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Travel expenses of CdT Director
Response by Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union to Helen Darbishire on .
Dear Ms Darbishire,
Following your request for access to information under Regulation
1049/2001 to the travel expenses of the Director of the Transl...
Travel expenses of CdT Director
Response by Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union to Luisa Izuzquiza on .
Dear Ms Izuzquiza,
Following your request for access to information under Regulation
1049/2001 to the travel expenses of the Director of the Transla...
Rules for the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001
Response by Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union to N. K. Netzell on .
Dear Sir or Madam,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your email.
You can find the requested document on our website at the following link
(last docum...
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