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Helsinki, 21 December 2021 AM/em
Miss Helena Hartmann
Sent by email only: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx
Reply to your request for access to documents
Reference: ATD/056/2021
Dear Miss Hartmann,
I refer to your request of 28 November 2021, registered on 30 November 2021, under the above-
mentioned reference number.
Your request concerns access to a CSV file containing “all registered substances and their related
information as can be seen under registered substances on the official ECHA website”.
The following document has been identified as falling within the scope of your request:
20211203 Registered Substance Factsheets.
Based on Article 7(1) of the ATD Regulation1
ECHA has decided to grant you full access to the requested document.
Due to the requested CSV format, the file has been split in two separate documents which are
enclosed to this letter.
Advice and further observations
You are reminded that following Article 16 of the ATD Regulation, the attached document(s) may
be covered by intellectual property rights and other rights vested in third parties. Reproduction,
distribution or utilisation of the information might therefore violate the rights of the possible
rightsholders, if their prior consent is not sought. The European Chemicals Agency does not
1 Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access
P.O. Box 400, 00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 | echa.europa.eu
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accept any responsibility whatsoever, and shall not be held liable, for any violation of any such
rights related to the attached document(s).
The European Chemicals Agency also makes no representations or warranties of any kind
concerning the attached document(s), including, but not limited to, quality or merchantability.
The European Chemicals Agency accepts no responsibility or liability for any use made of the
attached document(s), nor does use of the information imply any kind of endorsement by the
European Chemicals Agency.
CAS Information
CAS Information (e.g. CAS Registry Numbers) is the property of the American Chemical Society.
Any use or redistribution, except as required to fulfil regulatory requirements and/or to produce
reports required by national law or administrative policy, is not permitted without the prior
written permission of the American Chemical Society.
Updates to the list of registered substances
The number of registered substances is growing every day with the current number at 26,147
(03 December 2021). The attached files are updated a few times per year and at the time of the
latest refresh (03 December 2021), the number of registered substances was 26,147.
Means of redress
You are entitled to make a confirmatory application requesting ECHA to review this position by
writing to the Executive Director of ECHA (P.O Box 400, 00121 Helsinki, Finland or
xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxx.xx). This needs to be done within 15 working days, as applicable in your
country, of receiving this letter.
Yours sincerely,
Annika Mälkiä
Head of Unit
Directorate of Submissions and Interaction
ATD-2021-056-Attachment-1 (Registered Substances Factsheets)
ATD-2021-056-Attachment-2 (Registrants and Suppliers)
2 As this is an electronic document, it is not physically signed. This communication has been approved according to
ECHA’s internal decision-approval process.
P.O. Box 400, 00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 | echa.europa.eu