JURI Workshop: CIVIL LAW AND JUSTICE FORUM - Access to Documents/Papers distributed
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
For the JURI Workshop: CIVIL LAW AND JUSTICE FORUM with the participation of National Parliaments "Cross-border activities in the EU - Making life easier for citizens", today on 26th February 2015 registrations were rejected and existing registrations were cancelled.
It was said, out of security reasons, visitors (and even European Citizens who had a particular interest and suffered from the regulations) are not allowed to join the workshop.
Therefore it was recommended to watch the web stream or download it later.
Nevertheless the JURI commission themselves should have an interest to avoid that European Citizens say there is a lack of transparency and decisions in not trying to get the reality will be made behind closed doors.
Therefore I request:
(1) access to all documents that have been displayed in the workshop and
(2) access to all documents that have been distributed during the workshop
(3) and also documents that were distributed before during and after the presentation to the people who joined the workshop
Nevertheless the organizers of the workshop should be aware that the opportunity has gone that people, who have direct experience and partially suffer from the regulations were able to talk to the so called specialists (mainly academics). Also the decision makers and the academics did not have the opportunity to get to know more of the reality during the breaks.
Yours faithfully,
Klaus Zinser
Ref : A (2015) 2712
Dear Mr Zinser,
We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.
Kind regards
EPRS - European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library
Public Register webpage
[email address]
Our reference: A(2015)2712/pb/en
Dear Mr Zinser,
we have asked the responsible unit in the European Parliament who organised the event to provide us with the documents you are asking for, i.e.
(1) access to all documents that have been displayed in the workshop and
(2) access to all documents that have been distributed during the workshop
(3) and also documents that were distributed before during and after the presentation to the people who joined the workshop
Please find in attach:
- a practical guide for participants
Our reference: A(2015)2712/pb/en
Dear Mr Zinser,
please excuse us for the latest message you received. It was sent by error. You should have received this message below.
we have asked the responsible unit in the European Parliament who organised the event to provide us with the documents you are asking for, i.e.
(1) access to all documents that have been displayed in the workshop and
(2) access to all documents that have been distributed during the workshop
(3) and also documents that were distributed before during and after the presentation to the people who joined the workshop
Please find in the attached zip file all documents that were displayed or distributed before, during and after the workshop:
- a practical guide for participants
- two volumes of the session's compendium (that you may also find on the European Parliament's website: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees...)
- the programme in all official languages
- Mr De Palo's presentation which was only added during the workshop
- the poster
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library
Public Register Webpage
[email address]
Dear Registre,
we should come to an end.
One paper was missed, what I got through a different FOI request.
Its about the slides that were presented.
(1) all experts and speakers with names.pdf
And its seems another document was missed:
(2) http://ec.europa.eu/justice/civil/files/...
And it seems there was a report:
(4) "Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union" as Mrs Pretelli referred to it.
What I don't know, what should be on this weblink:
(5) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees...
As these documents were discussed trough the speeches I suppose they were distributed, too. If there was more, right now I don't know.
So kindly make them available as for sure two of these papers were paid by the european taxpayer.
Will you check if this is all that was missed or it there was more and send it then ?
Yours sincerely,
Klaus Zinser
Dear Mr Zinser,
I have asked the unit that has organised the workshop for further advice on your application. I expect their answer within five working days. However, some of your questions can already be answered:
(1) the file will be uploaded to the register in the following five days.
(2) - (3) These documents are already available online. Thus I have asked the unit that organised the event whether they could consider adding a link to these documents on the workshop's webpage.
(4) The document is a study requested by Parliament and can already be found on the Parliament's website: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/...
(5) We apologise for the broken link. Unfortunately this can happen as the website is in constant evolution. The correct link for the Legal Affairs committee's workshops is: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees...
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library
Public Register Webpage
[email address]
constanze koch hat eine Nachricht hinterlassen ()
This is very typical, EU citizens, who actually are affected by the current Situation and state, are not consulted,
lawyers and politicians, who have a completely different interest, are the only people discussing and deciding on these sensitive issues.
Who are the EU regulations made for and why: to make life better for citizens or to increase earnings for lawyers and politicians?