Staff Regulations, article 16

Die Anfrage war erfolgreich.

Dear Information Society and Media (INFSO),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I would like to request all documentation relating to Commission decisions made about the external activities undertaken by the former Director-General of INFSO Fabio Colasanti. Specifically, I would like to receive his most recent job title at the Commission, the date(s) of his applications for permission to undertake new external activities under Article 16 of the Staff Regulations, the dates of the Commission response, whether or not the moves were approved, the reasons given, and any conditions that the Commission attached to the approval of these activities.

Yours faithfully,

Vicky Cann

Generaldirektion Informationsgesellschaft und Medien

Ms Cann,

This is to confirm that we have received your below request.
Mr Ranalli (in cc) will reply to you within 15 working days ie before June 4


Dami Ruiz Moreno
Directorate R
Directorate General Information Society and Media
Office : BU25 04/012
European Commission
Tel : 32 2 295 12 41
Fax : 32 2 295 06 88
e-mail : [email address]

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Sent by HR B1 ETHIQUE <[email address]>. All responses have to
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Envoyé par HR B1 ETHIQUE <[email address]> . Toutes les
réponses doivent être effectuées à cette adresse électronique.

Dear Ms Cann,

On 9 May 2012, pursuant to Regulation No 1049/2001, you requested access

"all documentation relating to Commission decisions made about the
external activities undertaken by the Fiormer Director-General of INFSO
Fabio Colasanti.  Specifically, I would like to receive his most recent
job title at the Commission, the date(s) of this applications for
permission to undertake new external activites under Article 16 of the
Staff REgulations, the dates of the Commission response, whether or not
the moves were approved, the reasons given, and any conditions that the
Commission attached to the apporval of these activities."

First of all, I would like to clarify that your request was attribued to
DG INFSO and reattribued for competence to DG HR on 30 May 2012.  For this
reason, I am writing to let you know that your application is being
examined, but that we have to extend the prescribed period by another 15
working days before you receive a reply (20 June 2012).

As you know, the documents you have requested contain personal data.
Pursuant to Article 4(1)(b) of Regulation 1049/2001 and the jurisprudence
of the Court of Justice, when a request for access concerns a document
containing personal data, Regulation 45/2001 becomes applicable.

I would like to inform you that, on the basis of Article 18 of Regulation
45/2001, we have contacted Mr Colasanti. This article foresees the
possiblity for the person concerned to be informed about the handling of
his personal data and to have the possibility to object to that on
legitimate compelling grounds.  In order not to limit Mr Colasanti's
rights under Regulation 45/2001 and on the basis of article 6(3) of
Regulation 1049/2001, I propose a new deadline for reply reflecting our
obligation to respect Mr Colasanti's rights under Regulation 45/2001.

As soon as we receive his answer, we will be able to complete our reply to
you. We expect to be able to reply to your request by 20 June 2012.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs  Marilena SEMERARO
Commission européenne - European Commission
Secteur Ethique
SC11 3/27
Tél. : 59882
e-mail :  

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Thanks for the reply - the new deadline is acceptable.

Yours sincerely,

Vicky Cann

Generaldirektion Informationsgesellschaft und Medien

5 Attachments

Dear Ms Cann.

Please find in attachment a letter and the annexes concerning your request
for access to documents (GESTDEM n° 2012/2311).


Ms Marilena SEMERARO
On behalf Ms Jakob, Head of Unit HR.B.1
European Commission
"Ethics, Rights and Obligation"

SC 11 3/27
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 98 82
[1][email address]

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