Annex 1
List of participants and agenda
9h45 - 11h45: EU US JTCPD high-level discussion
- Location: Berlaymont
- Lead Participants: Executive Vice President Vestager, DG COMP Director General
Guersent, US Federal Trade Commission Chair Khan, US Department of Justice
Assistant Advocate General for Antitrust Kanter
- Other Participants:
o DOJ:
- Maggie Goodlander, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
- Dave Lawrence, Policy Director Antitrust Division
- Ryan Danks, Director of Civil Enforcement
o FTC:
- Holly Vedova, Director, Bureau of Competition
- Daniel Matheson, Chief Trial Counsel, Bureau of Competition
- Shaoul Sussman, Associate Director for Enforcement in the Bureau of Competition
- Maria Coppola, Acting Director, Office of International Affairs
o European Commission:
- Olivier Guersent, Director General
- Linsey McCallum, Deputy Director General for Antitrust
- Guillaume Loriot, Deputy Director General for Mergers
- Michele Piergiovanni, Cabinet Expert
- Lucia Bonova, Member of Cabinet
- Penelope Papandropolous, Member of Cabinet
- Alberto Bacchiega, Director, Information, communication and media
Topic 1: Cooperation around digital enforcement
Topic 2: US Merger Guidelines review
Topic 3: Efficiency of remedies
Topic 4: Horizon scanning in digital sectors