Ref. Ares(2022)3494758 - 06/05/2022
Minutes of meeting with representatives from BP
31/01/2022, 11:30-12:45
, BP
- Walter Goetz,
CAB Valean
The representatives from BP asked for the meeting as a general get-to-know occasion.
explained that BP is undergoing a shift from an oil company to an integrated energy company where
transport will play a major role.
HoC Goetz explained state of negotiations of the Fit for 55 package and particularly of the transport
dossiers such as AFIR. The Commission has delivered its proposals, the goal now is to bring them
successful y through the co-legislation procedure. BP referred to ChargeUp Europe’s proposal
regarding AFIR.
outlined the state of play of the Alliance for renewable and low
carbon fuels. Another point of discussion was the EU Taxonomy, where HoC Goetz explained the
current state of play. BP is examining the implications for the longer term and is seeing a place for
blue hydrogen.