Legal Service

A European Comission Service, also called SJ

165 requests

(page 7)

Hague conference (Hague Convention)
Response by Legal Service to Arun Dohle on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear Sir, Unless a technical problem occurred, we have not received a reply to our e-mail of 27 of May 2016, asking to be more specific on the docum...
Dear Ms Izuzquiza,   Please find attached an advance information copy of the confirmatory decision taken on your request for access to documents r...
Precedents relating to the "2016 EU-Turkey Agreement" practice
Response by Legal Service to Ilaria Tani on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Tani, Sincere apologies for the late reply (we actually thought you had received our contribution by another Commission service). The actions...
Sale of refurbished products as new
Response by Legal Service to Francis Kelleher on .

Awaiting classification.

Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]themeData Link: [3]colorSchemeMapping [4]Ares(2016)4054329 - RE: access to documents request - Sale of refurbished pro...
Guidance on coherence of legislation with global obligations
Response by Legal Service to Lee Rotherham on .

Information not held.

Dear Mr Rotherham,   Please find enclosed our reply to your above mentioned request. This letter will be sent to you also by registered mail.  ...
Compensation to whistleblowers
Response by Legal Service to Lee Rotherham on .

Information not held.

Ref: GESTDEM N° 2016/2757 & 2016/2916   Dear Sir,   Please find enclosed a letter to your attention.   The original is sent by post.   Kind reg...
Independence and European Union membership
Response by Legal Service to Wim Piper on .


Dear Mr. Piper,   You will find enclosed the reply to your request for access to documents.   Yours sincerely,   ___________________________ Isa...
Report on renegosiation of "Safe Harbour"
Response by Legal Service to Rejo Zenger on .

Information not held.

Dear Sir, Please find attached the Commission response to your request. Best regards,     [1]cid:image001.png@01CE2A38.E318EDC0 European Co...
Dear Mr Zinser,   Please find attached an advanced copy of the reply to your request for access to documents GESTDEM 2015/2063.   The paper ve...
Response by Legal Service to Guido Strack on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr. Strack,   Please find attached the German translation of our reply sent to you on 27 February 2015.   Yours sincerely,     Dian...
Regulations regarding Refurbished Products
Internal review request sent to Legal Service by Jan Monaco on .

Awaiting internal review.

Thank you for your reply. I'm afraid, however, that your own response is directly opposed to the regulations set out in the directive. Whereas you s...
  Dear Mr Nastas, Kindly find herewith a letter concerning your confirmatory application for access to documents (gestdem 2013/5717). Yours sincer...
Opinion of the Commission in Case C-323/09 Interflora
Response by Legal Service to Fabian Saupe on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Saupe,   Please find attached the reply to your request for access to documents together with its enclosure.   Yours sincerely,  ...
Submission to the Court in case C-260/11
Response by Legal Service to Fred Logue on .


Dear Mr. Logue,   Please find herewith our answer to your confirmatory application for access to documents under Regulation (EC) n° 1049/2001 – GEST...
Contacts with Michel Petite and other Clifford Chance staff
Response by Legal Service to Erik Wesselius on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Wesselius, Please find attached the reply to your request GestDem 2013/0593. Yours sincerely, Marinus Christ European Commission Legal Servi...

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