Dear Mr. Mechels,
Please find attached the reply to your request to access to docuements
with number 2024/5278.
Kind regards,
Access to document...
Dear Mr. Zorloni,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2...
Dear Mr. Goodall,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2...
Dear Mr. Teffer,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 20...
Dear Mr Teffer,
Please find attached the reply to your access to documents request
registered under the reference number mentioned above.
Dear Mr Fanta,
We refer to your email of 31 August 2022, registered on 1 September 2022,
by which you submit a confirmatory application in accordanc...
Dear sir,
Please find attached the answer to your access to documents request.
Kindly confirm receipt via a separate email message.
Best regards,...
Dear Mr Wabungo,
By e-mail of 26 August 2021 we asked you for your postal address as this
is necessary for handling your request for public acce...
Dear Mr Fanta,
Unless we are mistaken, we have not received your confirmation of receipt
regarding the message addressed to you on the 9.12.2020....
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to document...
Dear Mr Wabungo,
Please find enclosed a reply to your application for public access to
documents, ARES(2020)3649457, ARES(2020)3550065.
Dear Mr Wabungo,
Please find enclosed a reply to your application for public access to
documents, ARES(2020)3649457, ARES(2020)3550065.
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping
[5]Ares(2020)3818971 - Your request for Access to Docume...
Dear Mr. Schindler,
Please find attached the reply to your request for access to documents
related to the above-mentioned subject.
Can you ple...
Dear Mr. Schindler,
Please find attached the reply to your request for access to documents
related to the above-mentioned subject.
Can you ple...
Dear Sir,
As we have already informed you, in order to register your request under Regulation 1049/2001, we require a full name and surname. We under...
Dear Sir,
We refer to your application for access to documents, registered on 18
November 2019 under the above-mentioned reference number, in w...
By email only
Dear Mr Drenger,
As already indicated in our email dated 26 September 2018, we remind you
that your postal address is requir...
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of the reply to your request for
access to documents related to the above-mentioned subject.
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of the official reply to your
above-mentioned request.
The original letter is sent to you by re...
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of the official reply to your
above-mentioned request.
The original letter is sent to you by re...
Dear Sir,
Indeed the requested document (to which partial access has been granted)
is enclosed to the registered letter which was sent by post las...
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of a letter signed by Ms. Ingestad,
Director-General DG Informatics, related to the above-mention...
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of a letter signed by Ms. Ingestad,
Director-General DG Informatics, related to the above-mention...
Dear Sir,
Please find attached an advance copy of a letter signed by Ms. Ingestad,
Director-General DG Informatics, related to the above-mention...
Only requests made using are shown.