Equivalence Decisions - Withdrawal

Europäische Zentralbank Die angefragten Informationen waren nicht vorhanden.

Dear European Central Bank,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as set forth by Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents that contain the following information, regarding – if applicable – the withdrawal of equivalence decisions rendered by the European Commission and/or European Parliament within the European Central Bank’s remit:

- all technical reports and/or documents prepared by the European Central Bank and issued to support the withdrawal decisions taken by the European Commission and/or European Parliament (if any);
- all documents related to the withdrawal of equivalence decisions in which the European Central Bank has provided assistance, including minutes of meetings held by the ESFS regulators, the European Commission, and/or the European Parliament (if any);
- the timeframes comprising the receipt of requests for technical analysis and the issuance of the respective technical reports to support the aforementioned withdrawal decisions taken by the European Commission and/or European Parliament (if any); and
- all correspondence and other kinds of communication, including attachments (such as emails, letters, and/or telephone call notes), between the regulators (including overseas regulators of the third countries for which the equivalence decisions were rendered), other organizations, and the European Commission/European Parliament with respect to the aforementioned equivalence withdrawal decisions (if any).

The aim is to better understand how the ESFS regulators have engaged with equivalence withdrawal decisions; the procedural steps that have been taken prior to a withdrawal of an equivalence decision; and, the time each step in the process to reach a withdrawal decision takes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts or questions in regards to this request.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Pedro Carvalho

Access to documents,

Dear Mr Carvalho,
We are writing regarding your two requests dated 25 February 2022 for
access to European Central Bank (ECB) documents. In accordance with
Article 6(2) of [1]Decision ECB/2004/3 of the European Central Bank, we
would be grateful if you could reformulate your request to include a more
detailed description of the ECB documents you are looking for. If you have
any questions or need additional clarification as to how you might be more
sufficiently precise in your reformulation, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Once we have received your updated request, we will reply to you within 20
working days in accordance with Article 7(1) of [2]Decision ECB/2004/3.
Yours sincerely,
Compliance and Governance Office
DG Secretariat
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
[3][email address]

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Dear Compliance and Governance Office Team members,

Thank you very much for your reply and time.

I’m happy to reformulate the request in order to facilitate the provision of documents.

In that sense, would it be more feasible for the ECB to provide one sample of a 'bundle' of documents related to (i) a single equivalence decision and (ii) a single decision withdrawing equivalence and which, in your view, are representative of the scope of the original request (i.e., how the ECB has engaged with equivalence decisions and interacted with other EU bodies while doing so; the procedural steps that it has taken prior to an equivalence decision; and the time each step in the process to reach an equivalence decision usually takes)?

Thanks again for your time and consideration. I hope that this reformulated description helps us to reach the final objective of the request.

Best regards,

Pedro Carvalho

Access to documents,

Dear Mr Carvalho,
Thank you for your e-mail of 23 March 2022. We would have to reiterate our
request for you to include a more detailed description of the ECB
documents you are looking for.
Could you please help us to understand which equivalence decision or
decisions you mean and the ECB's involvement in its preparation?
Compliance and Governance Office
DG Secretariat
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
[1][email address]

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