Abortion and sexual health funds
Dear Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
-the amount of money the EU used to fund prof-choice organisations from 2005 to 2013 (such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI) );
-a list of the organisations that received the money and the amount of money given to each;
-correspondence, including funding requests and grants, between such organisations and the European Commission in relation to the above-mentioned topic (funding of abortion);
-the amount of money the EU used to fund projects related to “sexual and reproductive health” (SRH), and to which campaigns/hospital/organisations it was given to from 2005 to 2013.
Yours faithfully,
Gianluca Avagnina
Dear Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC),
by law, you should normally have responded to my request by April
18, 2014.
I wonder whether it is still possible to get the information I
Yours faithfully,
Gianluca Avagnina
Dear Mr Gianluca Avagnina
Please find below answers to your request for information:
We can only give you information related to the public health program (PHP) 1 and 2 of DG Sanco, as the Chafea works only on those 2 European Commission programs.
Moreover, we can only give information from 2006, year of creation of the PHEA (Public Health Executive Agency, former Chafea).
We do not have a classification of beneficiaries of the PHP where we distinguish pro-choice or pro-abortion organisation. However, we can inform you that between 2005 and 2013:
IPPF was project coordinator of 2 projects, SAFE I and SAFE II. SAFE I was funded under the call 2003, number is 2003 319, and SAFE II in 2008, number is 2008 1212.
For SAFE II, you can find all required information in the grant agreement that we propose to send you by postal mail on an address that you will communicate us as the file excesses the size limit. Some information, as the name of the staff and the staff daily costs have been blinded to comply with data protection requirement.
For SAFE I, you have to address your request to DG Sanco as we do not have the information for project signed that year.
MSI has not been partner of any project co-funded under PHP1 and PHP2.
We have no correspondence, funding request or grant in relation with funding of abortion.
Below you can find the list of projects related to "Sexual and Reproductive Health". To have more information about the funding and the partners of these projects, please consult our database and input the project number or the project name in the search tool:
2007 305 SUNFLOWER
2008 12 07 H-Cube
2008 1212 SAFE II
2009 12 17 SAFESEX
2009 12 22 Youth Sexual Violence
2012 6261 ROMA HEALTH
We hope we have answered satisfactorily to your questions.
Thank you
Best regards
Chafea Team