European aid to Morocco

Klärung der Anfrage wird erwartet. Wenn Sie Benoît Theunissen sind, bitte Anmelden um eine Nachfrage zu senden.

Benoît Theunissen

Dear Eurostat,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- la politique européenne de voisinage avec le Maroc;
- les aides financières apportées au Maroc;
- les aides européennes apportées au Maroc pour la résorption des
- la coopération européenne avec le Maghreb.

Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur/Madame, à l'assurance de mes salutations distinguées,

Benoît Theunissen


Dear Sir,


Thank you for your e-mail dated 21/02/2013, requesting access to documents
under Regulation No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents (that the EEAS is also


Your request is too broad and lacked sufficient details. We were therefore
unable to trace the document in question. We would be grateful if you
could supply us with further information.


We would like to inform you also that the originator of some documents
could be the European Commission.


Should you have any other request for access to documents belonging to the
European External Action Service (which is a body distinct from the
European Commission), you can send it in writing, in one of the official
languages of the European Union, either using the electronic form on the
EEAS website: [1] or by post
or fax.


Postal address:

European External Action Service
Access to Documents
SG1 – Corporate Board Secretariat
PARC 1/278
B-1046 Brussels


Fax Number: +32.2.584.17.17


Yours faithfully,


[2][email address]

SG1 - Corporate Board Secretariat (AD)



Documents requested:


- la politique européenne de voisinage avec le Maroc;

- les aides financières apportées au Maroc;

- les aides européennes apportées au Maroc pour la résorption des

- la coopération européenne avec le Maghreb.



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]