Working time and hybrid working

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin made this Informationsfreiheit request to Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz

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Die Antwort auf diese Anfrage ist lange im Rückstand. Nach gesetzlicher Vorschrift sollte Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz Ihnen inzwischen unter allen Umständen geantwortet haben. (Details). Sie können sich beschweren, indem sie Interne Prüfung beantragen .

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin

Dear European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- All documents related to the application by analogy of COMMISSION DECISION of 24.03.2022 on working time and hybrid working, C(2022) 1788 final
- All documents related to the application and interpretation of Article 11 of COMMISSION DECISION of 24.03.2022 on working time and hybrid working, C(2022) 1788 final
- All documents related to Telework outside the place of employment

Yours faithfully,

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin

ve_euosha.information (EUOSHA), Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz

Dear Ms. Verdu,

Thank you for your e-mail dated 10 June 2023. We hereby acknowledge
receipt of your request, which has been registered under the reference

In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to
documents, you will receive a reply within 15 working days of your

Yours sincerely,

Susana Bilbao
Documentation Section
Resource and Service Centre
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Santiago de Compostela 12 | 48003 Bilbao | Spain
Telephone: +34 944 358 400 | Fax: +34 944 35 8401
E-mail: [email address] | Web: [1]
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ve_euosha.information (EUOSHA), Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz

3 Attachments

Dear Ms Verdu Sanmartin,

With reference to your document access request dated 10 June 2023, please
find attached the following documents:

-       Commission Decision C(2022) 1788 of 24 March 2022 on working time
and hybrid working,
-       Management Board Decision 2022/04 of 10 June 2022 on the
application by analogy of Commission Decision C(2022) 1788 of 24 March
2022 on working time and hybrid working,
-       EU/OSHA Guidelines for Staff and Manager – Working Time and Hybrid

We remain at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,

Susana Bilbao
Documentation Section

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