Wir sind nicht sicher, ob die letzte Antwort auf diese Anfrage Informationen enthält – »falls Sie Amélie Canonne sind, bitte melden Sich an und lassen es uns wissen.

EU ETS and article 6 / COP26

We're waiting for Amélie Canonne to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear DG Clima,
pursuant to Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to EU documents, and to the amended Aarhus Regulation, I would like to be communicated all the documents relating to meetings or events involving DG Clima on the one hand and representatives of private corporations or business associations or organisations on the other, where the issues of the EU ETS, carbon markets and article 6 were discussed in relation with COP26.
By Article 6, i refer to that included in the Paris Agreement, and the negotiations of the rulebook regarding international cooperation on carbon markets, in the run up and in the context of COP26.

More precisely my request applies to years 2020 and 2021, and includes :
- emails and mails exchanged in relation to the meetings and events,
- lists of the meetings and events, including remote (phone / video),
- policy documents, statements, position papers... shared by third party actors with the DG representatives
- notes of such meetings and events when it exists.

I prefer electronic format, but should certain documents be unavailable otherwise than in paper format, my postal address is :
Amélie Canonne
95 rue des Couronnes
75020 PARIS

I am obviously aware of the restrictions and limits applicable to the right to public information and documentation, however I would appreciate, should my request be denied wholly or partially, to be sent specific explanations for this denial. Also I expect the partial release of documents, in case of partial exemption according to article 4.6.
In case of denial, I reserve the right to appeal.

I am available to clarify my request if necessary and I thank you in advance.
Amélie Canonne

CLIMA-ACCESS-DOCUMENTS@ec.europa.eu, Generaldirektion Klimapolitik

Dear Ms Canonne,

Many thanks for your request.

We would like to inform you that the scope of your request of 20 November 2021 is already covered by the scope of your access to documents request registered under reference Gestdem 2021/7199, which is being currently treated.

Your sincerely,

Access to Documents team
European Commission
Directorate-General for Climate Action
Av. de Beaulieu 24
1049 Brussels

Zitate anzeigen

CLIMA-ACCESS-DOCUMENTS@ec.europa.eu, Generaldirektion Klimapolitik

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Canonne,


Enclosed please find a copy of our reply.


According to standard operational procedure, the reply is usually also
sent to you by registered post. Please note, however, that due to the
extraordinary health and security measures currently in force during to
the COVID-19 epidemics, which include the requirement for all Commission
non-critical staff to telework, we are unfortunately not in a position to
follow this procedure until further notice.


We would therefore appreciate if you could confirm receipt of the present
e-mail by replying to [1][email address].


Kind regards,


Access to Documents team


European Commission

Directorate-General for Climate Action

Av. de Beaulieu 24

1049 Brussels



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Wir sind nicht sicher, ob die letzte Antwort auf diese Anfrage Informationen enthält – »falls Sie Amélie Canonne sind, bitte melden Sich an und lassen es uns wissen.