List of all documents pertaining to FATCA

Ihre Anfrage war teilweise erfolgreich.

Dear Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting a list of all documents pertaining to the United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act or contributing to statements, guidelines, and decisions referencing FATCA.

Please note that this list should also include documents referencing member state / supervisory authority opinions, views, and commentaries. If necessary, information on authorship and national origin may be redacted to avoid undue external pressure, in line with the sentiment and intentions expressed in EU Ombudsman decision 386/2021 ( with regards to right of access requests to another European Union body.

Yours faithfully,
Nicholas Lee, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your request for access to documents.

Unfortunately, you have not indicated your postal address. This is necessary for registering and handling your request in line with the procedural requirements.

Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience. Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.

Alternatively, you may use directly the electronic form available on the Europa website:


Yours faithfully,

Access to documents team (cr)

Zitate anzeigen

Dear [email address],

My postal address is

Nicholas Lee
[address redacted]
[address redacted]

Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Lee

SG ACCES DOCUMENTS, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    RE access to documents request List of all documents pertaining to FATCA.html

    1K Download

Dear Sir,

We hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for access to documents,
which was registered on 15/10/2021 under reference number GESTDEM

In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days.

The time limit will expire on 09/11/2021. In case this time limit needs to
be extended, you will be informed in due course.

You have lodged your application via a private third-party website, which
has no link with any institution of the European Union.
Therefore, the European Commission cannot be held accountable for any
technical issues or problems linked to the use of this system.

Please note that the private third party running the website
is responsible and accountable for the processing of your personal data
via that website, and not the Commission.
For further information on your rights, please refer to the third party’s
privacy policy.

We understand that the third party running the website
usually publishes the content of applicants’ correspondence with the
Commission on that website. This includes the personal data that you may
have communicated to the Commission (e.g. your private postal address).

Similarly, the third party publishes on that website any reply that the
Commission will send to the email address of the applicants generated by
the website.

If you do not wish that your correspondence with the Commission is
published on a private third-party website such as, you can
provide us with an alternative, private e-mail address for further
correspondence. In that case, the Commission will send all future
electronic correspondence addressed to you only to that private address,
and it will use only that private address to reply to your request. You
should still remain responsible to inform the private third-party website
about this change of how you wish to communicate with, and receive a reply
from, the Commission.

For information on how we process your personal data visit our page
Privacy statement – access to documents.

Yours faithfully,

Access to documents team (rc)

Zitate anzeigen, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Dear Mr Lee,


We refer to your e-mails of 15 October 2021 in which you make a request
for access to documents, registered on the same day under the above
mentioned reference numbers.


Your applications are currently being handled. However, we will not be in
a position to complete the handling of your applications within the time
limit of 15 working days, which expires on 9 November 2021.


An extended time limit is needed as these applications potentially concern
a very large number of documents and require a thorough analysis.


Therefore, we have to extend the time limit with 15 working days in
accordance with Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding
public access to documents. The new time limit expires on 30 November


We apologise for this delay and for any inconvenience this may cause.


Yours faithfully,




I write further to the Information Request that I submitted on October 15 2021 and whose receipt was acknowledged by FISM on the same day under the reference number GESTDEM 2021/6165.

Per Regulation 1049/2001 and the timelines stated in your acknowledgement, this information request should have been processed promptly by November 09 2021 or a well-substantiated extension of processing time was to be provided by that date.

As it is now November 10th, I kindly urge you to process this information request completely and promptly.

Yours faithfully,
Nicholas Lee

Dear [email address],

I write further to the follow-up that was just sent; that was sent in error. The broad scope of the request does indeed warrant an extension beyond the 15 days initial processing time to November 30th.

As a point of clarification, a listing / index of the responsive documents is sufficient for this response, which should limit the scope of review required. Full documents are not in the scope of this request.

Apologies for the previous follow-up,
Nicholas Lee, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lee,


Please be informed that we are finalising our reply to your request with
reference GESTDEM 2021/6165 to be sent to you as soon as we receive

We apologise for this slight delay and any inconvenience this may cause.


Kind regards,


Raquel Garcia Mateos


Assistant  to the Head of Unit




European Commission
Directorate General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital
Markets Union

Unit B3 - Retail financial services

SPA2 02/021
B-1049 Bruxelles/Belgique




Visible links

Dear [email address],

Thank you for this update. Can you provide an estimate for when you'll have approval on this request (GESTDEM 2021/6165)?

Yours sincerely,
Nicholas Lee, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

Dear Mr Lee,

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. The case handler was absent yesterday.
We expect the final approval for the reply to GESTDEM 2021/6165 to be given today.

Kind regards,

Raquel Garcia Mateos

Assistant to the Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Unit B3 - Retail financial services
SPA2 02/021

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FISMA B3, Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lee,

Please find attached the reply to your e-mails of 15 October 2021, in which you make a request for access to documents, registered on the same day under the mentioned reference numbers: Gestdem request 2021/6161, 2021/6162, 2021/6163 and 2021/6164.

Kind regards,

Raquel Garcia Mateos

Assistant to the Head of Unit

European Commission
Directorate General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Unit B3 - Retail financial services
SPA2 02/021
B-1049 Bruxelles/Belgique

Nicholas Lee hat eine Nachricht hinterlassen ()

Note: Correct response is here:

The request was refused on the basis of FISMA not having an already-prepared list, even though the creation of such a list is necessary for the ordinary processing of information requests. A follow-up request will be followed., Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

2 Attachments

Dear Sir,


Please find attached an advance copy of the reply to your confirmatory
request for access to documents registered under reference GESTDEM


Yours faithfully,





European Commission


SG C.1

[2][email address]





Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]