Food poisoning

Ihre Anfrage war teilweise erfolgreich.

Dear Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

1) The number of cases of food poisoning that were reported in Ireland between 2010-2015.

2) How many of these complaints were made after eating in a restaurant/ delicatessen.

3) If these places had been recently inspected by the health board.

4) If it had been observed that staff working in these places had followed through with the HAASAP procedure.

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Claire Prenty

Exekutivagentur für Verbraucher, Gesundheit und Lebensmittel

Dear Ms Prenty,
The Agency for Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) has forwarded us your request for information as it falls within the competency of the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission.

The information you request is to some extent publically available. Our agencies, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) prepare annual reports on the zoonotic agents and foodborne outbreaks. Please follow this link to obtain all the data for the year 2013 ( ). You will also find country-specific data for Ireland published there.

As regards your questions 3) and 4) we do not have the information requested as this falls under the competency of the Irish competent authorities, to whom we would thus like to refer you to.
Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI)
The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions.

Kind regards,

Legislative Officer

European Commission
DG SANTE - Health and Food Safety
Directorate G - Veterinary and International affairs
Unit G4 - Food, alert system and training

B232 03/018
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 296 28 65
[email address]

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EC ARES NOREPLY, Exekutivagentur für Verbraucher, Gesundheit und Lebensmittel

1 Attachment

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2015)1151107 concernant "Re Chafea / access to information request - Food poisoning" envoyé par M/Mme ve_chafea.chafea le 16/03/2015.

Please find attached document Ares(2015)1151107 regarding "Re Chafea / access to information request - Food poisoning" sent by Mr/Ms ve_chafea.chafea on 16/03/2015.

Note: This e-mail was automatically generated by the European Commission's central mail registration system.
Replies by e-mail must be addressed to the original sender GAIDARJI Aura (CHAFEA) (mailto:[email address]).
Remarque : Cet e-mail a été généré automatiquement par le système d'enregistrement central du courrier de la Commission européenne.
Toute réponse éventuelle par e-mail doit être adressée à l'expéditeur en personne, à savoir GAIDARJI Aura (CHAFEA) (mailto:[email address]).