This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Meeting between Filomena Chirico and DigitalEurope on 17h March 2021'.

Ref. Ares(2021)4083987 - 23/06/2021
BTO - Meeting Digitaleurope - 17/03/2021
lundi 17 mai 2021 12:49:14
Digital Europe enquired about possible follow up to the roundtable of last year on covid impact
on the digital ecosystem.
They also asked about the process after the presentation of the Digital Decade, including public
consultation and involvement of SMEs
Cabinet Breton clarified that the exercise of last year was part of a broad discussion with all
ecosystems to get input on the impact of the pandemic. On the digital decade, there will be a
broad public consultation and public engagement, with public authorities, the general public,
businesses, (SME digitisation is a crucial element of the Decade) and civil society organisations.
On e-privacy Digital Europe shared their views on the text of the Council compromise.
Cabinet Breton reiterated that the Commission does not comment on the texts of the other
institutions and will play its role of honest broker in the legislative process