Public authorities
Found 3 public authorities beginning with ‘R’
Also called DG REGIO
The Directorate General carries out the Commissions’ regional policy where people in EU regions and cities can realise their full potential. DG-REGIO u...
86 requests.
Also called DG RTD
This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on research, science and innovation, with a view to help create growth and jobs and tackle our...
163 requests.
Also called REA
The Research Executive Agency is a funding body for research and innovation. It manages EU research grants. In particular, the agency manages different...
32 requests.
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Beginning with
Main Institutions
- European Parliament
- Council of the European Union
- European Council
- European Court of Justice
- European Court of Auditors
European Commission
Other Institutions and Key Bodies
- European External Action Service
- European Economic and Social Committee
- Committee of the Regions
- European Investment Bank
- European Central Bank
- European Ombudsman
- European Data Protection Supervisor
Other Agencies and Bodies
- Policy
- Common Security and Defence Policy
- Police and Judicial Cooperation
- Executive Agencies
- Financial supervisory bodies
- EURATOM Agencies and bodies
- Other bodies