Autonomous vehicle meetings digital

Ihre Anfrage war teilweise erfolgreich.

Dear Madam, Sir
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

– all documents related to the 20-1-2016 meeting between commissioner Günther Oettinger and the Boston Consulting Group GmbH, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

– all documents related to the 19-10-2017 meeting between Alina-Stefania Ujupan and 5G Automotive Association, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

– all documents related to the 8-12-2017 meeting between Alina-Stefania Ujupan and Mobivia, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

– all documents related to the 24-1-2018 meeting between Maximilian Strotmann and Scania, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

– all documents related to the 20-2-2018 meeting between Alina-Stefania Ujupan and Scania, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

– all documents related to the 20-3-2018 meeting between Carl-Christian Buhr and Qualcomm, including but not limited to minutes, (hand-written) notes, audio recordings, verbatim reports, e-mails, and presentations

All the best,
Peter Teffer
postal address:
Rue Montoyer 18B
1000 Brussels


[1]Ares(2018)4440699 - RE: access to documents request - Autonomous
vehicle meetings digital --- Ref. Gestdem 2018/4613

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 29/08/2018.  We hereby acknowledge receipt
of your application for access to documents, which was registered on
29/08/2018 under reference number GestDem 2018/4613.

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on

In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due

You have lodged your application via the website. Please note
that this is a private website which has no link with any institution of
the European Union. Therefore the European Commission cannot be held
accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to the use of this

Please note also that the European Commission is not responsible for any
possible processing of personal data by the private organisation running
the website, through which you have channelled your request.
Please refer to their privacy policy.

Kind Regards,

Carlos Remis
Berl. 05/315

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[5]Ares(2018)4784454 - Holding reply- Your application for access to
documents – RefGestDem 2018/4613

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr. Teffer,


We refer to your e-mail dated 29/08/2018 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on the same date under the abovementioned
reference number.


Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a
position to complete the handling of your application within the time
limit of 15 working days, which expires on 19/09/2018.


An extended time limit is needed as the application concerns documents
held by different Commission services which must be consulted.
Furthermore, part of the documents requested originate from third parties 
which need to be consulted.


Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 10/10/2018.


We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.


Yours faithfully,


Access to Documents Team



European Commission


BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium




Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D44F3E.8E9800C0
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[5]Ares(2018)5210536 - Your application for access to documents-RefGestDem

Sent by ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. All responses have to be
sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_cnect.public_access_to_documents (CNECT)
<[email address]>. Toutes les réponses
doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Teffer,


We refer to your e-mail dated 29/08/2018 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on the same day under the above mentioned
reference number.  


We also refer to our holding reply dated 18/09/2018 , whereby we informed
you that the time limit for handling your application was extended by 15
working days pursuant to Article 7(3) of  Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 on
public access to documents.


We would like to inform you that our reply was delayed and you should be
receiving it in the coming days.


We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.


Yours faithfully,


Access to documents Team



European Commission


BU25 – Avenue de Beaulieu 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium




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1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D4608A.31728890
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Generaldirektion Kommunikationsnetze, Inhalte und Technologien

2 Attachments

Advanced copy by e-mail and registered mail with acknowledgement of


Dear Mr Teffer,

Please find attached document Ares(2018)5445222 and annexes regarding
"GestDem 2018/4613" sent by Mr Roberto Viola, General Director of DG
CONNECT on 23/10/2018.


Best regards,


European Commission


Avenue de Beaulieu, 25

B-1160 Brussels/Belgium

Dear Madam, Sir,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request, registered on 29/08/2018 under reference number GestDem 2018/4613.

I would like to thank DG Connect for the documents which have been released. However, I would like to ask the secretariat-general for a fresh review of my request.

DG Connect has refused access to three documents, and redacted most of the documents. It grouped the documents in four categories: A. Full disclosure; B. Partial access with only personal data redacted; C. Partial access based on Article 4(2) and 4(3) of Regulation 1049/2001; and D. Non-disclosure.

My confirmatory application is about all documents in categories C and D (I accept that personal data like names and contact details, as identified in category B, need not be disclosed).

In a previous access to documents request, registered on 15/06/2018 under reference number GestDem 2018/3267, DG Connect redacted information with the excuse that it was “out of scope”. In the confirmatory application, registered on 07/08/2018 (Ares(201)4151471), the secretariat-general decided that wider access to the documents could be given, and that in effect information which DG Connect had said was out of scope, was actually relevant to my request.

I therefore can no longer trust DG Connect when it redacts information based on one of the exceptions in Regulation 1049/2001, and would like the secretariat-general to review the decision. In particular, I would ask that the use of the exceptions is weighed against the public interest to know how corporate lobbyists attempt to influence EU legislation and policymaking about connected cars and autonomous vehicles. Since autonomous vehicles can bring both opportunities as well as risks for the health of citizens, the public interest is great.

Finally, I would like the secretariat-general to look specifically at the decision not to disclose the documents 8 and 15 which are handwritten notes. DG Connect said that because the notes are biometric data, their disclosure would “expose [the authors] to the risk of forgery and identity theft”. I have two objections to this.

The first is that I have not asked the personal data – i.e. the name, signature, or contact details of the author of the handwritten notes – to be disclosed. Since the identity of the person who wrote the handwritten notes would remain unknown, disclosure of that person's handwriting style would not constitute any risk. A fraudster would have to find out the names of all potential authors of the note before he or she could conduct identity theft or fraud. Since DG Connect has a staff of 866, that risk is negligible.

The second objection I have is that if handwritten notes can be excluded from being published because of the mere fact that they are handwritten, this can set a dangerous precedent towards opacity. It would mean that if Commission staff would want to keep a document secret, all he or she would have to do is make sure that it exists only as a handwritten document. While I appreciate that DG Connect noted that the content of the handwritten documents was reflected in two other documents which were partially disclosed, I would like to see a copy of the original to determine independently whether that is the fact. If the secretariat-general does not agree with my first objection, a fair solution would be to have the handwritten notes retyped and a digital copy released.

All the best,
Peter Teffer
postal address:
Rue Montoyer 18B
1000 Brussels

PS: When sending physical mail, please include the word 'EUobserver' on the envelope

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Generaldirektion Kommunikationsnetze, Inhalte und Technologien

Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to documents are treated on the basis of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
The Secretariat-General will reply to your request within 15 working days
upon registration of your request and will duly inform you of the
registration of the request (or of any additional information to be
provided in view of its registration and/or treatment).
L’unité «Transparence» du secrétariat général de la Commission européenne
a bien reçu votre message.
Les demandes d’accès du public aux documents sont traitées sur la base du
[2]règlement (CE) n° 1049/2001 du 30 mai 2001 relatif à l’accès du public
aux documents du Parlement européen, du Conseil et de la Commission.
Le secrétariat général répondra à votre demande dans un délai de 15 jours
ouvrables à compter de la date d’enregistrement de votre demande, et vous
informera de cet enregistrement (ou vous indiquera toute information
supplémentaire à fournir en vue de l'enregistrement et/ou du traitement de
votre demande).
Ihre Nachricht ist beim Referat „Transparenz“ des Generalsekretariats der
Europäischen Kommission eingegangen.
Anträge auf Zugang zu Dokumenten werden auf der Grundlage der
[3]Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1049/2001 vom 30. Mai 2001 über den Zugang der
Öffentlichkeit zu Dokumenten des Europäischen Parlaments, des Rates und
der Kommission behandelt.
Das Generalsekretariat beantwortet Ihre Anfrage innerhalb von
15 Arbeitstagen nach deren Registrierung und wird Sie über die
Registrierung Ihres Antrags (oder die Notwendigkeit weiterer Informationen
im Hinblick auf dessen Registrierung und/oder Bearbeitung) unterrichten.


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[5]Ares(2018)5555634 - Your confirmatory application - Gestdem 2018/4613

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your email dated 30/10/2018 by which you request, pursuant
to Regulation No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament,
Council and Commission documents, a review of the position taken by
Directorate-General CNECT in reply to your initial application GESTDEM


We hereby acknowledge receipt of your confirmatory application for access
to documents which was registered on 30/10/2018 (Ares(2018)5555340).


Your application will be handled within 15 working days (22/11/2018).  In
case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due


Please be informed that the answer to your confirmatory application is a
formal Commission decision that will be notified to you by express
delivery. Thank you for providing your contact phone number, so that the
external delivery service can contact you in case of absence.


Please note that the Commission will not use your phone number for any
other purpose than for informing the delivery service, and that it will
delete it immediately thereafter.


Yours faithfully,





European Commission


SG C.1

[7][email address]




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[5]Ares(2018)5948708 - Your confirmatory application for access to
documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – GESTDEM 2018/4613

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Teffer,


I refer to your to your e-mail of 30 October 2018, by which you submit a
confirmatory application in accordance with Article 7(2) of Regulation
(EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council
and Commission documents (‘Regulation 1049/2001’).


I would like to inform you that your confirmatory application is currently
being handled. Unfortunately, due to ongoing consultations, we are not in
a position to reply to your confirmatory request within the prescribed
time limit expiring on 22/11/2018. Consequently, we have to extend this
period by another 15 working days in accordance with Article 8(2) of
Regulation 1049/2001. The new deadline expires on 13 December 2018.


Yours sincerely,


Martine Fouwels

Deputy Head of Unit




European Commission

Secretariat General

Unit C1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to documents)



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1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D4817E.B34A9960
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[5]Ares(2018)6393784 - Your confirmatory application for access to
documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – GESTDEM 2018/4613

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Mr Teffer,


I refer to your to your e-mail of 30 October 2018, by which you submit a
confirmatory application in accordance with Article 7(2) of Regulation
(EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council
and Commission documents (hereinafter ‘Regulation 1049/2001’).


I also refer to our holding reply of 21 October 2018, by which the time
limit for replying to your confirmatory application was extended by 15
working days, pursuant to Article 8(2) of Regulation 1049/2001. This
extended time limit expires on 13 December 2018.


I regret to have to inform you that we will not be able to respond within
the extended time-limit, as we have not yet finalised internal
consultations. I can assure you that we are doing our utmost to provide
you with a final reply as soon as possible.


I regret this additional delay and sincerely apologise for any
inconvenience this may cause.


Yours sincerely,


Head of Unit


European Commission

Secretariat General

Unit C.1 (Transparency, Document Management and Access to Documents)



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[5]Ares(2019)379455 - Confirmatory decision taken on your request for
access to documents registered under Gestdem number 2018/4613

Sent by ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. All responses have
to be sent to this email address.
Envoyé par ve_sg.accessdoc (SG) <[DG CONNECT request email]>. Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Sir,


Please find attached an advance information copy of the confirmatory
decision taken on your request for access to documents registered under
Gestdem number 2018/4613, adopted on 22/01/2019 in the above-mentioned


Please note that the Secretariat General of the European Commission will
proceed with the formal notification of the decision in the coming days.


This advance copy is solely sent for your information and is not the
formal notification of the confirmatory.


Yours sincerely,

Carlos Remis
Charl. 03/21




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1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D4B305.6671CF10
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