Annex XIII: Training Plan 2022
Objective 1: Dedicated training for the standing corps:
Reference Activity / Objective
training The basic training for the European Border and Coast Guard
the standing corps CAT 1 shall ensure its members have the necessary
European standing corps competences to operate in a unitary manner in any particular
CAT 1.
operational area generating added value and fully respecting
fundamental rights in all actions. It is harmonised with the CCC
The Basic training programme is estimated to take 9-12 months.
Activity / Objective
In the consideration of the Management Board Decision no. 1/2020 and of its responsibilities in the area of
training, Frontex will deliver to members of the standing corps categories 1, 2 and 3 specialized profile related
training courses for border management and return, addressing specific operational elements relevant to their
tasks and responsibilities and raising necessary awareness on the respect of fundamental rights, with emphasis
on the protection of vulnerable persons, including children. In order to enable their operational readiness, these
courses will be delivered prior to their deployment. In order to maintain proportionality with the lengths of their
deployment, standing corps category 3 will be offered intensive versions of the specialized profile related courses
delivered to their peers of category 1 and 2.
The delivery of the profile related specialized training will depend on the operational needs.
Course for Border Guard
The aim of this course is to promote a high and equal standard for
Border and Coast Guards to acquire integrated skills and
competences to perform first line border checks at the external
borders of the European Union. The course will encompass several
specialized modules focused on specific operational tasks as follows:
Specialized module on land border surveillance
Specialized module on border checks
Specialized module for second line airport officer
Specialized module for maritime border surveillance
The officers assigned under the border guard profile will be offered
the specialized modules according to the operational tasks assigned
for their deployment.
Course for Information
The aim of this course is to support information collection relevant
for situation monitoring, risk analysis and the execution of Eurosur.
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Course for Debriefing
A course in which participants learn how to debrief third country
nationals by systematic extraction of information from persons
willing to cooperate. The training course is designed to build
practical skills and competences necessary for performing quality
debriefing interviews. Participants learn how to prepare for a
debriefing interview, how to select an interviewee and gain his/her
trust. Collecting information for intelligence purposes and
compilation of a comprehensive debriefing report is covered during
simulated interviews. Understanding and proper application of
cognitive interviewing techniques and psychological aspects is an
essential part of preparation for the most challenging interviews.
Course for Advanced
The aim of this course is to qualify the participants for acting as
Level Document Officer
advanced level document officer in Frontex operational activities.
The course is also used to train the trainers, thus providing the
participants with an opportunity to act as multipliers at national
level. The target group and the content of the course is defined by
the “framework for harmonised programme for the training of
document examiners in three levels” (Council Doc. No. 9551/07 and
The course provides the knowledge and the skills to identify genuine
documents on the basis of primary and advanced security features
and personalisation techniques and to refer suspicious documents to
a higher level of expertise. Learners are expected to establish
inspection/examination. The Advanced Level Document Officer
course will also add an extra focus on latest technologies and
perspectives in authentication of identities, documents and identity
Course for Cross-Border
Cross Border Crime Detection Course aims to prepare officers
Crime Detection Officer
to act as Cross-Border Crime Detection Officers in Frontex operations
targeted at serious and organised crime with cross border dimension
at EU external borders. The course is designed to prepare officers to
be deployed flexibly at sea, land or air borders. The course will take
place in authentic environment. The practical exercises will be
carried out using vessels, containers, cars, trucks and trains, real
documentations accompanying them, as well as technologies and
equipment used to detect cross border crime. The participants will
gain knowledge on identification of cross border crime, its modus
operandi, persons suspected of being involved in various types of CBC
(trafficking in human beings, drugs, weapons, excise goods,
terrorism). Part of the course will be devoted to document fraud
associated with various CBC and also to the recognition, preservation
and interpretation of evidence (if requested by EU MS and within the
chain of custody), support the collection of information concerning
apprehension / seizure. Acquaintance and awareness of the possible
harmonization with customs’ tasks will also be part of the training.
A specialized module on Counter-terrorism Efforts within the
Border Dimension Course will aim to raise knowledge and awareness
amongst officers deployed in Frontex coordinated operational
activities on how to support counter-terrorism efforts. The module is
designed to complement the identification of ‘known’ terrorists
through crosschecks with the relevant databases. The module focus
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is on how to support with the identification of the ‘unknowns’, i.e.
those whose details are not to be found in SIS or other databases, and
this by referring ‘subjects of interest’ for detailed checks. The online
module will be provided as a part of specific profile training to
selected profiles.
Course for Motor Vehicle
This course will equip the participants with the necessary knowledge
Crime Detection Officer
and skills related to verifications of vehicles and their documents in
order to establish possible vehicle theft and trafficking. The
participants will gain the knowledge on:
- recognition of stolen vehicles and related documents and further
handling with the national authorities;
- usage of relevant national and international databases;
- recognition of new car theft patterns and reporting accordingly;
- support for first-line border checks.
Course for Dog Handler
The aim of this course is to provide specific knowledge and skills to
the EBCGT members operating as part of border surveillance teams
supported by a service dog. Dog handlers with previous experience in
dog handling will be brought in line with the most recent set of
knowledge, skills and competences required by the operational tasks
and duties.
Course for Frontex
The aim of this course is to prepare Frontex Support Officers (FSO)
Tactical Support Officer
for their role as key-players when it comes to the implementation of
the operational goals during a joint operation between Frontex, the
host Member State and the deployed members of the teams. The FSO
has to support the Frontex Operational Coordinator (FOC) wherever
necessary and possible. The training for the FSO reflects all demands
and requirements he/she could face during deployment.
Course for Forced Return
The course satisfies the requirements for adequate training to be
Escort and Support
provided for members of a pool of forced return escorts. It
incorporates theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to
participate in return operations and interventions. Currently, two
types of courses are offered by Training Unit: Course for Forced
Return Escort Leaders in Return Operations and Course for
Readmission Officers.
The Course for Forced Return Escort Leaders in Return Operations
aims to enhance escort leaders’ competence and skills enabling them
to perform the key role the escort leaders play in forced return
operations. It covers task in pre-return and return phase, including
in-flight phase and hand-over. The course is enriched with knowledge
obtained from e-learning course.
The Course for Readmission Officers prepares forced return escort
officers for their tasks within readmission operations by ferries and
by charter flights.
Both courses are based mostly on practical scenarios in an airplane
mock up and ferry boat. Learners benefit from various role plays and
practical exercises, as well as simulations of various predictable and
emergency situations.
The further development of the Course for Forced Return Escort
Officer will continue in 2020. The Course will be designed to meet
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training requirements for national escort officers deployed to provide
escort services in all kinds of forced return operations.
Course for Return
The aim of this course is to prepare return specialists from national
competent bodies to efficiently fulfil tasks in the area of pre-return
activities, including “collection of information necessary for issuing
return decisions” in line with the Article 48(1) of Regulation.
The courses prepare return specialists to accomplish tasks required
to issue a return decision, respecting the Regulation provision that
the issuing of return decision shall remain a competence of the
Member States.
Course for European
This course focuses on tasks, mandate, role and responsibilities of
Coast Guard Functions
coast guard function officers to prepare them to meet all demands
they may face during their deployment in a Frontex Joint Maritime
Operation. In a real working environment and supported by experts,
participants will learn how to operate effectively in an ICC/LCC
and/or on board of assets supporting the implementation of coast
guard functions (e.g. EU agencies).
Course for Air Crew
The aim of this course is to provide participants with theoretical
Preparation for Joint
knowledge and practical skills for activities carried out by air crew
members deployed in Frontex Joint Maritime/Land Operations.
Fundamental Rights
Frontex specialized modules on fundamental rights raise awareness
modules embedded in the and provide harmonised guidelines on respecting fundamental rights
advanced specialized
while performing border control or return-related tasks. These
profile related training
includes protection of children at the borders and other vulnerable
persons, protection of victims of human smuggling, trafficking in
human beings and of other forms of cross border crime. The goal of
fundamental rights – related modules is to provide participants with
a tailored training relevant to their tasks and powers.
Course for Pool of Forced
The aim of this course is to provide members of Frontex pool of
Return Monitors
forced-return monitors with theoretical knowledge and practical
skills required to comprehensive and transparent monitoring of
forced return operations. The main focus is on monitoring respect for
the applicable fundamental rights during return operation. Members
of the Forced-return monitors’ pool are trained in a standardised
course and regularly updated in “Annual lessons learnt meetings”
conferences and thematic workshops together with experienced
escort leaders to exchange knowledge and best practices.
Pre-Deployment Induction The Pre-Deployment Induction Training prepares participants in
Training Package for
Frontex operations by providing them with a general awareness on
standing corps Cat 2 and
the Frontex legal, organizational and operational environment and
procedures, safety and security, fundamental rights. An additional
objective is to contribute to creating a common European Border and
Coast Guard professional culture amongst the participants, through
different practical exercises, thus developing necessary skills in order
to overcome cultural challenges, to understand conflicts and manage
them, and to be aware of the stages of team development. Mainly
designed for self-paced learning, this training package will be
provided additionally to the specific profile related training courses
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to prepare the deployment in teams for the standing corps categories
2 and 3.
Operational Leadership
Some members of the standing corps will be chosen to attend
Operational Leadership training to become supervisors or managers.
The Operational Leadership training will be based on Common Core
Curriculum for Border and Coast Guard Mid-level Management
Training in the EU (CCC ML) and the SQF for Border Guarding.
Objective 2: Strengthening EBCG capacities:
Integrated Border Management related training products
Frontex promotes a high and equal standard of border checks at the external borders of the European Union
especially through providing training on the general European Integrated Border Management concept as well as
for individual strategic components of European IBM such as intra-agency cooperation, state-of-the-art
technology and quality control.
Course on Integrated
The aim of this course is to support the harmonized implementation
Border Management
of the European IBM concept based on the European Border and Coast
Guard Regulation at national level. The target group of the course
are high-level experts from Member States/SACs involved in the
implementation of a national IBM strategy and Action Plan in line with
EU standards, especially with the Technical and Operational strategy
for European IBM. Also, the training is tailored to the needs of partner
non-EU countries and a special iteration of the course is delivered to
Course on Schengen
The aim of this course is to promote professional knowledge on how
Evaluations (incl.
to carry out an objective evaluation mission in the fields of air, sea
Thematic Schengen
and land borders, as well as return. The training is based on the
“learning by doing” method, meaning that the theoretical part of the
training is limited. Knowledge is embedded through very practical
exercises carried on in a real environment via on-site visit-
simulations at real border crossing points and return facilities of
selected Member States.
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Course on Advance
The aim of this course is to facilitate harmonised capabilities of
MS/SACs to use the advanced traveller information analysis to
(practitioner level)
safeguard efficient and effective border management and to mitigate
risks to internal security at the EU level. The course provides basic
training for border guards performing tactical risk profiling and
traveller targeting at national level.
Course on Vulnerabilities
The aim of this course is to promote a high and uniform standard of
of ABC Systems
border checks at the external borders of the European Union,
including by providing MS/SACs experts with the necessary
knowledge, skills and competences in order to assess ABC systems
vulnerabilities and take appropriate mitigations to reduce risk
likelihood and impact on internal security.
Course on Customs and
The aim of Customs and Border Guard cooperation Advisers’ course
Border Guard
is to increase synergies and the tactical cooperation between border
Cooperation - Advisers
guards and customs officers working at the EU land, maritime and air
external borders. Among the operational aspects covered by this
course are: the legal basis for enhanced cooperation, the impact of
border guard-customs cooperation and relevant mutual benefits,
SOPs for the common border checks, solutions to be applied at the
local, regional and national level for enhanced border guard-customs
cooperation as well as the preventive anti-corruption measures at the
external borders.
Course on Entry-Exit-
The aim of the course is to support Member States in preparing their
border guards for the introduction of the entry-exit-system at the
external borders. The target group of the course are multipliers from
MS/SACs who will take the responsibility to spread the gained
knowledge and skills at national level.
Course on European
The aim of the course is to support MS/SACs in building the capacity
Travel Information and
of their border guards for the introduction of the European Travel
Authorisation System
Information and Authorisation System at the external borders. Staff
members of the ETIAS Central Unit are an additional target group.
Situational Awareness and Situation Monitoring related training products
Course on CIRAM
European course for CIRAM risk analysts
The strategic aim of this course is to develop competences and
harmonise practices in the field of risk analysis at European level.
Learners will develop competences in carrying out CIRAM-based risk
analysis to support decision-making. These competences will enable
them to become specialised members of staff with a high degree of
independence and analytical thinking, performing professional tasks
based on the Common Integrated Risk Analysis Model, within the
scope of Integrated Border Management.
The strategic aim of this course is to enhance Member States’
awareness on CIRAM.
The course is delivered on ad hoc basis, in order to support Member
States upscaling national capacities in the area of CIRAM based risk
analysis, including those that had to follow up on vulnerability
assessment process.
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Document and Identity Fraud related training products
Basic Course on False
The format of the Roadshow caters for providing a hands on learning
Documents Detection I
experience, thus allowing officers to respond to the regular
operational front-line needs during the duration of the exercise. The
training was developed to support MSs and SAC countries since based
on the Council Doc. No. 9551/07 and 16261/14) this should not be
responsibility of Frontex but of Member States.
Train the Trainers Course
This course was developed in order to have a universal systematic
on Facial Features for
approach when deciding if the person who presents the document is
Imposter Detection
actually the same person as in the photo and to combat the look alike
fraud successfully.
Due to the use of higher quality security features in identity
documents it has become increasingly difficult to forge such a
document. As a consequence, look alike fraud is more prevalent.
Basic Course on False
This course is delivered in non-EU countries in cooperation with EU
Document Detection II-
Delegation. The course encompasses learner-centred activities,
Consular Staff Training
including theoretical and practical sessions that are also adapted to
the geographical needs.
Course for Specialists on
The aim of this course is to qualify the participants for acting as false
Identity and Security
document experts at specialist level. The content of the course is
based on the Framework for the harmonised programme for the
training of document examiners in three levels (Council Doc. No.
9551/07 and 16261/14) and takes into consideration the latest
developments in the authentication process related to the identity
Document Specialist
FRONTEX, together with the Documents Expert Board will evaluate
the content of the training programme. Based on the results of this
evaluation, the Documents Expert Board will then decide whether
any elements of the training programme, or the training tools used,
should be revised. The Working Party on Frontiers/False Documents
will be informed of all changes made.
Other training products
Ad Hoc Training in the
The ad hoc course is based on the Course for Forced Return Escort
field of Return
Officers and is tailored to the special needs and requirements of
Member States or non-EU countries with special requests. The course
focuses on forced return escort officers carrying out national return
operations and collecting return operations and equips participants
with knowledge on relevant international law, including fundamental
rights and the proportionate use of means of constraints.
Ad hoc courses do not include courses for forced return escort
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Operational Safety and
Online self-paced learning tool focused mainly dedicated to officers
Health E-learning tool for
who will be deployed in places with high migratory pressure and need
extra competences related to operational safety and health of
deployed officers. The tool will encompass knowledge and
information on specific topics such as: people in migration process,
contagious and non-infectious diseases, outbreaks, substance abuse,
mental health, gender-based violence, occupational safety and
health, intercultural communication and mediation.
Once developed, this will be made available under the different
profile dedicated courses.
Inter-agency Cooperation
Area covering different training initiatives decided in the context of
the inter-agency cooperation framework, based on specific needs
European Joint Master's in The European Joint Master’s Programme is intended for mid- to high-
Border level officers of agencies and organisations responsible for border
Management (EJMSBM).
security in the European Union. The programme reflects and supports
Frontex strategic approach to border and coast guard education and
training. It promotes a common EU approach to integrated border
management that meets the organisational needs of border and coast
guards. In 2021 the third iteration of the programme will be facing
its dissertation writing period. The new consortium agreement is
envisaged to be signed.
Strategic Border and
This course aims to address diverse professional development needs
Coast Guard Management
of senior border and coast guard officers offering a set of modules
Training Course (SBCGM).
based on the EJMSBM and focused on strategic management of the
EU border security and European cooperation for the Integrated
Border Management (IBM). It will extend the accessibility of the
master’s valuable learning to a wider target of border and coast
guard senior officers who cannot undergo the master’s studies, but
can selectively study the modules. It will also facilitate the
cooperation, information exchange and sharing of good practices.
The courses will be offered to the participants.
English for Border and This activity integrates various actions related to English proficiency.
Coast Guarding
English for Border and Coast Guarding online courses (basic and
advanced) and manuals aim at enabling the border and coast guard
officers to develop effective communication skills and a correct
professional vocabulary in English for interaction with individuals and
groups while performing border control tasks, in accordance with
national and EU applicable legislation.
In close connection with the QA processes, this activity also includes
the management of the English proficiency assessment tool applied
for the recruitment of the members of standing corps, as well as
trainers and other learners.
Objective 3: Development of effective training methodologies
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Activity / Objective
Course design in line This course contributes to ensuring the operational relevance,
and standards and quality of training programmes and courses in the
Copenhagen principles border and coast guard area. It develops specific skills and
Sectoral competences for the design and review of training, in line with the
Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Border Guarding and
Framework for Border European lifelong learning policies and best practices. The course
aims to build Frontex capacity for designing high quality, effective
and practical training and may be offered also to MS/SAC experts
who contribute to designing border and coast guard courses at
national level and for Frontex. This course is offered as part of the
overall training skills package that includes Training Delivery
methodology and Educational technology courses
BCG Training Delivery This course provides an opportunity for trainers' training,
certification and continuing professional development. It enables
subject matter /operational experts delivering Frontex courses to
uphold the quality standards for training delivery in line with
Frontex requirements and the European policies and good practice
in education and training applicable nationally across EU.
It also ensures the necessary training delivery capacity for the
European standing corps training programme, all categories,
through tailored courses and practical workshops designed to meet
specific training delivery skills.
Training Delivery Skills This course aims to equip the operational experts who will deliver
corps the European standing corps - Category I Training Programme (EST
Category 1
I) with the necessary competences related to training delivery
Introduction Educational This course is designed for practitioners in the field of training for
Border and Coast Guards who would like to develop basic skills and
competences in the area of Educational Technology.
Tailored online delivery
These ad-hoc workshops cover online training methodologies for
internal and external stakeholders i.e. webinar delivery
methodology and learning management system course design.
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