Final One Stop Shop Decisions since 2 February

Die Anfrage wurde abgelehnt durch European Data Protection Board.

Dear colleagues,

The most recent decision in the EDPB's online database of final one stop shop decisions is from 2 February.

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I request any final one stop decisions since that date.


Dear colleagues,

Also, the most recent binding decision listed at is dated 28 July 2021. If there are any other Article 65 or 66 binding decisions I hereby request them.


European Data Protection Board

2 Attachments

  • Attachment

    access to documents request Final One Stop Shop Decisions since 2 February.txt

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  • Attachment

    Re access to documents request Final One Stop Shop Decisions since 2 February.txt

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Dear Mr. Ryan,


Thank you for your emails. Given that your request refers to documents
which will be published on the EDPB website, we are treating these
requests as requests for information.


With regard to your request for "any other Article 65 or 66 binding
decisions", we would like to clarify that in accordance with Art. 65(5) of
the GDPR, all EDPB binding decisions are published, once the LSA has
notified its final national decision to the controller. As regards the
most recently adopted Article 65 decisions, please see the recent
statements on the EDPB website [1]here and [2]here, which also mention the
timing of the publication. Further information on the Article 65 procedure
is also available in our [3]FAQ (see in particular p. 3 regarding the
timing for publication). For the sake of clarity, please note that apart
from the two previously mentioned decisions, all other Article 65
decisions, as well as the Article 66 decision adopted by the EDPB have
already been published on the website.


With regard to your request for "any one stop shop decision since that
date" (i.e. 2 February 2022), please note that while the EDPB does not
have any legal obligation to publish these decisions, the EDPB took the
initiative to publish this register of final administrative decisions
taken by the national supervisory authorities. The EDPB Secretariat
maintains and updates this register, after liaising with the national
supervisory authorities for the purposes of confirming whether any parts
of the decision need to be redacted prior to publication in accordance
with national law. Further information on this is available on the [4]main
page of the register.


As you have noticed, the EDPB Secretariat is currently facing a delay with
the updating of the register, due to the current workload and legal need
of tasks under Art 70(1) GDPR. Please note, however, that the register
will be updated accordingly considering our workload and tasks as
previously explained. Unfortunately, at this moment, we are not in a
position to provide you with a timeline for when the register will be


In case you wish to nevertheless maintain your request for access to
documents request for these one stop shop decisions, we must inform you
that unfortunately, the EDPB is not in a position to handle this request
due to the disproportionate volume of documents involved (which, apart
from the assessment, would also involve consulting each of the supervisory
authorities prior to disclosure given that these documents do not
originate from the EDPB) and our current workload.


We hope that these explanations are useful and remain available in case of
further questions.


Best regards


EDPB Secretariat




Visible links

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your reply. I thank you for your clarification regarding Article 65 and Article 66 binding decisions.

Regarding the register of final one stop shop decisions, it is regrettable that the register is not updated. it would be useful as a means of informing the public to keep the register of final one stop shop decisions up to date at all times.

Best wishes,
