Wir sind nicht sicher, ob die letzte Antwort auf diese Anfrage Informationen enthält – »falls Sie Álvaro Merino sind, bitte melden Sich an und lassen es uns wissen.

Pork industry lobby records

We're waiting for Álvaro Merino to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear European Food Safety Authority,

a) Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts, memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of the European agri-cooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR).

b) Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European institutions concerning the organizations above-mentioned.

Please do not transfer this request to another autority, this is a request specifically for you. Do not exclude short-lived documents or documents considered to be unimportant under archiving rules.

Yours faithfully,

Álvaro Merino,
Calle Jesús Goldero 19, Planta 1
El Orden Mundial
28045 Madrid.

Dear European Food Safety Authority,

I assume my request was registered, so I expect a response no later than February 19, 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Álvaro Merino

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Merino,


I hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for public access to
documents (hereinafter “PAD application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted
via the Ask EU website, by means of which you requested access to:


o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,
memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests
of the European agri-cooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de
Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG),
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or  Organización
Interprofesional Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca
o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European institutions
concerning the organizations above-mentioned”.


We would like to inform you that the [1]AsktheEU.org website you have used
for submitting your PAD application is a third-party platform, with no
link to the institutions, agencies and bodies of the EU, including EFSA.
Consequently, EFSA cannot be held liable for any errors of any kind
occurring as a result of the use of this platform. Likewise, we would ask
you to provide us with an alternative e-mail address to be used for the
further processing of your PAD application.


Additionally, please note that the third party running the AsktheEU.org
website is responsible for the processing of your personal data by means
of this platform. For further information, including on the way the third
party addresses your rights in the light of applicable data protection
legislation, please refer to the third party’s privacy policy. From our
experience with the way the platform operates, we understand that the
content of public access to documents applicant’s correspondence with EFSA
is usually published on the platform, including any personal data which
may be contained therein (e.g. private postal addresses). Please contact
us directly should you object to the publication of your correspondence on
the AsktheEU.org platform. In the event that such a communication is
received from you, EFSA will redirect all future electronic correspondence
to your private e-mail address only.


Your PAD application has been registered as PAD 2021/012 and is being
processed as quickly as possible in accordance with [2]Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 regarding public access to documents (hereinafter “PAD


Having conducted a preliminary screening of the wording of your PAD
application, we consider that the documents within the scope of your PAD
application cannot be sufficiently easily identified and that your PAD
application would benefit from further clarification pursuant to Article
6(2) of the PAD Regulation. Therefore, in order to process your
application, we would like to clarify with you whether the documents you
are interested (i) fall within a specific time-period and (ii) relate to a
specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate. Please
refer to the dedicated section on EFSA’s website concerning [3]EFSA’s
scientific work for more information regarding EFSA’s scientific


We would be grateful to receive your clarification regarding the two above
elements pertaining to your PAD application by return message to
[4][email address]. Once we have received
clarification from you, we will process your request as quickly as
possible in accordance with the provisions of [5]Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 on public access to documents.



Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services

[6]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CF4F1E.E87FB350


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[7][email address] 

[9]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [10]Twitter_logo_blue

[11]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [12]YouTube-logo-full_color

[13]linkedin.com/company/efsa [14][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.





Zitate anzeigen

Dear EFSA.public.access.to.documents,

Please proceed to limit the scope of my request to documents originating from 2018 onwards. With regard to the content, I prefer the scope to be limited to the above-mentioned organizations (COGECA, ANPROGAPOR, INTERPORC, COAG and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España) rather than to a "specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate".

Yours sincerely,

Álvaro Merino

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

Dear Mr Merino,

Many thanks for your reply to our request for clarification.

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your application for public access to documents (hereinafter "PAD application"), as clarified on 05 February 2021, by means of which you requested access to:

- meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts, memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of COGECA, ANPROGAPOR, INTERPORC, COAG and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España; and
- correspondence within EFSA and/or the European institutions concerning the above-mentioned organisations

originating from 2018 onwards.

Your PAD application, registered as PAD 2021/012, is being processed as quickly as possible in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents.

We will revert to you by 26 February 2020 at the latest.

Yours sincerely,

Mariama Mesnaoui
Public Access to documents Team
Legal and Assurance Services

Via Carlo Magno 1A
IT-43126 Parma
Tel. +39 0521036264 
[email address] 

This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended recipient, please let the sender know immediately.

Zitate anzeigen

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Merino,


Further to our e-mail of 9 February 2021, by means of which we
acknowledged receipt of the clarification of your public access to
documents (PAD) application with EFSA’s reference PAD 2021/012, I would
like to reiterate that your PAD application is being processed as quickly
as possible in accordance with the provisions of [1]Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 regarding public access to documents (hereinafter “the PAD


However, in light of the fact that we are still gathering all the relevant
elements to reply to your PAD application, we have to extend the deadline
by 15 working days in accordance with Article 7(3) of the PAD Regulation.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this delay.


We will revert to you by 19 March 2021 at the latest.


Yours sincerely,



Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services

[2]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CF4F1E.E87FB350


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[3][email address] 

[5]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [6]Twitter_logo_blue

[7]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [8]YouTube-logo-full_color

[9]linkedin.com/company/efsa [10][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.






Zitate anzeigen

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

Parma, 19 March 2021

Ref. DD/MH/mm (2021) - out-24594175


Álvaro Merino


E-mail: [1][FOI #8979 email]



Re.:       Your application for public access to documents of 05 February
 Ref. PAD 2021/012


Dear Mr Merino,

In your application for public access to documents (hereinafter “PAD
application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted via the Ask EU website, you
requested access to:

o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,

memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of
the European agricooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de
Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas
Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional
Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR)”, and


o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European


In a further communication dated 05 February 2021 via the Ask EU website
you clarified that the temporal scope of your PAD application can be
limited to “documents originating from 2018 onwards”.


Your PAD application, as clarified on 05 February 2021, is being processed
in accordance with [2]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 (hereinafter “the PAD
Regulation”). In view of the broad temporal and material scope of your PAD
application, we would like to confer with you with a view to handling your
PAD application in successive stages, allowing for the identification and
a detailed assessment on the accessibility of the documents falling within
the scope of your application in accordance with Article 6(3) of the PAD
Regulation. By means of this e-mail, we are pleased to refer you to a
first batch of documents within the scope of your PAD application as
detailed in the subsequent paragraphs. EFSA commits to revert to you with
a complementary reply by 14 April 2021 at the latest. 


EFSA’s engagement with stakeholders, including consumers, NGOs, farmer,
distributors, practitioner, academia and industry associations, takes
place in a structured, open and transparent manner in accordance with the
[3]EFSA Decision on the Criteria for Establishing a List of Stakeholders
and the Establishment of the Stakeholder Forum and Stakeholder Bureau
(“EFSA Stakeholder Decision”). This implies, first and foremost, that
agendas, participants’ lists and the outcome of the meetings of the
various platforms are proactively published on EFSA’s website, in
accordance with Article 7 of the EFSA Stakeholder Decision. It also means
that only registered stakeholders meeting a set of pre-defined criteria
are eligible to participate in EFSA’s Stakeholder Forum and Stakeholder
Bureau (see [4]List of Registered Stakeholders). Stakeholders wishing to
participate in these fora must constitute a relevant reference group
pursuing activities at EU level (see Article 2 of EFSA Stakeholder
Decision). While EFSA may also engage with non-registered stakeholders in
targeted engagement platforms (e.g. Roundtable meetings, Question Framing
Working Groups, Discussion groups, Communicators Lab, etc), considering
EFSA’s mission and tasks, in principle, such interactions do likewise
involve stakeholders operating at EU level and not national stakeholder
organisations. Accordingly, from among those associations listed in your
PAD application EFSA only interacts with COPA COGECA – the umbrella
organisation representing farmers and agri-cooperatives at EU level – in
the context of the afore-mentioned fora.


Against this background, please be informed that no meeting records
featuring associations other than COPA COGEAC are available on EFSA
website in relation to EFSA’s various stakeholder platforms. Hereinafter
you find a non-exhaustive list of links to meeting records on the EFSA
webpage featuring COPA COGECA:


o Stakeholder Forum: [5]2018, [6]2019;
o Stakeholder Bureau: [7]2018, [8]2019, [9]2020;
o Stakeholder Discussion Group on Emerging Risk: [10]2018, [11]2019,
o Stakeholder Discussion Group on Bee Guidelines: [13]2020;
o Introducing the upcoming evolution of EFSA’s engagement framework:
kick-off meeting October [14]2020;
o Stakeholder sounding board for implementation of Regulation (EU)
1381/2019 (Transparency Regulation): [15]March, [16]July, [17]November


While there are no interactions with national representations/associations
in the context of EFSA’s stakeholder fora, we cannot exclude that EFSA
engaged with national associations in other circumstances, e.g. in the
framework of study visits, webinars, or virtual open plenary meetings of
EFSA’s scientific panels. Please let us know whether, notwithstanding this
limitation, you retain your interest in obtaining meeting records
involving the national associations referred to in your PAD application.
If so, we will conduct a comprehensive EFSA-wide internal consultation
exercise. It should be anticipated however that this may take a
considerable amount of time. On a more general but related note, with the
benefit of having had the opportunity to consult the publicly available
meeting records on the EFSA website, we would be also grateful if you
could inform whether there is any specific area of EFSA’s scientific work
and/or a specific mandate that you are interested in.


To exercise your right to appeal against this decision by a confirmatory
application, you may write to EFSA at the address below. You have fifteen
working days from receipt of this e-mail to appeal. Please note that you
can also exercise your right to appeal against this decision after your
request for public access to documents has been fully addressed, i.e.
after the final reply to your pending request has been sent to you. In
case you submit a confirmatory application, EFSA will inform you of the
outcome of the re-examination of your request within fifteen working days
of receipt. In case the re-examination results in a confirmation of the
present partial disclosure, you will also be informed of any further
appeal routes available.


Your confirmatory application must be sent to:


EFSA - Bernhard Url, Executive Director

Via Carlo Magno 1/A

IT– 43126 Parma

E-mail: [18][email address]



Yours sincerely,




Luisa Venier

EFSA Public Access to Documents team

Legal & Assurance Services / Business Services Department




Cc: V. Villamar (EFSA)




Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #8979 email]
2. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
3. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
4. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
5. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
6. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
7. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
8. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
9. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
10. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
11. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
12. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
13. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
14. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
15. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
16. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
17. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
18. mailto:[email address]

Dear EFSA.public.access.to.documents,

I do retain my interest in obtaining meeting records involving the national associations referred to in my PAD application (ANPROGAPOR, INTERPORC, COAG and Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España). As I already expressed, I do not want to limit the scope of my request to a "specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate".

Yours sincerely,

Álvaro Merino

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

Parma, 15 April 2021

Ref. DD/MH/mm (2021) – out-24648110


Álvaro Merino


E-mail: [1][FOI #8979 email]  



Re:     Your application for public access to documents of 5 February 2021

          Our ref.: PAD 2021/012



Dear Mr Merino,

I refer to your application for public access to documents (hereinafter
“PAD application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted via the Ask EU website,
by means of which you requested access to:

o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,

memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of
the European agricooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de
Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas
Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional
Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR)”, and


o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European


We take note of your e-mail of 1 April 2021, by means of which you
informed EFSA that you retain your interest in obtaining “meeting records
involving the national associations” referred to your PAD application, and
that you do not want to limit the scope of your PAD application to a
“specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate”.


Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to process your request
as quickly as possible. However, contrary to earlier expectations we are
not in a position to provide you with a further reply yet, since EFSA is
still in the process of identifying and obtaining an overview of all
documents concerned by your PAD application, which is a time-consuming
exercise considering the cross-cutting scope of your PAD application
which, in principle, extends across all Units and Departments of EFSA. We
intend to provide you with a second batch of documents by 05 May 2021 at
the latest. Please accept our apologies for this further delay.


Should you require any information or clarification regarding the
processing of your PAD application in the meantime, please do not hesitate
to contact us by writing to the following functional mailbox:
[2][email address]. We are also available
for a telephone call on the practical aspects regarding the processing of
your PAD application should this be of interest to you.


Yours sincerely,



Luisa Venier

EFSA Public Access to Documents team

Legal & Assurance Services / Business Services Department




Zitate anzeigen

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

5 Attachments

Dear Mr Merino,


Please find attached the disclosure letter of the second batch referenced
24756028 from Ms Luisa Venier, the Team Leader of the Public Access to
Documents Team.

In case you haven’t done so, could you provide EFSA with an alternative
email address as soon as possible to enable us to send you the enclosures
of this letter?  

Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services

[1]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CF4F1E.E87FB350


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[2][email address] 

[4]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [5]Twitter_logo_blue

[6]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [7]YouTube-logo-full_color

[8]linkedin.com/company/efsa [9][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.





From: VENIER Luisa <[email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday 15 April 2021 16:52
To: [FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Fair solution status update_Your application for
public access to documents of 05 February 2021


Parma, 15 April 2021

Ref. DD/MH/mm (2021) – out-24648110


Álvaro Merino


E-mail: [10][FOI #8979 email]  



Re:     Your application for public access to documents of 5 February 2021

          Our ref.: PAD 2021/012



Dear Mr Merino,

I refer to your application for public access to documents (hereinafter
“PAD application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted via the Ask EU website,
by means of which you requested access to:

o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,

memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of
the European agricooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de
Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas
Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional
Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR)”, and


o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European


We take note of your e-mail of 1 April 2021, by means of which you
informed EFSA that you retain your interest in obtaining “meeting records
involving the national associations” referred to your PAD application, and
that you do not want to limit the scope of your PAD application to a
“specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate”.


Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to process your request
as quickly as possible. However, contrary to earlier expectations we are
not in a position to provide you with a further reply yet, since EFSA is
still in the process of identifying and obtaining an overview of all
documents concerned by your PAD application, which is a time-consuming
exercise considering the cross-cutting scope of your PAD application
which, in principle, extends across all Units and Departments of EFSA. We
intend to provide you with a second batch of documents by 05 May 2021 at
the latest. Please accept our apologies for this further delay.


Should you require any information or clarification regarding the
processing of your PAD application in the meantime, please do not hesitate
to contact us by writing to the following functional mailbox:
[11][email address]. We are also available
for a telephone call on the practical aspects regarding the processing of
your PAD application should this be of interest to you.


Yours sincerely,



Luisa Venier

EFSA Public Access to Documents team

Legal & Assurance Services / Business Services Department




Zitate anzeigen

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

5 Attachments

Dear Mr Merino,


This is a kind reminder to provide EFSA with an alternative email address
to enable us to provide you with the enclosure to our letter of 05 May
2021 at your earliest convenience. Please note that pending receipt of
such an e-mail address we have suspended the processing of your PAD
application registered as PAD 2021/012.



Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services

[1]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CF4F1E.E87FB350


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[2][email address] 

[4]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [5]Twitter_logo_blue

[6]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [7]YouTube-logo-full_color

[8]linkedin.com/company/efsa [9][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.







From: MESNAOUI Mariama <[10][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday 5 May 2021 19:41
To: [11][FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[12][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Disclosure 2nd batch_Your application for public
access to documents of 05 February 2021


Dear Mr Merino,


Please find attached the disclosure letter of the second batch referenced
24756028 from Ms Luisa Venier, the Team Leader of the Public Access to
Documents Team.

In case you haven’t done so, could you provide EFSA with an alternative
email address as soon as possible to enable us to send you the enclosures
of this letter?  

Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[13][email address] 

[15]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [16]Twitter_logo_blue

[17]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [18]YouTube-logo-full_color

[19]linkedin.com/company/efsa [20][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.





From: VENIER Luisa <[21][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday 15 April 2021 16:52
To: [22][FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[23][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Fair solution status update_Your application for
public access to documents of 05 February 2021


Parma, 15 April 2021

Ref. DD/MH/mm (2021) – out-24648110


Álvaro Merino


E-mail: [24][FOI #8979 email]  



Re:     Your application for public access to documents of 5 February 2021

          Our ref.: PAD 2021/012



Dear Mr Merino,

I refer to your application for public access to documents (hereinafter
“PAD application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted via the Ask EU website,
by means of which you requested access to:

o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,

memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of
the European agricooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de
Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas
Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional
Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR)”, and


o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European


We take note of your e-mail of 1 April 2021, by means of which you
informed EFSA that you retain your interest in obtaining “meeting records
involving the national associations” referred to your PAD application, and
that you do not want to limit the scope of your PAD application to a
“specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate”.


Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to process your request
as quickly as possible. However, contrary to earlier expectations we are
not in a position to provide you with a further reply yet, since EFSA is
still in the process of identifying and obtaining an overview of all
documents concerned by your PAD application, which is a time-consuming
exercise considering the cross-cutting scope of your PAD application
which, in principle, extends across all Units and Departments of EFSA. We
intend to provide you with a second batch of documents by 05 May 2021 at
the latest. Please accept our apologies for this further delay.


Should you require any information or clarification regarding the
processing of your PAD application in the meantime, please do not hesitate
to contact us by writing to the following functional mailbox:
[25][email address]. We are also available
for a telephone call on the practical aspects regarding the processing of
your PAD application should this be of interest to you.


Yours sincerely,



Luisa Venier

EFSA Public Access to Documents team

Legal & Assurance Services / Business Services Department




Zitate anzeigen

EFSA.public.access.to.documents, Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Merino,

I refer to our email of 5 May 2021 by means of which we asked you to
kindly provide us with an alternative email address to enable us to send
you the enclosures related to the disclosure of the second batch
referenced 24756028 concerning your application for access to documents
registered as PAD 2021/012. We sent you a kind reminder to reply to our
request on 28 May 2021 but have not received a response from you to date.

Please note that in accordance with the provisions of Article 4
of [1]EFSA’s Practical arrangements for implementing Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 and Articles 6 and 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 in the
absence of a reply from the PAD applicant, EFSA shall reply to the
application for access to documents taking into consideration the elements
at its disposal. This implies that where no further action is possible,
EFSA shall close the PAD application.


Accordingly, we hereby inform you that we are forthwith closing your PAD
application registered as PAD 2021/012. Please note that you can submit a
new PAD application at any time by either writing to the following
functional mailbox: [2][email address] or
by submitting a new request via the [3]Connect platform, selecting “Ask a
Question”, filling in the form and choosing “General question about EFSA”
in the area field.



Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

EFSA Public Access to documents

EFSA Legal and Assurance Services

[4]Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CF4F1E.E87FB350


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[5][email address] 

[7]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [8]Twitter_logo_blue

[9]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [10]YouTube-logo-full_color

[11]linkedin.com/company/efsa [12][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
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it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
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From: MESNAOUI Mariama <[13][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: 28 May 2021 18:37
To: [14][FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[15][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Disclosure 2nd batch_Your application for public
access to documents of 05 February 2021


Dear Mr Merino,


This is a kind reminder to provide EFSA with an alternative email address
to enable us to provide you with the enclosure to our letter of 05 May
2021 at your earliest convenience. Please note that pending receipt of
such an e-mail address we have suspended the processing of your PAD
application registered as PAD 2021/012.



Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[16][email address] 

[18]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [19]Twitter_logo_blue

[20]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [21]YouTube-logo-full_color

[22]linkedin.com/company/efsa [23][IMG]


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From: MESNAOUI Mariama <[24][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday 5 May 2021 19:41
To: [25][FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[26][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Disclosure 2nd batch_Your application for public
access to documents of 05 February 2021


Dear Mr Merino,


Please find attached the disclosure letter of the second batch referenced
24756028 from Ms Luisa Venier, the Team Leader of the Public Access to
Documents Team.

In case you haven’t done so, could you provide EFSA with an alternative
email address as soon as possible to enable us to send you the enclosures
of this letter?  

Yours sincerely,


Mariama Mesnaoui

Public Access to documents Team

Legal and Assurance Services


Via Carlo Magno 1A

IT-43126 Parma

Tel. +39 0521036264 
[27][email address] 

[29]twitter.com/EFSA_EU [30]Twitter_logo_blue

[31]youtube.com/EFSAchannel [32]YouTube-logo-full_color

[33]linkedin.com/company/efsa [34][IMG]


This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
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authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
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it is unauthorized and may be unlawful.  If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.





From: VENIER Luisa <[35][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday 15 April 2021 16:52
To: [36][FOI #8979 email]
Cc: EFSA.public.access.to.documents
<[37][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2021/012_Fair solution status update_Your application for
public access to documents of 05 February 2021


Parma, 15 April 2021

Ref. DD/MH/mm (2021) – out-24648110


Álvaro Merino


E-mail: [38][FOI #8979 email]  



Re:     Your application for public access to documents of 5 February 2021

          Our ref.: PAD 2021/012



Dear Mr Merino,

I refer to your application for public access to documents (hereinafter
“PAD application”) of 29 January 2021, submitted via the Ask EU website,
by means of which you requested access to:

o “Meeting records (emails, minutes, reports, briefing papers, drafts,

memos...) involving officials and/or people representing the interests of
the European agricooperatives (COGECA), Coordinadora de Organizaciones de
Agricultores y Ganaderos - Iniciativa Rural (COAG), Cooperativas
Agro-alimentarias de España, and/or Organización Interprofesional
Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca (ANPROGAPOR)”, and


o “Correspondence within your personnel and/or the European


We take note of your e-mail of 1 April 2021, by means of which you
informed EFSA that you retain your interest in obtaining “meeting records
involving the national associations” referred to your PAD application, and
that you do not want to limit the scope of your PAD application to a
“specific area of EFSA’s scientific work and/or a specific mandate”.


Please rest assured that we are doing our utmost to process your request
as quickly as possible. However, contrary to earlier expectations we are
not in a position to provide you with a further reply yet, since EFSA is
still in the process of identifying and obtaining an overview of all
documents concerned by your PAD application, which is a time-consuming
exercise considering the cross-cutting scope of your PAD application
which, in principle, extends across all Units and Departments of EFSA. We
intend to provide you with a second batch of documents by 05 May 2021 at
the latest. Please accept our apologies for this further delay.


Should you require any information or clarification regarding the
processing of your PAD application in the meantime, please do not hesitate
to contact us by writing to the following functional mailbox:
[39][email address]. We are also available
for a telephone call on the practical aspects regarding the processing of
your PAD application should this be of interest to you.


Yours sincerely,



Luisa Venier

EFSA Public Access to Documents team

Legal & Assurance Services / Business Services Department




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