Letters of the Chairman of the Conference of Committee Chairmen

Die Anfrage war erfolgreich.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting the following documents:

The list of 44 letters of the Chairman of the Conference of Committee Chairmen including the annexes:
PE 352.465/CPG
PE 359.305/CPG
PE 362.062/CPG
PE 364.337/CPG
PE 364.411/CPG
PE 368.535/CPG
PE 368.633/CPG
PE 368.764/CPG
PE 368.765/CPG
PE 371.128/CPG
PE 375.139/CPG
PE 375.150/CPG
PE 375.286/CPG
PE 377.691/CPG
PE 377.792/CPG
PE 380.134/CPG
PE 380.205/CPG
PE 383.256/CPG
PE 385.818/CPG
PE 388.188/CPG
PE 389.977/CPG
PE 390.107/CPG
PE 392.532/CPG
PE 392.662/CPG
PE 395.460/CPG
PE 395.461/CPG
PE 395.601/CPG
PE 395.605/CPG
PE 402.263/CPG
PE 402.346/CPG
PE 406.232/CPG
PE 406.368/CPG
PE 426.448/CPG
PE 439.696/CPG
PE 440.797/CPG
PE 440.808/CPG
PE 446.914/CPG
PE 446.975/CPG
PE 447.048/CPG
PE 469.607/CPG
PE 480/747v02-00
PE 488.302/CPG
PE 490.848/CPG
PE 528.984/CPG

Yours faithfully,


AccesDocs, Europäisches Parlament

Our ref.: A(2017)10109


Dear Mr Selianko,


European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your application, which will
be processed as quickly as possible. You will receive a reply within 15
working days.


Kind regards,



European Parliament

Directorate-General for the Presidency



AccesDocs, Europäisches Parlament

1 Attachment

Our ref.:  A(2017)10109


Dear Mr Selianko,


Parliament has identified 43 documents answering your request. The list
you provided to Parliament contained one PE number for which Parliament's
responsible service could not identify a document. Please find in attach
your list numbered and with respective comments.


The size of the electronic files of the documents exceeding the limit for
email attachments, a temporary link
([1]http://www.europarl.europa.eu/EPRS/Trans...) has been
created from which you can download the documents.


This link will be available during the next 15 working days starting from
today. The documents will also be made available on the Public Register of
Parliament documents as soon as technically possible.


Sincere regards



European Parliament

Directorate-General for the Presidency




Visible links
1. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/EPRS/Trans...

I would like to ask you to renew the link you have created earlier in response to my request.
The link contained the requested documents, however, the link was temporary and it did not work.

Yours sincerely,


AccesDocs, Europäisches Parlament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,

Since our last mail there have been a number of technical changes. Thus we may not upload the zipfile again to the same server.

However, all requested document (see file in attach) have been uploaded to Parliament's Public Register of documents and may be retrieved from there by using their PE number: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWe...

For your ease we have uploaded the zipfile to a different environment from which you may retrieve it via the following link: http://europa.eu/!HB34gK

Best regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency

Public Register Webpage: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb/