Votes (including votes on guidelines, opinions, and decisions)

Die Antwort auf diese Anfrage ist lange im Rückstand. Nach gesetzlicher Vorschrift sollte European Data Protection Board Ihnen inzwischen unter allen Umständen geantwortet haben. (Details). Sie können sich beschweren, indem sie Interne Prüfung beantragen .

Dear colleagues,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, I request documents which contain the following information:

A record of the votes by Members of the EDPB on all guidelines, opinions, and decisions from 25 May 2018 to the present day.

Yours faithfully,

Johnny Ryan

European Data Protection Board

Thank you for your message and for your interest in data protection. We
will look into your request and get back to you within due time.
The EDPB Secretariat