
between both the EU and EaP countries
, as well
as among the EaP countries, with a strong focus on legality and sustainability of the process,
allowing for skil s and experience exchange, avoiding brain drain and local labour shortages
[AM 359]
; in this regard, take full stock of the successful implementation of Visa free
regimes with the three associated countries [AM 358]
(r a) take into account the challenges posed to EaP countries by brain drain [AM 361] and
them by promoting quality and inclusive education, formation and training
programmes, and creating job opportunities with a view to providing
perspectives to young people and families in their local communities [AMs 360, 371];
(r b) cope with the effects of depopulation and migration in EaP countries by involving
the EaP countries into the European Agenda on Migration [AM 367]
Compromise 26: points r c (new), r d (new) - AMs 368 (Gregorová), 369 (Auštrevičius), 370
(Auštrevičius), INTA 5 fourth part
(r c) support and launch country-based action plans to combat unemployment and to
tackle social and regional inequality; invest into youth, foster entrepreneurship and create
new programs and incentives for young professionals to return to the labour markets of the
EaP countries [AM 369, INTA 5 fourth part]
(r d) encourage EaP countries to pursue comprehensive labour policy reforms in order to
improve working conditions and workers’ rights [AM 368]
; develop an action plan to fight
undeclared work, support the creation of ful y fledged trade unions and to call for ILO
conventions to be transposed into national law and implemented [AM 370]
Compromise 27: point s - AMs 353 (Auštrevičius), 372 (Auštrevičius), 373 (Lexmann), 374
(Zovko), 375 (Kalniete) (if adopted, AMs 376 Zanni falls)
support educational reforms in the willing EaP countries, which are a key for the
EaP future, aiming to address shortages between the education systems reform and labour
market demand, and promote vocational training, among other [AM 353]
; acknowledge the
importance of cross-border mobility in strengthening people-to-people contact, and [AM
373] expand funding for and the participation of the EaP countries in educational, professional
skills-boosting and exchange programmes such as Erasmus+,
Creative Europe [AM 374]
strengthen the capacity of EaP countries to participate in Horizon Europe [AM 372, 375]
Compromise 28: points t, t a (new) - AMs 378 (Auštrevičius), 379 (Lexmann), 380 (Kubilius),
382 (Olekas), 383 (Lega), 385 (Auštrevičius), 492 (Kalniete), INTA 5 third part (if adopted,
AM 384 Zanni falls)
strengthen academic
and education cooperation
among the EU and EaP countries,
including intra-EaP cooperation [AM 378, INTA 5 third part]
, by launching
a regional
programme supporting centres of academic and research excel ence in the region, [AM 379],
establishing the Eastern Partnership University
in Ukraine [AM 378],
targeted EaP
programmes [AM
in specialised universities [AM 380],
as well as an electronic
educational platform for online trainings [AM 492], focused on
European values and rule
of law [AMs 380], good governance, public administration
and eradication of corruption [AM
in the EaP countries, and providing a venue for a joint training of the EaP countries’
public officials [AM 378]
, among which local and regional authorities [AM 492];
(t a ) launch a pilot project aimed at establishing the Eastern Partnership Open Science &
Innovation Center, a network of thematic centres of competence in each EaP country to
provide R&I support and services [AM 385]
Compromise 29: points u, u a (new), u b (new) - AMs 386 (Lexmann), 389 (Picula), 390
(Auštrevičius), 392 (Băsescu), 395 (Lega), 399 (Fotyga), 471 (Piri) (if adopted, AMs 387
Mariani, 393 Šimečka fall)
ensure that al EU support programmes include a
consistent gender-equality
human rights dimensions [AM 392],
address and target the most disadvantaged and
vulnerable groups of society[AM 395],
ethnic and other minorities [AM 389]
, such as the
Roma people, refugees and internal y displaced persons from areas experiencing violent
conflicts [AM 386];
reinforce initiatives on their political as well as socio-economic
empowerment and on improving their access to education, healthcare and decent housing;
[AMs 386];
(u a) ensure that the EU assistance and programmes reach local levels, including in the
remote parts of the EaP countries, in particular rural areas, to enable them to push for
positive changes in their communities, in particular those more vulnerable to post-Soviet
sentiments and Russian manipulations [AMs 390, 399]
(u b) insist strongly on the non-discrimination of all LGBTI+ people, their protection
against discrimination by law and the prosecution of any abuse, hate speech, and physical
violence perpetrated against them; acknowledge the associated EaP countries that have
aligned their legal framework accordingly; [AM 471]
Compromise 30: Subheading 4, Recital F a (new), points v, v a (new), v b (new) - AMs 67
(Sikorski), 103 (Sikorski), 173 (Zovko), 400 (Kalniete), 404 (Lexmann), 405 (Manda), 406
(Băsescu), 407 (Tudorache), 413 (Zovko), 419 part. (Sikorski), 430 (Sikorski), 441 (Fotyga),
442 (Kalniete), 447 (Bilčík), 449 (Loiseau), 462 (Auštrevičius), 515 (Santos), 517 (Strugariu),
525 (Gregorová) (if adopted AMs 408 Zanni, 409 Vilanueva Ruiz, fal)
, stability
, territorial integrity and conflicts’ resolution [AM 400]
F a. whereas since the establishment of EaP the EU has expanded and sustained its
political, economic and security presence in the EaP countries, thus gaining increased
leverage and opportunity to promote its values and principles and increasing the
interdependence between the EU and EaP countries [AMs 173, 103]
the increased security interdependence between the EU and EaP
countries [AM 419 part.]
, as well as the importance of security, stability
and peace [AM 404]
for the future development of the
EaP countries, considering that in recent years the EaP
countries have become subject to the interest and ambition of third countries, such as China,
Turkey or some Gulf states, which do not necessary share the values and interests of the EU
[AM 67];
therefore boost
the EU-EaP cooperation in security and defence by
devoting a
particular at ention to
the peaceful resolution [AM 413] of regional conflicts
and the
prevention and resolution of the new types of chal enges, such as hybrid threats, cyber-
attacks, including election cyber-meddling, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, and
the third-party interference in the political, electoral, and other democratic processes [AMs
405, 406, 407, 462, 517 part.];
strengthen the cooperation and support to the EaP countries’
resilience against corruption, money laundering, terrorism and organised crime in general
[AM 430, 462]
and underline the need to strengthen the resilience of individuals,
communities and State institutions [AM 404];
(v a) condemn the influence of third countries in undermining the democratic order of the
EaP countries, as well as influencing elections; condemn the dissemination of
disinformation and targeted disinformation campaigns [AM 447]
(v b) enhance the cooperation in the building societal and institutional resilience of the
EaP countries with a stronger focus on countering disinformation, propaganda,
manipulation and hostile influencing carried out by the external forces aiming at dividing
and destabilizing the EaP countries, undermining the integrity of their political processes
and their relations with the EU [AMs 441, 442, 449, 515, 525]
; assist interested EaP
countries into activities taken at the EU level to tackle the above mentioned hostilities,
including implementation of good practices and solutions, such as the “Action Plan against
disinformation” and the "EU Code of Practice on Disinformation"[AM 441]
and applying
the expertise of the Helsinki European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats,
the Riga NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence and the EU East StratCom Task Force [AM
Compromise 31: points a a (new), a b (new), a c (new), a d (new), a e (new) - AMs 135
(Gregorová), 150 (Ara-Kovács), 401 (Kalniete), 410 (Kalniete), 411 (Olekas), 415 (Piri), 417
(Fotyga), 420 (Paet), 423 (Gregorová), 431 (Lexmann), 443 (Auštrevičius), 450 part.
(Auštrevičius), 459 (Kyuchyuk), 460 (Kyuchyuk), 519 (Bilčík) (if adopted, AM 421
Villanueva Ruiz falls)
(a a) reiterate the EU's commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political
independence of the EaP countries within their internationally recognised borders [AMs
415, 418, 460, 519]
and support their efforts to fully enforce those principles [AM 417];
underline the importance of the unity and solidarity of the Member States in this regard
[AMs 150, 401]
(a b) strongly condemn the continued violations of fundamental principles and norms of
international law in the EaP region, notably destabilisation, invasion, occupation and
annexation [AM 415]
of territories of several EaP countries by the Russian Federation and
its refusal to comply with the decisions of international tribunals and courts [AM 417]
establish a more coordinated policy towards the Russian Federation among the EU Member
States, in particular in terms of engagement on issues concerning the EaP countries [AM
(a c) call for an immediate withdrawal of foreign troops from all occupied territories and for
an end to military hostilities, which unnecessarily claim the lives of civilians and soldiers
whilst hampering socioeconomic development, and enable hundreds of thousands of IDPs
to return to their homelands; [AM 459];
(a d) develop a more active role for the EU, represented by the VP/HR, in the peaceful
resolution of the ongoing conflicts and in the prevention of any future conflicts in its Eastern
neighbourhood [AMs 410, 415, 420, 423]
while acknowledging the agreed negotiating
formats and processes [AM 411]
, such as the Geneva International Discussions, the OSCE
Minsk Group, the Normandy Format and the 5 + 2 Talks [AM 443]
; appoint an EU Special
Envoy for Crimea and the Donbas region [AM 450 part.];
(a e) continue promoting an environment conducive to the settlement of conflicts and
supporting activities that promote confidence and people to people contacts across the
conflict divided communities [AM 443]
; prioritise efforts and expand funding for pre-
emptive peace-building, including preventive diplomacy, as well as early warning and action
mechanisms; [AM 431]
Compromise 32: point a f (new) - AMs 267 part. (Piri), 416 first part (Ara-Kovács), 424
second part (Fourlas), 425 first part (Sánchez Amor)
(a f) reaffirm support to the OSCE Minsk Group co-Chairs’ efforts to solve the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and to their 2009 Basic Principles [AM 416]
, with a view to
achieve a solution based on the norms and principles of international law, the UN Charter
and the OSCE 1975 Helsinki Final Act [AMs 416, 424, 425]
; encourage all sides to
intensify dialogue and to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric that would further jeopardise
any prospects for settlement [AM 267 part.]
Compromise 33: points a g (new), a h (new), a i (new) - AMs 450 part. (Auštrevičius), 455
(Fotyga), 457 (Auštrevičius) (if adopted, AM 445 Paet falls)
(a g) take actions to ensure effective activities and the execution of a full mandate for the
following existing EU missions in the EaP region, including coordination of their activities:
the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia, the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine, the EU Border
Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine, and of the EU Special Representative for the
South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia [AM 450 part.]
(a h) take into consideration the calls by the Ukrainian Government for an extended
international peacekeeping force along the Ukraine-Russia border and in the Luhansk and
Donetsk districts; once the situation permits and as part of the full implementation of the
Minsk Agreements, an EU-led CSDP mission should be offered for deployment to the parties
in the conflict, to assist in tasks such as demining, the preparations for local elections and
securing free access for humanitarian aid organisations [AM 457]
(a i) support freedom of navigation and strongly oppose the blockade of the Azov Sea and
the continued, creeping annexation of the Black Sea by the Russian Federation [AM 455]
Compromise 34: point w - AMs 432 (Olekas), 436 (Auštrevičius), 437 (Fotyga), 440
(Kyuchyuk) (if adopted, AMs 435 Villanueva Ruiz, 438 Zanni, 439 Santos fall)
acknowledge the unique experience and expertise of EaP countries;
recognise the
contribution of the
EaP countries [AMs 437, 440] to
the EU common security and defence
policy (CSDP) missions,
battlegroups [AM 436]
and operations; continue supporting the
Security Sector Reform (SSR) [AM 432]; deepen cooperation in EU-related defence policies,
including participation in PESCO [AM 436]
once the issue of participation of third countries
is resolved;
Compromise 35: point w a (new) - AMs 107 (Strugariu), 419 part. (Sikorski), 422 (Strugariu),
434 (Lega), 458 (Paet)
(w a) acknowledge that cyber security is one of the areas where the EU and the EaP
countries can work together more effectively [AM 107]
and the EU can take advantage of
the experience of EaP countries in combating hybrid or cyber-security threats;
establish a
formal cyber dialogue with the interested EaP countries [AMs 419 part., 434]
and promote
cooperation platforms between the countries in the EaP region in order to address hybrid
threats more effectively [AM 422]
with a view to strengthening the resilience of these
countries, especially following the large-scale cyber-attack of the Russian Federation
against Georgia in October 2019 [AM 458]
Compromise 36: points w b (new), w c (new) - AMs 134 (Gregorová), 427 (Sikorski), 433
(Picula), 446 (Sikorski)
(w b) welcome further cooperation between the EU and EaP countries with the aim of
promoting international stability and security, in line with EU's Global Strategy [AM 433]
and propose new forms of voluntary cooperation in the field of security and defence,
considering it an area of ambition in the coming future as the EU will gradually aim at
creating the European Defence Union [AM 446];
(w c) acknowledge that any lack of EU presence and inaction vis-a-vis its EaP partners
will create space for other global players to take up [AM 134];
increase cooperation or create
a forum with like-minded democratic allies and international actors to mitigate and
counteract negative influence of third powers in the EaP region [AMs 134, 427]
Compromise 37: Subheading 5, points x, x a (new), x b (new), x c (new), x d (new) - AMs
464 (Kalniete), 465 (Strugariu), 466 (Lexmann), 467 (Manda), 468 (Glucksmann), 469 (Ara-
Kovács), 470 (Weimers), 473 (Sikorski), 474 (Auštrevičius), 477 (Auštrevičius), 478
(Auštrevičius), 479 (Auštrevičius), INTA 6 second part
and regional authorities and civil society [AM 464]
acknowledge the contribution of EaP civil society actors and organisations to
democratisation and reform processes in their countries and the whole EaP region
and call for
greater openness and engagement towards them from the governments in the EaP countries
[AMs 465],
particularly a more meaningful and effective involvement in the policy making
processes [AM 478]
(x a) continue
a wide-ranging dialogue with the EaP civil society actors [AMs 468, 469]
and enhance the EU’s support for the activities of democratically oriented civil society
organizations by [AM 465]
promoting [AM 467] their activities,
their safety [AM 470] and
by safeguarding their working environment;
(x b)
increase the EU’s efforts to strengthen engagement and support for grass root
initiatives in regions and rural areas in order to develop the civil society’s organizational
and monitoring capacities and local democratic practices [AM 473, 477]
(x c)
strengthen the EaP civil society's ability to act as a watchdog for reform, and to hold
the respective State institutions to account, cutting red tape and securing its presence in
trilateral meetings, including in all Human Rights Dialogues and Association and
Cooperation Council meetings; [AM 466, 475, 479, INTA 6 second part]
(x d)
foster cooperation among the EaP countries’ civil societies by establishing a regional
centre to increase competences, exchange best practices and working approaches, as part of
the new project of the Eastern Partnership University in Ukraine [AM 474]
Compromise 38: points x e (new), x f (new) - AMs 472 (Villanueva Ruiz), 476 (Piri)
(x e)
continue providing structural financial and capacity development support to
organisations that assist independent pro-democracy civil society actors; insist that EU,
Member State, and independent programmes in support of democracy, human rights and
the rule of law, including the European Endowment for Democracy, continue to operate
freely and without harassment or judicial limitations; take all possible measures to prevent
independent NGOs from being crowded out through the imposition of judicial limitations
and financial barriers, the selective application of legal provisions, or the enhanced presence
of government-organised NGOs (GONGOs) [AM 476]
(x f)
raise awareness about attacks on civil activists in EaP countries by extremist forces
and also state authorities which undermine EU values, international human rights standards
and joint obligations to ECHR [AM 472];
Compromise 39: points y, y a (new), y b (new) - AMs 480 (Auštrevičius), 481 (Picula), 485
(Auštrevičius), 493(Auštrevičius), 494 (Kalniete)
scale up the EU’s support and initiatives to strengthen and enable the local authorities
and their associations [AM 480] to implement national reforms at a local level;
promote the
role of local authorities as policy and decision-makers and [AM 480] encourage regular
exchanges between central and local government on reform agendas with
active and inclusive
participation of civil society
and other relevant stakeholders [AM 481];
(y a)
develop country roadmaps and indicators for the engagement with local and regional
governments, following the examples of similar engagement with the civil society [AM 493]
(y b)
extend the representation in the EaP policy formulation and implementation of the
Conference of Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership (CORLEAP) and
increase its capacities to support local and regional authorities in substantial actions [AM
; develop in cooperation with CORLEAP and the European Committee of the Regions
a Capacity Building Programme for local and regional governance in the EaP countries,
which would provide for systematic steps to be taken to strengthen the role of local and
regional authorities [AM 494];
Compromise 40: Subheading 6, points z, z a (new), z b (new) - AMs 487 part. (Sikorski),
(Tudorache), 500 (Băsescu), 501 (Tudorache), 502 (Manda), 503 (Sikorski), 504 (Zovko), 505
(Ara-Kovács), 506 (Glucksmann), 507 (Lexmann), 508 (Auštrevičius), 511 (Auštrevičius), 513
(Sikorski), 514 (Lexmann), 526 (Lexmann), 528 (Lexmann) (if adopted, AMs 496
Auštrevičius, 497 Sikorski, 498 Zanni, fall)
Subheading 6: Better
media, communication and policy management [AM 495]
acknowledge that the lack of a proper communication and information campaign in
the midst of the disinformation wave to which the EaP countries are exposed may result in
a loss of the EaP’s decade-long effort, investment and achievements [AM 513]
; therefore
step-up strategic communication efforts [AM 500, 501, 502] and,
in an open dialogue with
citizens [AM 508], increase the visibility of the support provided by the EU in the EaP
both at national and local level [AMs 500, 501, 502]
; to this end, reach out to
people in small communities and rural areas [AM 503],
business and community leaders,
diasporas and national minorities [AM 487 part.]
, beyond already EU-minded cohorts [AMs
511, 526];
(z a) counteract anti-EU disinformation and propaganda [AMs 500, 501, 502, 505, 506]
by boosting EU and EaP citizens’
information resilience and [AM 507] awareness about the
and the opportunities and benefits it provides [AMs 503, 511, 528],
particularly those
deriving from a close political and economic cooperation between the EU and the EaP
countries [AM 504],
and from the AA/DCFTA implementation, linking them to economic
growth and increased trade [AMs 504, 511, 528];
(z b) utilise more efficiently the existing EU structures such as EEAS East StratCom
taskforce to identify and respond to disinformation and propaganda campaigns undermining
the EU-EaP countries' relationship and its goals [AM 514];
Compromise 41: points z c (new), z d (new), z e (new), z f (new) - AMs 499 (Fotyga), 522
(Strugariu), 524 (Auštrevičius), 527 (Auštrevičius), 530 (Auštrevičius), 531 (Lexmann)
(z c) strengthen the EU Delegations in the EaP countries, enable them to assist the EaP
countries to complete the reforms [AM 530]
and to more effectively communicate how the
EU is helping the citizens there [AM 522]
; develop more horizontal links and foster
cooperation among the EU Delegations, encourage regular exchanges of information,
expertise and other successful working approaches [AM 530]
(z d) ensure a more active role of EU liaison offices in Member States in promoting
importance of EaP countries for the European project [AM 499]
(z e) improve information sharing among the EU institutions, namely the European
Commission and the EEAS, and preserve institutional memory, particularly about provided
support and implemented technical assistance projects in order to build on their results when
launching new projects and programmes [AM 527]
(z f) capitalise on the Young Ambassadors programme and the Eastern Partnership Civil
Society fellowships, establishing an active alumni network on the basis of existing successful
models [AMs 524, 531]
Compromise 42: points
z g (new), z h (new) - AMs 249 (Piri), 452 part. (Kalniete), 456, 491
(Šimečka), 516 (Bocskor), 520 (Bocskor), 523 part. (Sikorski)
(z g) promote free media and the freedom of expression as a basic fundamental principle
[AM 517 part.],
and therefore support a democratic, independent, pluralistic and balanced
media landscape in the EaP countries [AM 249, 452 part. 456, 520, 523 part]
, which ensures
protection of local journalists, opinion makers and dissident voices from harassment and
intimidation [AMs, 249, 491]
, al ows for a non-discriminatory access to online and offline
information and meaningful civic participation, safeguards and guarantees human and civil
rights [AM 249]
(z h) support freedom of belief, opinion and expression and the right to information in the
native language of all citizens [AM 516];
condemn and counter hate speech and
discrimination based on ethnicity or language, as well as fake news and misinformation
targeting ethnic and national minorities [AM 516, 520];
Compromise 43: point z i (new) AMs 275 part. (Ara-Kovács), 285 (Auštrevičius)
(z i) adopt an EU human rights violations sanctions mechanism: an EU “Magnitsky Act”
to be applicable to individuals or entities found in breach of human rights or essential
freedoms, particularly by engaging in arrests, kidnappings and beatings of civil society,
opposition activists and journalists, and in violent repression of the peaceful protests, as well
as involved in high-level corruption cases in the EaP countries [AMs 275, 285]
Compromise 44: points
z j (new), z k (new), z l (new), z m (new) - AMs 269 (Piri), 398
(Gregorová), 510 (Tudorache), 521 (Tudorache), 529 (Tudorache)
(z j) step up the support in the local fight against fake news, hybrid warfare in
communication and media programs degradation, which can undermine the fight against
corruption, and the dissemination of false information in order to obtain economic or
political advantages [AM 510];
sustain the development of actions to ensure the full
transparency of media ownership [AM 529]
; constantly help and monitor the local official
regulatory agency in every EaP country [AM 510];
(z k) support programmes and reforms with regard to media and information literacy to
reflect the current digital age [AM 398]
(z l) promote the broadcasting of European media productions in the EaP countries as
well as the EaP countries’ productions in the EU in order to bridge the differences provoked
by history and by the fake information delivered in the last decades; support the local media
outlets in obtaining access to European media programs and the initiatives of close
collaboration between media outlets from European Union and EaP [AM 521]
(z m) denounce the misuse of pandemic related measures by the authorities as a means to
silence the political opposition, civil society and the media by restricting their legitimate
rights [AM 269]