Carbon Monoxide deaths and injuries

Dear Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information broken down for each country within the EU.

1. How many cases of carbon monoxide poisoning have been treated in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015)?
o How many cases of carbon monoxide poisoning in children aged 0-18 have been treated in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015)?
o How many cases of carbon monoxide poisoning in adults aged 18-25 have been treated in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015)?
o How many cases of carbon monoxide poisoning in adults aged 60+ have been treated in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015)?

2. How many cases have attended A&E in the past year with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many children aged 0-18 have attended A&E in the past year with suspected carbon
monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 18-25 have attended A&E in the past year with suspected carbon
monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 60+ have attended A&E in the past year with suspected carbon
monoxide poisoning?

3. How many cases have been treated in A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many children aged 0 - 18 have been treated in A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 18 - 25 have been treated in A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 60+ have been treated in A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning?

4. How many cases have been admitted from A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning treatment?
o How many children aged 0 - 18 have been admitted from A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning treatment?
o How many adults aged 18 - 25 have been admitted from A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning treatment?
o How many adults aged 60+ have been admitted from A&E in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) for carbon monoxide poisoning treatment?

5. How many people have died in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many children aged 0 - 18 have died in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon
monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 18 - 25 have died in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon
monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 60+ have died in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon
monoxide poisoning?

6. How many people have been hospitalised in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many children aged 0 - 18 have been hospitalised in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 18 - 25 have been hospitalised in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon monoxide poisoning?
o How many adults aged 60+ have been hospitalised in the past year (July 2014 - July 2015) due to carbon monoxide poisoning?

Yours faithfully,

Lucinda Quinn

Dear Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Carbon Monoxide deaths and injuries'.

I have still not received a response which I should have received by now. Can someone please come back to me on this ASAP?

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Lucinda Quinn

Dear Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency,

Please pass this on to the person who reviews confirmatory applications.

I am filing the following confirmatory application with regards to my access to documents request 'Carbon Monoxide deaths and injuries'.

I made this request over a month ago and have received no acknowledgement. Can someone please come back to me and advise?

A full history of my request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Lucinda Quinn