which rights EU data protection Law or Irish Electoral Act 1992

Die Anfrage war erfolgreich.

Dear European Data Protection Supervisor,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

EU data protection Law or Irish Electoral Act 1992

Is my data set protected by The EU Data Protection Law Or does this Irish law overwrite my data Protection Rights

The Irish Law, under the Irish Electoral Act 1992 that allow originations (Limerick City & County Council ) to Create , Edit, Change Delete and Process personal data of the Subject Data Owner (my data) without the knowledge or Consent of the Subject Data owner (my data)

If the Voting Act 1992 allows Local Government Authority to change my voting status and my private voting data and my voting addresses without my authorisation and authentication, then this is in breech of my EU citizens rights

But according to Irish law by Limerick City & County Council they have the right to change and edit my Subject Data without my knowledge or consent.

Can you provide the documents that Irish laws can and do supersede the EU data Protection Laws
o Local Government Authority rights to Create Personal data without authority or authorisation of the subject data owner
o The Irish Law, under the Irish Electoral Act 1992 that allow originations (Limerick City & County Council ) to Create , Edit, Change Delete and Process personal data of the Subject Data Owner (my data) without the knowledge or Consent of the Subject Data owner (my data)

Could you provide the documents that are Under EU law
Could you provide the documents that are Under Irish law
Could you provide the documents how the data subject can protect personal data by The EU Data Protection Law
Could you provide the documents the EU protection rights or Irish law overwrite my data Protection Rights
Could you provide the documents When EU member’s laws are in conflict with EU Data protection Rights, which law applies and how to report conflict or breeches in laws
Could you provide the documents that allow the subject data owner to report such breech’s when an origination Create personal data (such as voting data)
Could you provide the documents that allow originations to create personal data without consent

How to vote Ireland
There are 4 application forms RFA RFA1 RFA2 RFA3 available to download
The fifth (5th) method under Irish Electoral Act 1992 is without personal consent

Yours faithfully,

Madeline O'Brien

European Data Protection Supervisor, Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten

3 Attachments

Dear Ms O'Brien,


Thank you very much for your email and questions.


For the documents related to EU data protection law, I refer to following
section on our EDPS website:


To access our history of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
please visit following section of our website:


For the national data protection legislation applicable in Ireland, please
visit the website of the competent data protection authority, the Irish
Data Protection Commission:

[3]https://www.dataprotection.ie/ where you will find all relevant
information for Ireland


Your data protection rights under the GDPR are explained in details on
following web page:
as well as the way to exercise your rights:


The GDPR – EU data protection law – is binding in its entirety and
directly applicable in all Member States since 25 May 2018. It is the
exclusive task and competence of the Irish Data Protection Commission to
supervise the correct implementation and application of EU data protection
law in Ireland, for both public and private sectors.


Best regards,


Head of Information &
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[10]Website [11]www.edps.europa.eu
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Madeline O'Brien

Dear European Data Protection Supervisor,
Thank you very much for these links and clarification documents

Yours sincerely,

Madeline O'Brien