Request for meeting minutes

Elaine Girvan made this Informationsfreiheit request to Generaldirektion Haushalt

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Die Anfrage war erfolgreich.

Dear Budget,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

correspondence relating to, and minutes of, the following meeting:

14/12/21, Subject: Agricultural Promotion Policy, Christiane Kirketerp De Viron, Cabinet member of Commissioner Johannes Hahn, with: Centre de liaison des industries transformatrices de viande de l'UE (CLITRAVI) Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma, European Potato Trade Association, European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders, Association de l'Aviculture, de l'Industrie et du Commerce de Volailles dans les Pays de l'Union Europeenne asbl, European Dairy Association aisbl, Freshfel Europe - the forum for the European fresh fruits and vegetables chain,European Federation of Origin Wines,European Liaison Committee for Agriculture and agri-food trade, Assemblée des Régions Européennes Fruitières, Légumières et Horticoles, European agri-cooperatives (COGECA).

Please include any lobbying materials (e.g. accompanying slides, briefings, reports etc) related to this meeting.

Yours faithfully,

Elaine Girvan
Finance and Admin Director
Changing Markets
Newtonlaan 115
3584 BH

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