Documents related to meetings held with Total in March 2021
Dear Mobility and Transport,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
All documentation (including but not limited to all email correspondence, attendance lists, agendas, background papers, transcripts, recordings and minutes/notes) relating to the meeting listed below:
1. Between TOTAL S.E. and the Cabinet members of Commissioner Adina-Ioana Vălean, Filip Alexandru, Negreanu Arboreanu, & Gaëlle Michelier, on the 16th March 2021.
I would prefer you to produce the documents on a rolling basis, rather than waiting until the full response is ready, and I would be pleased to receive an initial list of all documents as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Alex Cranston
40 Bermondsey Street
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your e-mail of 17 March 2021. We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered on 24 march 2021 under reference number GESTDEM 2021/1786.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application will be handled within 15 working days. The time-limit will expire on 19 April 2021. In case this time-limit needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.
For information on how we process your personal data visit our page Privacy statement – access to documents.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
Unit MOVE A-4
Legal Issues & Enforcement
▪ Postal address: Europese Commissie/Commission européenne, B-1049 Brussel/Bruxelles
▪ Office address: Rue de Mot 28, B-1040 Brussels
▪ Tel. +32 2 299 11 11
E-mail: [DG MOVE request email]
Dear Sir,
We refer to your e-mail of 17 March 2021 in which you make a request for access to documents, registered on 24 March 2021 under the above mentioned reference number.
Your application is currently being handled. However, we will not be in a position to complete the handling of your application within the time limit of 15 working days, which expires on 19 April 2021.
An extended time limit is needed as part of the documents requested originate from different services , which are being consulted.
Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents.
The new time limit expires on 10 Mai 2021.
We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
Unit MOVE A-4
Legal Issues & Enforcement
▪ Postal address: Europese Commissie/Commission européenne, B-1049 Brussel/Bruxelles
▪ Office address: Rue de Mot 28, B-1040 Brussels
▪ Tel. +32 2 299 11 11
E-mail: [DG MOVE request email]
Dear Sir,
We refer to your e-mail of 17 March 2021, in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered on 24 March 2021 under the abovementioned
reference number.
Your application is currently being handled. We have identified one
document originating from a third party, which we have consulted.
However, the third party has not provided us with a reply up until this
We will insist with the third party to provide us with a reply within the
shortest amount of time possible, after which we will finalise handling
your request. If we still do not receive a reply, we will take a position
on the disclosure of the document based on the information in our
Therefore, we would propose to reply to your request as soon as possible,
and in any case not after 18 May 2021.
Please kindly confirm your agreement to this arrangement.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
Unit MOVE A4
Legal Issues & Enforcement
▪ Postal address: Europese Commissie/Commission européenne, B-1049
▪ Office address: Rue de Mot 28, B-1040 Brussels
▪ Tel. +32 2 299 11 11
E-mail: [1][DG MOVE request email]
Dear [email address],
I'm happy to confirm my agreement to this. Thanks very much indeed for your help with this.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Cranston