Estadísticas de violaciones a hombres en los países de la Unión Europea

Die Anfrage war erfolgreich.

Silvia Oramas Pérez

Estimado Instituto Europeo de la Igualdad de Género,

Al amparo del derecho de acceso a documentos contemplado en los tratados de la UE, y desarrollado en el Reglamento 1049/2001, solicito los documentos que contienen la siguiente información:
-Estadísticas por países, pertenecientes a la Unión Europea, de las denuncias presentadas por violaciones sexuales a hombres.

Un saludo,
Silvia Oramas Pérez.

EIGE.SEC, Europäisches Institut für Gleichstellungsfragen

Dear Silvia Oramas Pérez,


We acknowledge the receipt of your confirmatory request for access to
documents. Your request was registered in EIGE on 05/01/2018 (No A-17).
According to EIGE's Policy on Public Access to Documents, the Institute
shall respond within 15 working days from the date of registration of the





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EIGE.SEC, Europäisches Institut für Gleichstellungsfragen

Dear Silvia Oramas Pérez,


In reply to your request for access to documents (registered in EIGE on
05/01/2018 No A-17) EIGE would like to inform you that EIGE’s gender
statistics database contains statistics on violence against women and
[1]gender-based violence from different data sources (e.g. FRA survey,
Eurostat-UNODC survey, EUROBAROMETER survey).


An indicator that might be of your interest is `[2]Rape by sex of the
victim and by sex of the perpetrator or suspected perpetrator`


EIGE also undertakes a data collection activity on [3]gender-based
violence from administrative sources at the national level (i.e. all 28 EU
member States). The data provide the available prevalence information for
rape, sexual assault, other sexual offenses, intimate-partner violence
(IPV), homicide and stalking in each Member State, except Austria (data
were not validated by the national authorities). Due to non-comparability
of data on most types of  gender-based violence, each Member State’s data
are presented in a separate Excel file. The excel sheets also contain
information on:

-          List of sources used

-          List of flags and footnotes employed

-          National legal definitions, if available, for rape, sexual
assault, intimate partner violence, stalking.


If you are interested in the above-mentioned data, here are the steps on
how to access it:

-          Go to the database by clicking [4]this link

-          Open the metadata tab

-          Each Member State's data is displayed in a separate Excel file
under the dataset information

-          The analysis of the definitions are displayed under the
reference metadata, section No. 3 Statistical presentation.


In case of any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.





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