This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Access to documents request: 2022-01-31 meeting between Filip Alexandru Negreanu Arboreanu and Walter Goetz and BP p.l.c.'.

Ref. Ares(2022)3494758 - 06/05/2022
RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
Monday 24 January 2022 09:00:26
bp Visitors - Personal details - 31.01.2022.xlsx
Please find attached the document filled with personal details.
I remain at your entire disposal should you require any further information.
Many thanks wish you a great day!
Kind regards,
registered office address:
BP Europa SE-BP Belgium, Langerbruggekaai 18, 9000  Gent, BELGIUM VAT: BE 0457173569
BP International Limited. Registered office: Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP. Registered in England and Wales, number 542515.
E-mail disclaimer: The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. Access to this e-mail by anyone
else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or an action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited
and may be unlawful. Within the bounds of law, electronic transmission through internal and external networks may be monitored to ensure compliance with internal
policies and legitimate business purposes.
Sent: Thursday, 20 January 2022 13:31
Subject: RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
Sie erhalten nicht oft E-Mail von "". Weitere Informationen, warum dies wichtig ist
Thank you very much. Yes, Mr. Goetz and Mr. Negreanu would be pleased to still offer the
meeting slot 11:30-12:15.
Once I receive the personal details, I will arrange for an usher to meet and escort 
the meeting room.
I remain available should you need any further information.

Kind regards,
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 1:24 PM
Cc: NEGREANU ARBOREANU Filip Alexandru (CAB-VALEAN)>;>;>;>;>
Subject: RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
Many thanks. I just spoke with 
 assistant who in the end managed
to move her other commitments in the morning.
If Walter and Filip are still available from 11.30 to 12.15, then 
be very happy to meet with them.
I hope the slot is still available? If so, my colleague 
 will share
the personal details with you.
Best regards,
Sent: 20 January 2022 13:07
Subject: RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
Thank you for your prompt reply.
Unfortunately there is no other possibility for Mr. Goetz to meet with 
 that day, his
agenda is completely full.
Perhaps a meeting could be set up the next time 
 is in Brussels?
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need anything further.

Kind regards,
European Commission
Cabinet of Commissioner
We would like to highlight that for reasons of public transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinets only meet
organisations or self-employed individuals that are registered in the EU's Transparency Register (see here: I would invite you to register if you have not yet done so, and send us
your registration number if you wish to request a meeting.
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 4:40 PM
Cc: NEGREANU ARBOREANU Filip Alexandru (CAB-VALEAN)>;>;>;>;>
Subject: RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
Many thanks for your prompt reply and your kind offer for 
 to meet
with Mr Goetz and Mr Negreanu Arboreanu – which we would be very happy to
take you up on.
Unfortunately the proposed time clashes with another commitment 
has on that day, but might 11:00 – 11:45 am perhaps work as well?
Best regards,

Transparency register number: 3394026642-58
BP Europa SE-BP Belgium, 11 Rond-Point Robert Schuman, B-1040 Brussels
BP International Limited. Registered office: Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP. Registered in
England and Wales, number 542515.
E-mail disclaimer: The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
addressee(s) only. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any
disclosure, copying, distribution or an action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be
unlawful. Within the bounds of law, electronic transmissions through internal and external networks may be monitored to
ensure compliance with internal policies and legitimate business purposes.
Sent: 18 January 2022 16:03
Cc: NEGREANU ARBOREANU Filip Alexandru>;>;>;>;>
Subject: RE: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
On behalf of Commissioner Vălean’s Head of Cabinet, Walter Goetz, thank you for your kind
Unfortunately, the Commissioner’s agenda is completely full that day and so a meeting between
her and 
 will not be possible.
However, I am very pleased to be able to offer you a meeting with Mr. Goetz and the deputy
Head of cabinet, Mr. Negreanu Arboreanu, on 31 January at 11:30-12:15 in our offices in the
Berlaymont building.
Thank you for confirming if this time is suitable for you and 
 If so, please find
attached a table to be completed with the personal details of all meeting participants who need
access to the Berlaymont. I would be grateful if you could complete and return this at your
earliest convenience so that we can arrange for your security passes.
Kindly also note that any participant will be asked to produce a Covid Safe Pass at  security upon
entry into the building.
I remain at your disposal should you need any further information.
Kind regards,

European Commission
Cabinet of Commissioner
We would like to highlight that for reasons of public transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinets only meet
organisations or self-employed individuals that are registered in the EU's Transparency Register (see here: I would invite you to register if you have not yet done so, and send us
your registration number if you wish to request a meeting.
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022 4:15 PM
To: GOETZ Walter (CAB-VALEAN) <>
Subject: Moegliches Meeting mit bp-Vorstand 
ich wuensche Ihnen ein frohes und gesundes neues Jahr! Ich bin nach 2-
monatiger Elternzeit-Reise seit Kurzem wieder zurueck (der Wiedereinstieg war
nicht ganz einfach!).
Warum ich Sie anschreibe: am 31. Januar wird 
in Bruessel sein. Waere ein persoenlicher Austausch zu Mobilitaetsthemen mit
Kommissarin Vălean ggf. von Interesse?
Falls dies aufgrund der Kurzfristigkeit oder aus anderen Gruenden momentan
nicht passen sollte, waere dies natuerlich verstaendlich. Fuer den Fall, dass es
vielleicht doch klappen sollte, waeren 
 und wir im Bruesseler Buero
allerdings umso erfreuter.
In jedem Fall freue ich mich auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen mit Ihnen!
Herzliche Gruesse,

BP Europa SE-BP Belgium, 11 Rond-Point Robert Schuman, B-1040 Brussels
BP International Limited. Registered office: Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP. Registered in
England and Wales, number 542515.
E-mail disclaimer: The information in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
addressee(s) only. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any
disclosure, copying, distribution or an action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be
unlawful. Within the bounds of law, electronic transmissions through internal and external networks may be monitored to
ensure compliance with internal policies and legitimate business purposes.