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Ellinor Haglöf
"VAN DER VALK Marie-France"
Sv: Meeting with the French Business Confederation
den 31 januari 2023 14:03:00
Dear Marie-France,
Thank you for your email.
I have informed him about the format and it suit Mr Haak. It won’t be any problem to add 15 minutes
more for the meeting.
Thank you so much in advance for sending out the meeting invitation for Thursday 2/2 at 11.00.
Best regards,
Ellinor Haglöf
Assistant to Ambassador Torbjörn Haak
Deputy Permanent Representative
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Square de Meeûs 30, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Direct no: +32 2 289 56 44
Mobile +32 478650770
Från: VAN DER VALK Marie-France <xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx> 
Skickat: den 30 januari 2023 16:59
Till: Ellinor Haglöf <xxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxx.xx>
Kopia: LEVIEIL Pauline <xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx>
Ämne: Meeting with the French Business Confederation
Prioritet: Hög
Dear Ellinor,
Thank you very much for your quick and kind answer, we are looking forward to exchange with
Ambassador Haak next Thursday 2/2 from 11 to 11:30 am.
We are indeed registered in the Transparency register under the number 43763731235-75 for
the MEDEF and for our colleagues: France Industrie 60974102057-03 &  Afep 953933297-85.
We will send you the link shortly once the online meeting is created.
Regarding the format of this exchange, may I propose :
-Introduction of the French business delegation by myself as Head of European Affairs at the

French Business Confederation (Medef). I will introduce the représentatives of Afep and France
Industrie (FI) who contributed to our joint positions.
-Presentation by Ambassador Haak of the priorities and challenges of this presidency
Let me know if you think this format would suit Ambassador Haak or if you would like to modify
it. I hope we could steal 15 minutes more from the agenda of the Ambassador. This meeting is
very important for our numerous members.
Best regards,
Marie-France van der Valk
Marie-France van der Valk
Head of European Affairs Division
French Business Confederation - MEDEF
100, Avenue de Cortenbergh
B-1000 Brussels
Mob : +32.(0). 476.94.15.61
EU Transparency register 43763731235-75
De Ellinor Haglöf
Envoyé le :jeudi 26 janvier 2023 13:21
À VAN DER VALK Marie-France
Cc : LEVIEIL Pauline
Objet :VB: Meeting with the French Business Confederation
Dear Marie-France,
On behalf of Ambassador Torbjörn Haak, I would like to thank you very much for your kind e-mail and
meeting request.
Mr Haak would be delighted to schedule an online meeting for 30 minutes. Can the meeting take
place next week, Tuesday 31/1 at 16.00? or Thursday 2/2 at 11.00?
I also want to inform you, in order to have a meeting with Ambassador Haak your organization needs
to be registered in the Transparency Register:
After the meeting has taken place, an overview of meetings that our ambassadors have had will be
published on the website of the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU.
May I ask you to send out the link for the meeting? Thank you so much in advance.
Best regards,
Ellinor Haglöf
Assistant to Ambassador Torbjörn Haak

Deputy Permanent Representative
Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Square de Meeûs 30, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Direct no: +32 2 289 56 44
Mobile +32 478650770
Från: VAN DER VALK Marie-France <xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
Skickat: den 24 januari 2023 22:27
Till: Torbjörn Haak <xxxxxxxx.xxxx@xxx.xx>
Kopia: LEVIEIL Pauline <xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx>; Ellinor Haglöf <xxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxx.xx>
Ämne: Meeting with the French Business Confederation
Dear Mr Haak,
Each semester, we prepare the upcoming presidency alongside our French and European
counterparts. In this context, we had the pleasure to visit Stockholm last November to
meet some key persons in your ministers as well as the Business Confederation Svenskt
Näringsliv about the Swedish priorities.
I attached to this mail the position paper we elaborated for these meetings on the key
texts of the European regulatory agenda. As you can see this document has been prepared
conjointly with the business organisation AFEP and France Industrie.
We are aware that this beginning of the year must be extremely busy, nevertheless it is
very important for us to have the opportunity to share with you as well on all these
structuring regulations.
This meeting could be held both in person and online for the people joining us from
France. The in-person meeting would bring together a delegation of about a dozen people
in charge of European Affairs. The format of a 100% online meeting could also be an
I would like to thank you in advance for your attention and I look forward to your reply.
Please contact me for any further information you might require.
Best regards,
Marie-France van der Valk
Marie-France van der Valk

Head of European Affairs Division
French Business Confederation - MEDEF
100, Avenue de Cortenbergh
B-1000 Brussels
Mob : +32.(0). 476.94.15.61
EU Transparency register 43763731235-75