Ref. Ares(2024)5923674 - 20/08/2024
Working conditions and social dialogue
Social Dialogue
The Head of Unit
EMPL.C.3/JT/EB (2024)
Lala Dadci
Your application for access to documents (EASE 2024/3995)
Dear Ms Dadci,
We refer to your request for access to European Commission documents registered on
25/07/2024 under the above-mentioned reference number.
You request access to the documentation relating to following meeting:
- Between Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and ArcelorMittal Europe on 23/07/2024
The following documents fall within the scope of your application:
Briefing on Meeting with ArcelorMittal Europe (hereafter ‘document 1’)
Flash report on the meeting between Cmsr Schmit and ArcelorMittal Europe
(hereafter ‘document 2’)
Having examined the documents requested under the provisions of Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 regarding public access to documents, I have come to the conclusion that:
• document 1 and 2 may be partially disclosed. Some parts of the document have been
redacted as their disclosure is prevented by the exception to the right of access laid
down in Article 4 (1) (b) of this Regulation.
The redacted parts of the documents, drawn up for internal use, contain references to personal
data of individuals and/or opinions for internal use as part of deliberations and preliminary
consultations within the institution concerned. The redacted parts, if disclosed, would
seriously undermine the decision-making process.
Please note that documents do not reflect the position of the Commission or of any other
third parties and cannot be quoted as such.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
Office: CO46 04/DCS – Tel. direct line +32 229-53849
The documents have been drawn up under the responsibility of the relevant services of the
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. They solely reflect the
services’ interpretation of the interventions made and do not set out any official position of
the third parties to which the document refers, which were not consulted on their content.
They do not reflect the position of the Commission and cannot be quoted as such.
In accordance with Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, you are entitled to make
a confirmatory application requesting the Commission to review this position.
Such a confirmatory application should be addressed to the Secretariat-General of the
Commission within 15 working days upon receipt of this letter. You can submit it via your
EASE portal account.
Yours faithfully,
Electronically signed on 20/08/2024 10:41 (UTC+02) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121