The ERCEA provides aggregated statistics on the success rate (without including those that were highly rated (A) but were not funded) according t...
I would like to know how many individuals that were affected by the hiatus between the UK and the EU over the association of the UK to Horizon Eu...
[1]RE: access to documents request - Statistics on application and success
rates per Career Stage in ERC - Ares(2024)2226875 - Ares(2024)2598256
Dear Dr. Frade,
We refer to your request submitted under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 via
the website “”.
At the outset, pleas...
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]themeData
Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping
[4]FW: access to documents request - Information on uap/ufo/ - AOR -
[1]Ares(2021)2415527 - RE: Ares(2021)2130588 - FW: Ares(2021)1845078 - RE:
Ares(2021)1514129 - FW: access to documents request - Statistics of
Dear Mr Völker,
Please find attached a copy of the reply to your access to documents
request in subject, first transmitted to you on 23 October...
[1]Ares(2020)3390591 - FW: Ares(2020)2883475 - Reply to request for access
to documents registered under reference GestDem 2020/2220 - documents
thank you for your reply
Yours sincerely,
Mathias Schindler
Please find attached document Ares(2020)2397517 from ERCEA Access to documents of 06/05/2020.
Ref. Ares(2020)2397517 - 06/05/2020
Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]themeData
Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping
[4]Ares(2020)2138805 - access to documents request - Communications
regarding Ma...
Dear Ms Martinez Ortiz,
Please find attached the reply to your request for Access to Documents.
Kind Regards,
Access to Documents Team
Ref. Ares(2...
Dear Mr Nicoll,
Please find attached document Ares(2019)5647626 from TE KOLSTE Georges (ERCEA.D) dated 09/09/2019.
Yours sincerely,
[1]Ares(2019)389077 - RE: access to documents request - Outcomes for ERC
Starting Grants on resubmission for the different panels
Sent by ERCEA ACCE...
Thank you for the swift reply!
Yours sincerely,
Iesel Van der Plancken
Names and host organizations of all reserve-listed (i.e. top-graded but not funded) ERC StG applicants between the 2007-2017 calls.
Yours faith...
Dear Mr Rolle,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 1 February 2018, in which
you requested access to "anonymized abstracts of all gra...
Dear Me Rolle,
Please find attached document Ares(2018)475387 regarding your "Confirmatory request for access to documents concerning all abstracts su...
Thank you! I hereby confirm I have received the disclosed document.
Yours faithfully,
Luisa Izuzquiza
Access Info Europe
Dear Mr Teffer,
Please, find attached the second part of the file (Annexes) related to the
rental contract.
Yours sincerely,
Names of all recipients of ERC grants from 2007 to 2016 and the amounts assigned.
I would like to receive this information in a csv or xls file...
Please can you tell me if your organisation has given any aid or support into the development of freeware.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Mantle...
Dear Sir,
It seems that ERCEA is not monitoring the emails sent via
There is a form at the ERCEA website to submit applications in a...
For the purposes of full transparency, this is to provide a copy of an email I just received from the ERCEA.
I have redacted the details of my...
Only requests made using are shown.