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Statistics on application and success rates per Career Stage in ERC
Response by European Research Council Executive Agency to Iesel Van der Plancken on .
Information not held.
[1]RE: access to documents request - Statistics on application and success
rates per Career Stage in ERC - Ares(2024)2226875 - Ares(2024)2598256
Work with Palantir
Follow up sent to European Research Council Executive Agency by Mathias Schindler on .
Information not held.
thank you for your reply
Yours sincerely,
Mathias Schindler
Documents Relating to "INCLUDE (Grant agreement ID: 681518) - Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation"
Response by European Research Council Executive Agency to Alexander James Nicoll on .
Dear Mr Nicoll,
Please find attached document Ares(2019)5647626 from TE KOLSTE Georges (ERCEA.D) dated 09/09/2019.
Yours sincerely,
Abstracts of both failed and successful ERC starting grant applications 2014-2016
Response by European Research Council Executive Agency to Konrad Rolle on .
Dear Mr Rolle,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 1 February 2018, in which
you requested access to "anonymized abstracts of all gra...
Grant applications documents since 2014
Response by European Research Council Executive Agency to Konrad Rolle on .
Dear Me Rolle,
Please find attached document Ares(2018)475387 regarding your "Confirmatory request for access to documents concerning all abstracts su...
Only requests made using AsktheEU.org are shown. ?