Ref. Ares(2020)6907917 - 19/11/2020
Ref. Ares(2021)3564171 - 31/05/2021
• European companies are chal enged by the strong competitiveness of Asian and
American companies
• EU wide approach is important to avoid overcapacity or insufficient capacity
• Companies that are family business may prefer loans to capital investment because do
not want to lose that characteristic while expanding their business e.g. by opening up
and selling shares to potential investors.
Proviron (fine chemicals, active pharmaceutical ingredients, plasticisers):
• When supporting the API production in Europe, need to look at the whole value chain.
Shell (petrochemicals):
• Chemicals innovation will be important to achieve the EGD ambition.
Economic impacts on the Q2, Q3 and Q4 2020:
• The impact varies depending on the demand in the user sectors; variation and differences
between sectors are important.
• Companies not al owed to discuss their investment status because of competition rules.
But investments planned for September will most likely not happen because of low cash
flow. Possible delays until beginning on next year.
Supply chain problems:
• Very integrated and global value chain. Suffers a lot from problems with transport from
non-EU countries. Disruption of normal functioning creates problems e.g. closure of
tanneries – lack of gelatine for vitamins; more ethanol used in disinfectants –
unavailability for printing inks.
• Need to ensure that passengers traveling will not create additional pressure on green
lanes and border crossing points.
• Resilience for chemicals for medicines is the most obvious. Problems did not occur but
need to monitor the situation with chemicals for water treatment (waste water and
drinking water).
• Resilience on critical chemicals for renewable energies and IT also needs to be looked at.
Cefic will provide examples.