Documents Pertaining to PETI Petition 1088/2016

Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde Die angefragten Informationen waren nicht vorhanden.

Dear European Securities and Markets Authority,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting all documents relating to or referencing PETI Petition 1088/2016.

I would also expect that responsive documents would include opinions and views expressed by national supervisory authorities / member states on the matter. When deciding on suitability of access, I ask that you take into consideration EU Ombudsman Decision 386/2021 (, which encouraged another European Union body to grant the widest possible access to documents by redacting the authors/national origin of certain members state / national authority documents.

Yours faithfully,
Nicholas Lee

Info ESMA, Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your message.
We value your input and question raised on this issue. As with all
relevant questions that are submitted to us by external sources, we have
taken note of the points raised and are consulting internally as well as
with the relevant ESMA committees to assess whether further public
guidance is needed.
Please refer to for
information on criteria followed by ESMA to accept and prioritise
Please note that ESMA endeavours to reply within two months to factual
questions received and within four to six months to policy questions that
raise new points of interpretation.
Please also note that a question is much more useful when submitted
together with a proposed answer. We would therefore be grateful if you
could suggest possible answers should you need guidance on other issues in
the future.
Finally, please note that this inbox only handles general enquiries. If
you are contacting us to make a complaint, you should first refer to the
complaints section of the ESMA website.
There you will find information on how ESMA can help and who you should
contact to make your complaint.

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Dear European Securities and Markets Authority,

I write further to the Information Request that I submitted on October 15 2021 whose receipt was acknowledged by ESMA on the same day.

As this was an information request under Regulation 1049/2001, the information request should have been
processed in a timely manner within the 15 working days permitted under the regulation. The stated timeline of "two months" appears to exceed what is permissible.

Please process this information request completely and promptly.

Yours faithfully,
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee hat eine Nachricht hinterlassen ()

Combined response to reminder letters appears here:

Note that I do not per se agree with the interpretation that a notice of late handling is a confirmatory application.

Dear Chrysi Raftogianni,

I write further to the acknowledgement of the November 10th Confirmatory Application concerning my information request, which has not been handled within the deadlines provided for under Regulation 1049/2001, despite assurances that the Confirmatory Application would not be delayed like the original request was.

The original information request was filed in October, and I am growing particularly concerned by the combination of slow handling and extensive public reports of short document retention policies.

Please provide a clear, comprehensive, and transparent status update concerning the request and detailing the causes for the delay. Please take care to ensure that any documents responsive to the information request are not destroyed.

Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee hat eine Nachricht hinterlassen ()