Request for access to documents concerning specific WK files

Ihre Anfrage war teilweise erfolgreich.

Madalina Popirtaru

Dear Council of the European Union,

In accordance with Article 6(1) of Regulation 1049/2001, Article 3 of Regulation 1367/2006, and Article 42 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, ClientEarth AISBL requests access to:

The following documents which we identified in certain documents registered in the Council’s online document register (namely in the documents: ST 13099 2021 INIT, ST 5243 2022 INIT and ST 8801 2022 INIT):

- WK 11376 2021 INIT - North East Atlantic mackerel - technical meeting with the Member States, Wednesday 29 September 

- WK 10960 2021 INIT - Note Verbale no. 10/2021 - Relating to Regulations on amending regulations on fishing Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring 

- WK 10958 2021 INIT - Note Verbale no. 09/2021 - Relating to Regulation concerning the Cod fishery in the North Sea for 2021. 

- WK 10675 2021 INIT - Coastal States consultations – Heads of Delegation meeting on mackerel in the North East Atlantic, 21-23 September 2021 (Tórshavn, Faroe Islands) 

- WK 10314 2021 INIT - UK reply to Commission letter regarding UK notification on 10 June 2021 

- WK 10227 2021 INIT - Note Verbale no. 08/2021 - Relating to Amendments to the Regulations of 19 July 2005 No. 1834 relating to reporting for control by foreign vessels engaged in fishing in the Norwegian Economic Zone 

- WK 10225 2021 INIT - UK reply in response to the EU letter regarding the UK notification on 10 June 2021 

- WK 9000 2021 REV 1 - Notification of intended UK changes to fisheries management measures: revised version of the Draft EU reply 

- WK 9130 2021 ADD 1 - Notification of intended UK changes to fisheries management measures: Draft EU reply • Comments from France and Spain 

- WK 9194 2021 INIT - Technical Meeting with Member States regarding the Specialised Committee on Fisheries established under the TCA, 13 July 2021, 14h30-16h30 (Brussels time) 

- WK 9130 2021 INIT - Notification of intended UK changes to fisheries management measures: Draft EU reply • Comments from Ireland 

- WK 9000 2021 INIT - Notification of intended UK changes to fisheries management measures: Draft EU reply 

- WK 15659 2021 INIT - Note Verbale no. 14/2021 - Regulations relating to the establishment of flexible areas in 2022 

- WK 13602 2021 INIT - UK questions on Norway pout and sandeels 

- WK 13254 2021 INIT - Agenda of bilateral meeting between the European Union and Norway, 9 - 11 November 2021 

- WK 12849 2021 INIT - UK: SRX explanation and table regarding skates and rays 

- WK 12808 2021 INIT - Implementation of LO Exemption in UK waters 2021 

- WK 13362 2021 INIT - Coastal States – first meeting of the Working Group on blue whiting, 7 December 2021, Copenhagen 

- WK 13578 2021 INIT - Coastal States – first meeting of the Working Group on mackerel, 7 December 2021, Copenhagen 

- WK 12180 2021 INIT - Coastal States consultations on mackerel in the North-East Atlantic for 2022 (19 to 22 October 2021) 

- WK 20 2022 INIT - Note Verbale no. 16/2021 - Regulation regarding the cod fishery in the North Sea and in Skagerrak for 2022 

- WK 1247 2022 INIT • Coastal States Heads of Delegation meeting on mackerel (7-8 February 2022, Copenhagen) • Coastal States Heads of Delegation meeting on Atlanto-scandian herring (9-10 February 2022, Copenhagen) • Coastal States Heads of Delegation meeting on blue whiting (10-11 February 2022, Copenhagen) 

- WK 1727 2022 INIT - Note Verbale no. 01/2022 - Regulation relating to harvesting of wild living marine resources 

- WK 2242 2022 INIT - Draft schedule for the EU-UK Consultations for 2023 

- WK 2434 2022 INIT - Reply of the United Kingdom to the European Commission's letter on 22 December 2021 concerning vessel monitoring in Wales and the Welsh zone 

- WK 2890 2022 INIT - Note Verbale no. 02/2022 - Amendments to the regulation relating to harvesting of wild living marine resources. 

- WK 3093 2022 INIT - Reply of the United Kingdom to the European Commission's letter of 26 March 2021 concerning draft measures for fishing in four UK Marine Protected Areas 

- WK 3122 2022 INIT - Presidency summary of the Informal videoconference meeting of the members of the Working Party on Fisheries Policy on 15 February 2022 

- WK 3303 2022 INIT - Report of the Coastal States Working Group on the distribution of Northeast Atlantic Mackerel 

- WK 4132 2022 INIT - Note from the UK Mission regarding a change to the United Kingdom co-chair and Secretariat of the Specialised Committee on Fisheries 

- WK 4385 2022 INIT - EU-UK TCA: Provisional draft agenda of the meeting of the Working Group on Fisheries, 30 March 2022 

- WK 4495 2022 INIT - Meeting of the Trilateral North Sea Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Working Group ( 5- 6 April 2022, hybrid) 

Finally, we request that the documents falling within the scope of this request, be made publicly available on the Council’s documents register, in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of Regulation 1049/2001 and Article 4 of Regulation 1367/2001.

Yours faithfully,
Madalina Popirtaru
Environmental Democracy Lawyer, ClientEarth AISBL
60 Rue du Trône (3rd floor), Box 11, 1050 – Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium

Postmaster Consilium, Rat der Europäischen Union

Your message has been received by the Transparency and Access to Documents Unit of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. All requests for access to documents are treated on the basis of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
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TRANSPARENCY Access to documents (COMM), Rat der Europäischen Union

2 Attachments

Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.


Yours sincerely,








General Secretariat of the Council

Directorate-General Communication and Information - COMM
Directorate Information and Outreach
Information Services Unit / Transparency

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België

[2]  |  [3][email address]


Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely those of the writer and may not
be regarded as stating an official position of the Council of the EU

Clause de non-responsabilité: Les avis exprimés n'engagent que leur auteur
et ne peuvent être considérés comme une position officielle du Conseil de



Visible links
3. mailto:[email address]

TRANSPARENCY Access to documents (COMM), Rat der Europäischen Union

3 Attachments

Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.


Yours sincerely,







General Secretariat of the Council

Directorate-General Communication and Information - COMM
Directorate Information and Outreach
Information Services Unit / Transparency

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België

[1]  |  [2][email address]


Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely those of the writer and may not
be regarded as stating an official position of the Council of the EU

Clause de non-responsabilité: Les avis exprimés n'engagent que leur auteur
et ne peuvent être considérés comme une position officielle du Conseil de



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

TRANSPARENCY Access to documents (COMM), Rat der Europäischen Union

2 Attachments

Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.


Yours sincerely,







General Secretariat of the Council

Directorate-General Communication and Information - COMM
Directorate Information and Outreach
Information Services Unit / Transparency

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België

[1]  |  [2][email address]


Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely those of the writer and may not
be regarded as stating an official position of the Council of the EU

Clause de non-responsabilité: Les avis exprimés n'engagent que leur auteur
et ne peuvent être considérés comme une position officielle du Conseil de



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

TRANSPARENCY Access to documents (COMM), Rat der Europäischen Union

2 Attachments

Dear Ms Popirtaru,


Please find enclosed the corrected partially available version of document
WK 3303/2022.

Please disregard the version which was sent to you yesterday.


Yours sincerely,








General Secretariat of the Council

Directorate-General Communication and Information - COMM
Directorate Information and Outreach
Information Services Unit / Transparency

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België

[1]  |  [2][email address]


Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely those of the writer and may not
be regarded as stating an official position of the Council of the EU

Clause de non-responsabilité: Les avis exprimés n'engagent que leur auteur
et ne peuvent être considérés comme une position officielle du Conseil de




Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

TRANSPARENCY Access to documents (COMM), Rat der Europäischen Union

3 Attachments

Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.


Yours sincerely,







General Secretariat of the Council

Directorate-General Communication and Information - COMM
Directorate Information and Outreach
Information Services Unit / Transparency

Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat, 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België

[1]  |  [2][email address]


Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely those of the writer and may not
be regarded as stating an official position of the Council of the EU

Clause de non-responsabilité: Les avis exprimés n'engagent que leur auteur
et ne peuvent être considérés comme une position officielle du Conseil de



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2. mailto:[email address]